

Hello GBP members!

I just wanted to remind everyone that today is the last day to sign up for the Race Against Cancer and the Furry Festival. We still have plenty of slots open for both opportunities. These two events are both this Sunday, November 8th. For the Furry Festival we will have three shifts from 9 am – 12pm for the event set-up, 12pm – 4pm at the marketing booth, and 2pm –5pm working to help breakdown the event. This is a great way to earn some points! For the Race Against Cancer we will mainly be helping with the course of the race. I am not sure on the time yet because the volunteer coordinator needs a list of all volunteers signed up before she can designate exactly what we will be doing at the race. As a general time frame, it will probably be from 3 pm - 4:30 pm. 

The google docs to sign up are attached. I know there has been some difficulty with the google docs, but that should now be fixed.

Race Against Cancer Sign-Up:

Furry Festival Supporting Young-Williams Sign-Up:

Please email [log in to unmask] if you have any questions. Please do not respond to this email. 

Happy Friday and Go Vols!
Alyssa Powlus
Co-Vice President, GBP