

Good afternoon everyone,
I would like to start off by welcoming our newly inducted GBP members. Welcome to Gamma Beta Phi!  I would like to remind the new members that you can pick your induction packet at the November meeting. You can also pay chapter dues if you have not done so already.

Tonight is the truck or treat in circle park. If you would like to come please show up at 4:30 for set up. If you would like to dress up please do so for an extra point. This is not required to participate but is fun to do. Also you can bring a bag of candy for a point.

I would like to remind every one that our meeting place for the November meeting has changed. It is now in HSS room 207 (11) and 206 (12). November 11 and 12 are the meeting dates but remember you only have to come to one of the meetings not both.

Also if you have not met with your committees this month or you need another meeting of your committee, you need to do so next week! If you are not apart of a committee we will have a committee mixer in November so if you need to join a committee you can gain more information about the committees.  The location is TBA.  Remember you must be apart of a committee to stay in good standing with Gamma Beta Phi.

Many people are confused where to put outside volunteer hours.
This Is the Google doc for volunteer hours that are done outside of Gamma Beta Phi

Again I would like to welcome our new Gamma Beta Phi members!!!

-Emily Carr
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