

Good Afternoon GBP Members!

I wanted to send out a reminder about the upcoming Salvation Army Bell Ringing Event this Saturday! We will be ringing the bell and encouraging people to donate to the Salvation Army from 10 am – 8pm. We have broken it down into one-hour shifts and you can sign up for two shifts. The location has changed to the Dillard’s at West Town Mall facing Montvue Road.  The google doc to  sign up is under the Salvation Army Event in the event section on our VoLink webpage. Each shift will be one point. If you have a GBP shirt, I encourage you to wear it to the event. This is such a great way for us to give back to our community and support the Salvation Army, so please join us this Saturday, November 21st!

Link to our VoLink Website:

If you have any questions, please email [log in to unmask].
Have a great day! 
Alyssa Powlus
Co-Vice President