

A reminder about  our “Research Treats” program about the SciVal tool and a quick update--

You may also want to bring your computer to sign in and surf during the talk so you can try out the tool and share your observations and questions.

See you at noon in Scripps Lab!


PS— Feel free to drop by for a delicacy even if you can’t stay long :) 

Suzie Allard, Ph.D.
Associate Dean for Research, College of Communication & Information
Professor, School of Information Sciences
Director, Center for Information & Communication Studies

University of Tennessee
1345 Circle Park Drive | 423 Communications Building| Knoxville, TN | 37996-0341 | USA
T  865.974.1369 | F  865.974.7878 | E [log in to unmask] | W

From: <Allard>, Suzie Allard <[log in to unmask]>
Reply-To: CCI Research <[log in to unmask]>
Date: Wednesday, October 8, 2014 at 1:56 PM
To: CCI Research <[log in to unmask]>
Subject: [CCI-RESEARCH] Research Treats -- Dollars and Delicacies

Do you wonder whether researchers in your area are being funded? And by who?

Are you looking for collaborative opportunities where your research can make an impact in a neighboring discipline?

Would you like to share a fun hour with your CCI friends and share some lunchtime delicacies? (bring your lunch, delicacies provided)

Join us tomorrow for a special CCI focused session about the SciVal tool presented by Jim Mazzouccuolo from the Office of Research and Engagement.

UT’s subscription to the SciVal tool means we get to use it for free! It allows you to  find  new research opportunities,  match your specific research interests with funding opportunities, set notifications  to learn about new grant opportunities for your research, and find other  investigators in your field.

The CICS team is always here to help you find new opportunities and potential research collaborators. SciVal is a nice augmentation to that by providing you with fingertip control to shape your own experience in exploring new frontiers for collaborations and funding opportunities in your research area.  Join us for an hour to get the full story of capabilities and limitations :)  


WHAT: SciVal tool presentation (treats included)

WHERE: Scripps Lab

WHEN: Thursday  noon-1 pm

WHO is INVITED: All CCI researchers and CCI graduate students


Suzie Allard, Ph.D.

Associate Dean for Research, College of Communication & Information
Professor, School of Information Sciences
Director, Center for Information & Communication Studies

University of Tennessee
1345 Circle Park Drive | 423 Communications Building| Knoxville, TN | 37996-0341 | USA
T  865.974.1369 | F  865.974.7878 | E [log in to unmask] | W