

Hey everyone,

I'm sending this back out to the listserv today for a number of reasons--most importantly because I didn't want the last message lost in last Friday's Halloween festivities. So, in case you didn't see this announcement last week, check it out below! We've had a few people express interest, but we'd love some more!

STC-ETC is thinking of having a pre-Thanksgiving get together at a restaurant to hang out and be merry in each other's company.

This get together is a little different from our Suttree's social. We want to expand it and include families, so bring your significant other, your kids, your parents, your friends... Eat a little; eat a lot--the tab is yours!

Please email me at [log in to unmask] (you can just hit reply now--had to get this email address listserv-accepted) and answer the below questions if you're interested.

1. Would you attend? The date we selected is the Saturday before Thanksgiving, November 22, early evening to leave time for other events.

2. If you would attend, would you bring guests? If so, how many?

3. Would you like to recommend a restaurant? Right now, we're thinking somewhere in Market Square, but that's not a definite by any stretch of the imagination--and we want to know what you would want!

Also: Don't forget to "like" our new Facebook page (Society for Technical Communication, East Tennessee Chapter), follow our new twitter feed (@STC_EastTN), and check out the new website (

DYLAN A. PLATZ, President
STC-ETC 2014