Robert A. Washington-Allen
1. Assistant Professor of Geography
2. Environmental Tomography Laboratory
3. Applied Biodiversity Science-IGERT Affiliated Professor:
4. NSF-Research Experience for Undergraduates (REU): Ecohydrology of Tropical Cloud Forests Faculty Mentor
Department of Geography
University of Tennessee
304 Burchfiel Geography Building
1000 Phillip Fulmer Way
Knoxville, TN 37996-0925
Cell: 979-571-4330
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that is to say, the one that is at the same time the 
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--- Isaac Newton

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Subject: [Remote Sensing] : M.S. level research assistantships in remote sensing beginning Fall 2015
Date: January 12, 2015 at 2:29:35 PM EST

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M.S. level research assistantships in remote sensing beginning Fall 2015
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Deepak Mishra
Jan 12, 2015 2:29 PM
Deepak Mishra

Department of Geography, University of Georgia, Athens, invites applications for two M.S. level research assistantships (RA) in remote sensing beginning Fall 2015. Interested applicants are encouraged to apply to the Master's Degree program in Geography at UGA as soon as possible. 

The first RA position is part of an ongoing partnership between the J.W. Jones Ecological Research Center at Ichauway, Newton, Georgia and the UGA Grad School. The successful applicant will work on a project on "Mapping macrophyte distribution in Lake Seminole using multi-spectral multi-platform sensing devices". We would like for the student to be in residence at the Center for the 'research' portion of the project, generally the second year. In addition to an assistantship, the student will be provided with free on-site housing, summer support, laboratory support (including trucks and boats), and a small 'grant' to pay for supplies and travel to meetings.   

The second RA position is part of a USDA NNF fellowship on a project entitled "understanding and managing the risk from cyanobacteria toxicity in farm ponds due to land management and climate interactions". The student is expected to develop an integrative approach using watershed modeling, land use/land cover mapping, and spectral modeling to understand how watershed management activities might drive cyanobacterial harmful algal blooms in Georgia inland waters. 

Assistantships include 2 years of support through the Department of Geography, UGA. Interested candidate may apply online at by February 1, 2015. In case of any questions, please contact Dr. Deepak Mishra ([log in to unmask]) (Tel: 706-542-8927), Department of Geography, UGA. 

Deepak Mishra
University of Georgia
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