

Hey guys,

If you want to go on the Obed trip this weekend, this is your last chance to sign up!

Here is who I have signed up as of now. If your name is not on the list, and you don't email me as soon as possible, you won't be able to go.

Austin Eddy
Hunter Pons
Davis Coulter
Joshua Moran
Sam Tabor
Brandon Clackum
Dustin Gay
Lindsey Morrell
Hayley Moran
Luis Casillas
Brian Payne

And Brandon Clackum is not good to go as he hasn't paid dues.

The Ocoee trip was cancelled.

We will be having a moonlit bike ride around Cade's Cove a week from today after the meeting, let me know if you'd like to go. Basically we will rent road bikes before the meeting and then after the meeting we will load them up and head out and then come back late that night. Its usually pretty fun.

Austin Eddy

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