Hello GBP Members!

Our monthly chapter meeting will be held this coming Wednesday and Thursday, (November 11th and 12th) at 7 pm. The Wednesday meeting will take place in HSS room 207 and Thursday meeting will take place in HSS room 113. Attached you will find the agenda for this month's meeting. Also, our GBP Mixer is being held Monday, November 9th at 7 pm in HSS 207! It is a potluck so feel free to come and bring some type of food (please place your name and chosen item on the google doc link we have below) since you get a point for attending and one for bringing a food item. This is going to be fun event to get to know other members and an easy way to get those few extra points you may need! 



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I hope you have a wonderful day!

Julia Ferguson

Gamma Beta Phi Co-Vice President