Freight Transportation Stakeholders:


The American Association of State Highway and Transportation Officials (AASHTO) is working with the U.S. Department of Transportation’s (USDOT’s) Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) to understand Vehicle-to-Infrastructure (V2I) system deployment needs, including application selection, infrastructure planning, and investment decisions that transportation agencies and operators can make to facilitate the transition into connected vehicle operations during the first five years of deployment.  These analyses will inform USDOT’s vision of how regional, state, and local deployments can result in a national connected vehicle footprint and will allow AASHTO and others to develop tools that can assist implementers in prioritizing application and infrastructure deployments.     


It is critical that we gather feedback from the various operators and agencies who will play a role in V2I deployments in order to build effective and helpful tools.  We would very much like your participation in this project, and invite you to attend a webinar on Monday, December 15th from 2pm – 3pm ET or Wednesday, December 17th from 2pm – 3pm ET.  These webinars are interactive and will include some basic background information about the project prior to walking participants through a number of questions to gather responses and feedback.  Background materials will also be sent in advance to all registered participants.


To register, please click on the following links below.  Please note that although the basic materials will be the same, the topics about which we ask questions will be targeted to specific groups of stakeholders.  Both webinars are open to the public.


State DOTs, MPOs, counties, cities, other municipal or regional agencies, Toll Authorities, and other interested stakeholder groups:


Infrastructure Manufacturers and Operators, Data Brokers, Freight, Transit Operators, and other interested stakeholder groups:


Please contact Carlos Alban ([log in to unmask]) for any additional information.


We look forward to seeing you online!