


We are now accepting student registrations for the Exhibition of Undergraduate Research and Creative Achievement (EURçCA), an annual event that showcases research and creative activities by currently enrolled undergraduate students in collaboration with a University of Tennessee, Knoxville faculty mentor.  The year’s event will take place April 13 – 15, 2015 in Hodges Library and the UC Auditorium.  Judging will take place on April 13 and the awards ceremony on April 14.  The exhibits will be available for viewing April 14 and 15 on the 1st and 2nd floors of the Library.  Multiple cash prizes are awarded within each college.

For more information or to register visit

Please note this important update for EURçCA 2015 – “Students may submit classroom projects to be considered for inclusion in EURçCA. Classroom projects that are completed under the supervision of a faculty member and are not intended to contribute to generalizable knowledge but to demonstrate the skill and ability of the student, do not require IRB review. (If after the course, a student would like a classroom project considered as research, IRB approval would need to be sought and the data reanalyzed.)”


Marisa Moazen, Ph.D.
Director, Office of Undergraduate Research
The University of Tennessee, Knoxville
1534 White Avenue
Knoxville, TN 37996
(865) 974-8560<>
Big Orange. Big Ideas.

Marisa Moazen, Ph.D.
Director, Office of Undergraduate Research
The University of Tennessee, Knoxville
1534 White Avenue
Knoxville, TN 37996
(865) 974-8560<>
Big Orange. Big Ideas.

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