

New Mexico State Librarian                                      


The State of New Mexico, Department of Cultural Affairs, seeks an enthusiastic and advocacy-oriented individual to fill the position of State Librarian and Director of the New Mexico State Library (NMSL) Division. The New Mexico Department of Cultural Affairs (DCA) is one of the largest and most respected cultural affairs agencies in the nation. DCA and NMSL are located in beautiful, historic Santa Fe – New Mexico’s heart of governmental, artistic, and cultural activities. The State Librarian will have expansive partnering opportunities with other divisions within DCA including museum and historic sites’ education programs and collections, and preservation, arts, and archaeological programs. 


The New Mexico State Library has a staff of 47 full time employees and an annual budget of $5.7 million.  The successful candidate will administer relevant and valued services to over 100 public and tribal libraries in New Mexico and will generally promote an effective statewide library system. The State Librarian will advocate for and oversee the provision of services directly to New Mexico’s culturally diverse and special populations; and will foster positive and cooperative working relationships with other educational services and state and national library agencies. Understanding the roles of contemporary libraries in today’s societies, the State Librarian will move progressively toward a future with innovative programs and services while continuously evaluating and supporting those of value that currently exist. The State Librarian will be responsible for administering grants-in-aid, library extension, development services, and the state documents depository program. The State Librarian will perform other duties as provided by the law and assure that NMSL meets all statutory requirements of the State of New Mexico. 


The successful candidate will have a strong and positive record in policy administration and strategic planning, budget planning and execution, leadership, and personnel management. The candidate will also possess the desire and ability to construct effective coalitions and work successfully with legislative, governmental, and other policy-making bodies.  Knowledge and understanding of current library technologies are valuable assets an ideal candidate will bring to the position. A demonstrated ability to communicate effectively to a wide variety of audiences will be essential to the candidate’s success as the State Librarian. Support of New Mexico public and tribal libraries is central to the mission of the State Library; accordingly, some public and/or tribal library experience is preferred. 




·         A Master’s Degree in Library or Information Science from an ALA-accredited library program, eight (8) years of progressively responsible experience in libraries that includes at least five (5) years of experience in library management and/or administration. 

·         Record of successful experience in management, policy administration, budgeting, and planning for a similar entity to the State Library.

·         Demonstrated ability to direct a complex organization, evaluate program performance, and implement effective solutions to ensure ongoing program refinement and enhancement for improvement.

Salary compensation:  $75,000 - $85,000 per year.


Candidates should provide a letter of interest including a statement responding to the requirements outlined in the position announcement (no more than three pages), a comprehensive resume, unofficial transcripts reflecting award of required graduate degree, and names and contact information for three to five professional references. Deadline for submission is October 31, 2014.


To apply: Send application packet to the attention of Lori Smith Thornton (on behalf of the NM State Librarian Search Committee) at:


New Mexico State Library

Department of Cultural Affairs

1209 Camino Carlos Rey

Santa Fe, NM 87507

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Offer contingent upon verification of eligibility for employment in the United States. The State of New Mexico is an EEO/Affirmative Action Employer. All offers of employment, oral and written, are contingent on the employer’s verification of credentials and other information required by federal law, state law, and other applicable policies/procedures.



Jobeth Bradbury

Bradbury Associates/Gossage Sager Associates

4545 Wornall Rd, Ste. 805

Kansas City, MO 64111

816-803-7087 (cell); 816-531-2468 (office)

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------=_NextPart_000_0367_01CFCE98.C5143360-- ========================================================================Date: Fri, 12 Sep 2014 20:24:04 +0000 Reply-To: "Arnold, Tanya" <[log in to unmask]> Sender: UTSIS-Jobs <[log in to unmask]> From: "Arnold, Tanya" <[log in to unmask]> Subject: FW: Hispanic Serving and Undergraduate Success Librarian In-Reply-To: <[log in to unmask]> Content-Type: multipart/alternative; boundary="_000_2126123C3E02B74DBE3DD197AEDC26129FE4B819kmbx4utktenness_" MIME-Version: 1.0 --_000_2126123C3E02B74DBE3DD197AEDC26129FE4B819kmbx4utktenness_ Content-Type: text/plain; charset="utf-8" Content-Transfer-Encoding: base64 SGlzcGFuaWMgU2VydmluZyBhbmQgVW5kZXJncmFkdWF0ZSBTdWNjZXNzIExpYnJhcmlhbg0KU2Fu IERpZWdvIFN0YXRlIFVuaXZlcnNpdHkNClNhbiBEaWVnbywgQ0ENCg0KVGhpcyBmdWxsLXRpbWUs IHRlbnVyZS10cmFjayBmYWN1bHR5IHBvc2l0aW9uIHdpbGwgY29vcmRpbmF0ZSBsaWJyYXJ5IGlu c3RydWN0aW9uIGZvciB1bmRlcmdyYWR1YXRlIHdyaXRpbmcgY291cnNlcyBhbmQgZGV2ZWxvcCBw 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c29Ob3JtYWwiPjxzcGFuIHN0eWxlPSJmb250LWZhbWlseTomcXVvdDtHYXJhbW9uZCZxdW90Oywm cXVvdDtzZXJpZiZxdW90OyI+QXNzb2NpYXRlIERlYW4ncyBBc3Npc3RhbnQ8L3NwYW4+PG86cD48 L286cD48L3A+DQo8L2Rpdj4NCjxkaXY+DQo8cCBjbGFzcz0iTXNvTm9ybWFsIj48c3BhbiBzdHls ZT0iZm9udC1mYW1pbHk6JnF1b3Q7R2FyYW1vbmQmcXVvdDssJnF1b3Q7c2VyaWYmcXVvdDsiPlNh biBEaWVnbyBTdGF0ZSBVbml2ZXJzaXR5PGJyPg0KNTUwMCBDYW1wYW5pbGUgRHJpdmU8YnI+DQpT YW4gRGllZ28sIENBIDkyMTgyLTgwNTA8L3NwYW4+PG86cD48L286cD48L3A+DQo8L2Rpdj4NCjxk aXY+DQo8cCBjbGFzcz0iTXNvTm9ybWFsIj48c3BhbiBzdHlsZT0iZm9udC1mYW1pbHk6JnF1b3Q7 R2FyYW1vbmQmcXVvdDssJnF1b3Q7c2VyaWYmcXVvdDsiPiZuYnNwOzwvc3Bhbj48bzpwPjwvbzpw PjwvcD4NCjwvZGl2Pg0KPGRpdj4NCjxwIGNsYXNzPSJNc29Ob3JtYWwiPjxzcGFuIHN0eWxlPSJm b250LWZhbWlseTomcXVvdDtHYXJhbW9uZCZxdW90OywmcXVvdDtzZXJpZiZxdW90OyI+T2ZmaWNl ICg2MTkpIDU5NC0wNjY4PC9zcGFuPjxvOnA+PC9vOnA+PC9wPg0KPC9kaXY+DQo8ZGl2Pg0KPHAg Y2xhc3M9Ik1zb05vcm1hbCI+PHNwYW4gc3R5bGU9ImZvbnQtZmFtaWx5OiZxdW90O0dhcmFtb25k JnF1b3Q7LCZxdW90O3NlcmlmJnF1b3Q7Ij5mYXggKDYxOSkgNTk0LTI3MDA8L3NwYW4+PG86cD48 L286cD48L3A+DQo8L2Rpdj4NCjxkaXY+DQo8cCBjbGFzcz0iTXNvTm9ybWFsIj48YSBocmVmPSJt YWlsdG86a3dvb2RidXJ5QG1haWwuc2RzdS5lZHUiIHRhcmdldD0iX2JsYW5rIj48c3BhbiBzdHls ZT0iZm9udC1mYW1pbHk6JnF1b3Q7R2FyYW1vbmQmcXVvdDssJnF1b3Q7c2VyaWYmcXVvdDsiPmt3 b29kYnVyeUBtYWlsLnNkc3UuZWR1PC9zcGFuPjwvYT48bzpwPjwvbzpwPjwvcD4NCjwvZGl2Pg0K PC9kaXY+DQo8L2Rpdj4NCjwvZGl2Pg0KPC9kaXY+DQo8L2JvZHk+DQo8L2h0bWw+DQo --_000_2126123C3E02B74DBE3DD197AEDC26129FE4B819kmbx4utktenness_-- ========================================================================Date: Mon, 15 Sep 2014 07:45:56 -0500 Reply-To: Jobeth Bradbury <[log in to unmask]> Sender: UTSIS-Jobs <[log in to unmask]> From: Jobeth Bradbury <[log in to unmask]> Subject: Crown Point Community Library (Suburban Chicago) Director -Closes Sunday-One week! Comments: To: [log in to unmask] MIME-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: multipart/alternative; boundary="----=_NextPart_000_0094_01CFD0B9.16EDE3D0" ------=_NextPart_000_0094_01CFD0B9.16EDE3D0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii" Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit Library Director- Crown Point Community Library Read.Discover.Connect. Discover and connect with the charm and character of Crown Point and the Crown Point Community Library. The Crown Point Community Library Board of Trustees seeks a talented and energetic Director to lead the Library and its constituents to meet the needs of this growing community. The Library Director will provide quality leadership, direct and support staff, and bring new ideas and exciting innovation to the Library. Crown Point Community Library, located in Lake County, Indiana, serves the 42,000 residents of Center and Winfield Townships. Governed by a seven-member Board of Trustees, the two library locations-downtown Crown Point Library and the Winfield Library-provide excellent services and programs with 39 staff and a $1.6 million annual budget. The Library, originally established as a Carnegie library, realized in 2005 that is was rapidly outgrowing and outpacing its facility. In 2010, the Library passed a successful $12 million bond issue and the "new" Crown Point Library opened in 2012. Crown Point , the "Hub of Lake County, IN," is the county center anchored by the stunning Lake County Court House and the Public Library located on a thriving square with retail and restaurants. This "jewel" of a growing community-the population has increased exponentially within the last 14 years-provides a family-friendly, small town lifestyle with nearby city amenities (Chicago and Indianapolis are a short drive away). Local residents will find excellent public schools, strong neighborhoods, and affordable housing. Purdue University, Valparaiso University, Ivy Tech Community College, Indiana University Northwest, and University of St. Francis offer higher education opportunities. In addition to its modern charm, Crown Point has an abundance of historic architecture and invites its visitors and residents to explore it through walking tours and a visit to the Lake County Historical Museum. For more information about the Library, Crown Point and Lake County, visit Crown Point Links . Responsibilities. Under the direction of the Library Board of Trustees, the Library Director develops, administers, supervises, and coordinates the work of the Library and staff, performs managerial duties related to personnel, budget, collection development, building maintenance, and library operations and services in conformity of the policies established by the Board of Trustees and the laws of the Indiana State Library. The successful candidate will be able to balance traditional service while implementing new, bold, thoughtful programs and services. See Crown Point Library Director to see the complete job description. Qualifications. Minimum qualifications include an ALA-accredited Master's Degree in Library Science; the ability to obtain and retain an Indiana Librarian Certificate 1; and ten years progressively responsible library experience (or six years library experience including three years of supervisory experience). Essential attributes and skills include: excellent communication and organizational skills; the ability and desire to plan, develop, and administer the activities of a public library; supervisory experience; and an understanding and appreciation of library best practices in the areas of intellectual freedom, collections, and library technologies. The successful candidate must also demonstrate the ability to establish and maintain effective working relationships with the Board, staff, and community stakeholders. Successful experience as a library director reporting to a governing board is desirable. Compensation. The starting salary range is $62,000 to $74,000 (with placement dependent upon experience and qualifications) with an attractive benefits package. For further information contact Bradbury Associates/Gossage Sager Associates via email or telephone. To start the application process, send a meaningful cover letter and your resume as Word or pdf attachments via email to Karen Miller or Jobeth Bradbury on or before the closing date of September 21, 2014. Jobeth Bradbury Bradbury Associates/Gossage Sager Associates 4545 Wornall Rd, Ste. 805 Kansas City, MO 64111 816-803-7087 (cell); 816-531-2468 (office) ------=_NextPart_000_0094_01CFD0B9.16EDE3D0 Content-Type: text/html; boundary="----=_NextPart_000_01C9_01CFAFEA.33A98730"; charset="us-ascii" Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable

Library Director- Crown Point Community Library


Read…Discover…Connect. Discover and connect with the charm and character of Crown Point and the Crown Point Community Library. The Crown Point Community Library Board of Trustees seeks a talented and energetic Director to lead the Library and its constituents to meet the needs of this growing community.  The Library Director will provide quality leadership, direct and support staff, and bring new ideas and exciting innovation to the Library.  Crown Point Community Library, located in Lake County, Indiana, serves the 42,000 residents of Center and Winfield Townships.  Governed by a seven-member Board of Trustees, the two library locations—downtown Crown Point Library and the Winfield Library—provide excellent services and programs with 39 staff and a $1.6 million annual budget. The Library, originally established as a Carnegie library, realized in 2005 that is was rapidly outgrowing and outpacing its facility. In 2010, the Library passed a successful $12 million bond issue and the “new” Crown Point Library opened in 2012.


Crown Point, the “Hub of Lake County, IN,” is the county center anchored by the stunning Lake County Court House and the Public Library located on a thriving square with retail and restaurants. This “jewel” of a growing community—the population has increased exponentially within the last 14 years—provides a family-friendly, small town lifestyle with nearby city amenities (Chicago and Indianapolis are a short drive away). Local residents will find excellent public schools, strong neighborhoods, and affordable housing. Purdue University, Valparaiso University, Ivy Tech Community College, Indiana University Northwest, and University of St. Francis offer higher education opportunities. In addition to its modern charm, Crown Point has an abundance of historic architecture and invites its visitors and residents to explore it through walking tours and a visit to the Lake County Historical Museum. For more information about the Library, Crown Point and Lake County, visit Crown Point Links.


Responsibilities. Under the direction of the Library Board of Trustees, the Library Director develops, administers, supervises, and coordinates the work of the Library and staff, performs managerial duties related to personnel, budget, collection development, building maintenance, and library operations and services in conformity of the policies established by the Board of Trustees and the laws of the Indiana State Library. The successful candidate will be able to balance traditional service while implementing new, bold, thoughtful programs and services. See Crown Point Library Director to see the complete job description.


Qualifications. Minimum qualifications include an ALA-accredited Master's Degree in Library Science; the ability to obtain and retain an Indiana Librarian Certificate 1; and ten years progressively responsible library experience (or six years library experience including three years of supervisory experience). Essential attributes and skills include: excellent communication and organizational skills; the ability and desire to plan, develop, and administer the activities of a public library; supervisory experience; and an understanding and appreciation of library best practices in the areas of intellectual freedom, collections, and library technologies. The successful candidate must also demonstrate the ability to establish and maintain effective working relationships with the Board, staff, and community stakeholders. Successful experience as a library director reporting to a governing board is desirable.


Compensation.  The starting salary range is $62,000 to $74,000 (with placement dependent upon experience and qualifications) with an attractive benefits package.


For further information contact Bradbury Associates/Gossage Sager Associates via email or telephone. To start the application process, send a meaningful cover letter and your resume as Word or pdf attachments via email to Karen Miller or Jobeth Bradbury on or before the closing date of September 21, 2014.



Jobeth Bradbury

Bradbury Associates/Gossage Sager Associates

4545 Wornall Rd, Ste. 805

Kansas City, MO 64111

816-803-7087 (cell); 816-531-2468 (office)


------=_NextPart_000_0094_01CFD0B9.16EDE3D0-- ========================================================================Date: Mon, 15 Sep 2014 19:03:38 +0000 Reply-To: "Mcclanahan, Karen Jean" <[log in to unmask]> Sender: UTSIS-Jobs <[log in to unmask]> From: "Mcclanahan, Karen Jean" <[log in to unmask]> Subject: FW: Paid Spring Internships - all STEM fields In-Reply-To: <[log in to unmask]> Content-Type: multipart/alternative; boundary="_000_D03CB020795A2kmcclan3utkedu_" MIME-Version: 1.0 --_000_D03CB020795A2kmcclan3utkedu_ Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii" Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable ________________________________ From: Liv Detrick <[log in to unmask]> Sent: Friday, September 12, 2014 3:29 PM To: Lemieux III, Paul Alfred Subject: Paid Spring Internships - all STEM fields Dear Paul, NASA offers paid spring semester internships in a wide variety of STEM disciplines! Internships are available at both the undergraduate and graduate level. There are currently 90+ internships available. The deadline to apply is October 12th. You may apply for up to 15 specific internship opportunities across the country! Please visit for more information and to apply. Sincerely, Liv Detrick NASA OSSI Broker Facilitator IBP Web Developer Institute for Broadening Participation (IBP) The mission of the Institute for Broadening Participation is to increase diversity in the Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics (STEM) workforce. Our goal is to help students successfully pursue their careers in science, technology, engineering and mathematics. Our website ( lists hundreds of programs and opportunities around the nation that provides funding, mentorship, fellowships/internships, summer programs, etc. that are dedicated to helping students along their educational pathways and eventual careers. We occasionally email students about opportunities relevant to their level of study and disciplinary interests. If you wish to unsubscribe, please reply to this message with "Unsubscribe" in the subject line. --_000_D03CB020795A2kmcclan3utkedu_ Content-Type: text/html; charset="us-ascii" Content-ID: <[log in to unmask]> Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable

From: Liv Detrick <[log in to unmask]>
Sent: Friday, September 12, 2014 3:29 PM
To: Lemieux III, Paul Alfred
Subject: Paid Spring Internships - all STEM fields

Dear Paul,


NASA offers paid spring semester internships in a wide variety of STEM disciplines!


Internships are available at both the undergraduate and graduate level.


There are currently 90+ internships available.


The deadline to apply is October 12th.  You may apply for up to 15 specific internship opportunities across the country!


Please visit for more information and to apply.




Liv Detrick
NASA OSSI Broker Facilitator
IBP Web Developer
Institute for Broadening Participation (IBP)

The mission of the Institute for Broadening Participation is to increase diversity in the Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics (STEM) workforce. Our goal is to help students successfully pursue their careers in science, technology, engineering and mathematics.  Our website ( lists hundreds of programs and opportunities around the nation that provides funding, mentorship, fellowships/internships, summer programs, etc. that are dedicated to helping students along their educational pathways and eventual careers.

We occasionally email students about opportunities relevant to their level of study and disciplinary interests. If you wish to unsubscribe, please reply to this message with "Unsubscribe" in the subject line.

--_000_D03CB020795A2kmcclan3utkedu_-- ========================================================================Date: Mon, 15 Sep 2014 16:30:25 -0500 Reply-To: "C.M. Underdown-DuBois" <[log in to unmask]> Sender: UTSIS-Jobs <[log in to unmask]> From: "C.M. Underdown-DuBois" <[log in to unmask]> Subject: 09-15-2014 job opportunities Comments: To: "[log in to unmask]" <[log in to unmask]>, Lucinda Scanlon <[log in to unmask]>, Sarah Alleman <[log in to unmask]>, Tracey Hughes <[log in to unmask]> MIME-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: multipart/alternative; boundary="e89a8f83a443042f2c050321591f" --e89a8f83a443042f2c050321591f Content-Type: text/plain; charset="UTF-8" Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable 1. [LinkedIn] Special Collections Librarian, United States Golf Association - Greater New York City Area 2. [LinkedIn] Corporate Librarian, Sentry Insurance - Stevens Point, WI 3. [LinkedIn] Digital Asset Librarian / Content Steward, Aquent Studios - North Wales 1. [LinkedIn] Special Collections Librarian, United States Golf Association - Greater New York City Area Job description This position is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity for an experienced hands-on library professional to oversee one of the world’s premier sports libraries. The Special Collections Librarian will work with the Museum Director to develop, supervise and execute the tactical plans that will to ensure the USGA’s Library remains the leading golf research center in the world. The Librarian will use best archival practices to process the collections; support researchers; catalog books, periodicals, and other written materials on a day-to-day basis; identify materials needing repair and conservation; ensure use of proper preservation techniques; help prepare information and collections for USGA content; and perform any other function necessary to the Library’s operation. This will include developing, documenting, prioritizing and administering procedures, policies and guidelines for the use of materials in the Library. The Special Collections Librarian will also maintain a database of all archived material within the Library and propose changes and updates as appropriate to the existing system. This position will have formal training and an understanding of current best-practices in Library Science and knowledge of digital technologies and resources. The successful candidate will be knowledgeable about the acquisition and preservation of digital records and will be asked to develop and implement a comprehensive digital collections plan for the Library. *What You Can Expect:* - Execute day-to-day library functions related to acquisitions (print and digital), cataloguing, preservation, minor conservation and directing Assistant Librarian, consultants and vendors - Responsible for acquisitions, cataloging, preservation and maintenance, reference requests, records management, technology, digitization, security and coordination with internal and external users - Manages the Library’s tactical planning, archival practices, outreach and collaboration with other research institutions - Oversees a librarian setting daily responsibilities, determining project priorities, tracking critical metrics and implementing tactical planning - Develops and implements a Digital Collection Management program that addresses emerging trends and technologies in special libraries - Represents the Library regarding policy and budget proposals - Monitors, analyzes, evaluates and communicates staffing, space, equipment and fiscal needs of the Library - Establishes policies and procedures for new acquisitions and oversees the collection of original historical documents and reference material - Determines needs for collection management system and supervises implementation in collaboration with technical staff - Develops and carries out best-practices, policies and procedures for the Library - Determines the research value of documents or library materials offered to the Library (in collaboration with the Director, Assistant Director and Senior Curator/Historian) and assesses donation of materials that fits the mission of the USGA Library as defined by the collections development plan. - Works with donors to secure materials - Trains/instructs USGA staff in library search and database techniques - Oversees interns, specialty vendors/consultants and volunteers based on the needs of the Library - Directs entire USGA staff to engage in proactive documentation on Association records - Attends local, national and international professional meetings and establishes and maintains relationships with other institutions - Represents the USGA Museum and Association to the general public and to the scholarly community at large - Additional duties assigned as needed Desired Skills and Experience - Master’s degree in Library Science, Archival Management or related field is required - 3-5 years professional library and/or archival experience with increasing levels of supervisory responsibility and operational decision making in a corporate, museum or special collections library - Strong planning and communication skills - Expert knowledge of archival principles and practices - Knowledge of golf and golf history is highly desirable - Knowledge of preservation and conservation standards for library and archival collections - Experience in information technology applications in a Special Collections environment, including digitization technologies, collection management systems and digital asset management systems - Experience in the preparation of finding aids and other discovery tools *Preferred Skills and Abilities:* - Detail-oriented with ability to organize and prioritize tasks to meet deadlines and manage multiple projects concurrently - Skill in managing multiple projects concurrently - Highly motivated individual who enjoys a high level of responsibility and accountability - Outstanding analytical, oral and written communication skills, organizational skills and interpersonal skills - Outstanding team orientation, flexibility, and ability to work both independently and collaboratively - Ability to interact with Museum colleagues, donors, the general public, academics, students, scholars, historians and writers - Ability to work in a fast paced environment - Ability to lift 40 pounds unassisted - ---------------------- - 2.[LinkedIn] Corporate Librarian, Sentry Insurance - Stevens Point, WI - Job description Overview Provides leadership and coordination of library activities, with responsibility for the effective management and administration of the Sentry Library to provide information resources for all company operations. What You'll Do - Maintains awareness of internal and external reference sources including Internet and interlibrary loan. - Analyzes, packages, and delivers information in an effective manner, which may include locating appropriate/applicable materials using resources either in print or on-line and may require database search skills. - Assures financial responsibility through effective planning and control of all library expenditures. - Develops databases required for library effectiveness. - Evaluates advances in technology which impact quality of reference retrieval. - Collects and organizes information in various forms and formats. - Reviews reference and research requests. - Maintains, analyzes, and suggests upgrades to library computer system as technology and user needs demand. - Develops appropriate training tools for staff and users as electronic products demand. - Reviews department functions and user needs to select and maintain optimum information sources in print and electronic format. - Maintains control of classification, cataloging, and indexing procedures. - Supervises access to information through library bulletin board postings, clipping of pertinent information, updating of periodicals listings, maintenance of card catalog, and preparation of general library information handouts. What it Takes - Bachelors Degree - 5-8 years of related work experience. - Strong understanding of current library operations and practices and strong organization skills. - Emphasis in Library Science and previous library work experience, or equivalent education and/or experience. - Good human relations and communication skills. - Knowledge of company history. - Demonstrated familiarity with library automation systems and procedures, bibliographic access and circulation. - Knowledge of information technology as it relates to retrieval systems, on-line databases, and search skills on the Internet, WESTLAW, etc. What You'll Receive Sentry's excellent benefits package is designed to meet today's most important needs. Benefits for full-time Sentry Insurance employees include: - Competitive Compensation - Group Medical, Dental, Vision and Life - 401 (K) plan with a *dollar-for-dollar *match on your first six percent - Comprehensive paid training - Generous Paid-Time Off Plan - Pretax Dependant Care and Health Expense Reimbursement Accounts How You'll Apply Sentry Insurance has an online employment application. In order to complete it, you need to apply for a specific position. We ask that you apply for one position at a time with us; so if you are interested in several positions, please determine the position in which you are most interested and apply for that position first. If you are not selected for your first choice, we invite you to apply for the next job in which you are interested. If this is the first time you have applied for a position at Sentry, you will be asked to register. Returning applicants will only need to provide their email address and password. Who You'll Want to Contact Javier Sotelo at 715/346-6742 [log in to unmask] About Sentry Sentry employees have been helping individuals and businesses build and protect their futures since 1904. Because of the trust placed in us, Sentry is one of the largest and strongest mutual insurance companies in the United States, and is rated A+ by A.M. Best, the industry's leading rating authority. Equal Employment Opportunity It is our policy that there be no discrimination in employment based on race, color, national origin, religion, sex, disability, age, marital status, or sexual orientation. Desired Skills and Experience Maintains awareness of internal and external reference sources including Internet and interlibrary loan. Analyzes, packages, and delivers information in an effective manner, which may include locating appropriate/applicable materials using resources either in print or on-line and may require database search skills. Assures financial responsibility through effective planning and control of all library expenditures. Develops databases required for library effectiveness. Evaluates advances in technology which impact quality of reference retrieval. Collects and organizes information in various forms and formats. Reviews reference and research requests. Maintains, analyzes, and suggests upgrades to library computer system as technology and user needs demand. Develops appropriate training tools for staff and users as electronic products demand. Reviews department functions and user needs to select and maintain optimum information sources in print and electronic format. Maintains control of classification, cataloging, and indexing procedures. Supervises access to information through library bulletin board postings, clipping of pertinent information, updating of periodicals listings, maintenance of card catalog, and preparation of general library information handouts. Performs other job-related duties requiring the same general knowledge, skills and degree of responsibility commensurate with assigned level. ------------------------------------ 3. [LinkedIn] Digital Asset Librarian / Content Steward, Aquent Studios - North Wales Job description This is a unique opportunity to apply your skills in content and digital asset management (i.e. taxonomy, indexing, cataloguing, archiving, metadata tagging, content management systems) toward an innovative content transformation initiative (CTI) with a global pharmaceutical company. Our client is implementing a web content management solution for the reuse of modular marketing promotional content through multiple channels (web, print, e-mail, iPad, social) and the Content Steward plays a critical leadership role in this initiative. The Content Steward manages and maintains all modular content deemed as master content for the digital repository, which contains print and online content as well as images and videos. This includes ensuring that the storing, archiving, and taxonomical layout of information resources are consistent across and throughout the organization. The Content Steward is responsible for keeping all metadata associated with content up-to-date and accurate. Other responsibilities include the following collaborative committee work: - Prepare a long-term plan for categorizing, indexing and archiving all content and information resources, whether they be generated in-house or derived from third-party agents. - Develop a comprehensive taxonomy for organizing information resources based on business goals and requirements from stakeholders. - Assess, recommend, and purchase corporate library development tools as required, and track new standards and methodologies. - Compile and maintain a detailed inventory of existing electronic and print marketing tactic resources, and identify knowledge gaps and make recommendations. Desired Skills and Experience - Master of Science in Library and Information Science (MSLIS) from an American Library Association accredited program. A concentration in Digital Libraries is preferred. - Organizational skills to develop a successful strategy that expands future digital content discovery and delivery to the CMS - Experience as a digital reference librarian, an interface designer, an enhanced service provider for digital collections in libraries, or a webmaster in libraries and other organizations is a plus - 2-3 years’ experience in records management and in cataloging and classifying materials - Demonstrated familiarity with metadata standards, communication standards, and classifying systems. - Experience with Content Management Systems (CMS), SDL Tridion experience is preferred - Broad knowledge of library tools, systems, and resources in corporate organizations. Solid technology background, including Microsoft Office Suite software, and familiarity with trends in delivery of electronic information --e89a8f83a443042f2c050321591f Content-Type: text/html; charset="UTF-8" Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable
1. [LinkedIn] Special Collections Librarian, United States Golf Association - Greater New York City Area
2. [LinkedIn] Corporate Librarian, Sentry Insurance - Stevens Point, WI
3. [LinkedIn] Digital Asset Librarian / Content Steward, 

Aquent Studios - North Wales

1. [LinkedIn] Special Collections Librarian, United States Golf Association - Greater New York City Area

Job description

This position is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity for an experienced hands-on library professional to oversee one of the world’s premier sports libraries. The Special Collections Librarian will work with the Museum Director to develop, supervise and execute the tactical plans that will to ensure the USGA’s Library remains the leading golf research center in the world.


The Librarian will use best archival practices to process the collections; support researchers; catalog books, periodicals, and other written materials on a day-to-day basis; identify materials needing repair and conservation; ensure use of proper preservation techniques; help prepare information and collections for USGA content; and perform any other function necessary to the Library’s operation. This will include developing, documenting, prioritizing and administering procedures, policies and guidelines for the use of materials in the Library.


The Special Collections Librarian will also maintain a database of all archived material within the Library and propose changes and updates as appropriate to the existing system. This position will have formal training and an understanding of current best-practices in Library Science and knowledge of digital technologies and resources. The successful candidate will be knowledgeable about the acquisition and preservation of digital records and will be asked to develop and implement a comprehensive digital collections plan for the Library.



What You Can Expect:

  • Execute day-to-day library functions related to acquisitions (print and digital), cataloguing, preservation, minor conservation and directing Assistant Librarian, consultants and vendors
  • Responsible for acquisitions, cataloging, preservation and maintenance, reference requests, records management, technology, digitization, security and coordination with internal and external users
  • Manages the Library’s tactical planning, archival practices, outreach and collaboration with other research institutions 
  • Oversees  a librarian setting daily responsibilities, determining project priorities, tracking critical metrics and implementing tactical planning
  • Develops and implements a Digital Collection Management program that addresses emerging trends and technologies in special libraries
  • Represents the Library regarding policy and budget proposals
  • Monitors, analyzes, evaluates and communicates staffing, space, equipment and fiscal needs of the Library
  • Establishes policies and procedures for new acquisitions and oversees the collection of original historical documents and reference material
  • Determines needs for collection management system and supervises implementation in collaboration with technical staff
  • Develops and carries out best-practices, policies and procedures for the Library
  • Determines the research value of documents or library materials offered to the Library (in collaboration with the Director, Assistant Director and Senior Curator/Historian) and assesses donation of materials that fits the mission of the USGA Library as defined by the collections development plan.
  • Works with donors to secure materials
  • Trains/instructs USGA staff in library search and database techniques
  • Oversees interns, specialty vendors/consultants and volunteers based on the needs of the Library
  • Directs entire USGA staff to engage in proactive documentation on Association records
  • Attends local, national and international professional meetings and establishes and maintains relationships with other institutions
  • Represents the USGA Museum and Association to the general public and to the scholarly community at large
  • Additional duties assigned as needed

Desired Skills and Experience

  • Master’s degree in Library Science, Archival Management or related field is required
  • 3-5 years professional library and/or archival experience with increasing levels of supervisory responsibility and operational decision making in a corporate, museum or special collections library
  • Strong planning and communication skills
  • Expert knowledge of archival principles and practices
  • Knowledge of golf and golf history is highly desirable
  • Knowledge of preservation and conservation standards for library and archival collections
  • Experience in information technology applications in a Special Collections environment, including digitization technologies, collection management systems and digital asset management systems
  • Experience in the preparation of finding aids and other discovery tools


Preferred Skills and Abilities:

  • Detail-oriented with ability to organize and prioritize tasks to meet deadlines and manage multiple projects concurrently
  • Skill in managing multiple projects concurrently
  • Highly motivated individual who enjoys a high level of responsibility and accountability
  • Outstanding analytical, oral and written communication skills, organizational skills and interpersonal skills
  • Outstanding team orientation, flexibility, and ability to work both independently and collaboratively
  • Ability to interact with Museum colleagues, donors, the general public, academics, students, scholars, historians and writers
  • Ability to work in a fast paced environment
  • Ability to lift 40 pounds unassisted
  • ----------------------
  • 2.[LinkedIn] Corporate Librarian, Sentry Insurance - Stevens Point, WI

Job description


Provides leadership and coordination of library activities, with responsibility for the effective management and administration of the Sentry Library to provide information resources for all company operations.

What You'll Do

  • Maintains awareness of internal and external reference sources including Internet and interlibrary loan.
  • Analyzes, packages, and delivers information in an effective manner, which may include locating appropriate/applicable materials using resources either in print or on-line and may require database search skills.
  • Assures financial responsibility through effective planning and control of all library expenditures.
  • Develops databases required for library effectiveness.
  • Evaluates advances in technology which impact quality of reference retrieval.
  • Collects and organizes information in various forms and formats.
  • Reviews reference and research requests. 
  • Maintains, analyzes, and suggests upgrades to library computer system as technology and user needs demand.
  • Develops appropriate training tools for staff and users as electronic products demand.
  • Reviews department functions and user needs to select and maintain optimum information sources in print and electronic format.
  • Maintains control of classification, cataloging, and indexing procedures.
  • Supervises access to information through library bulletin board postings, clipping of pertinent information, updating of periodicals listings, maintenance of card catalog, and preparation of general library information handouts.

What it Takes

  •  Bachelors Degree

  • 5-8 years of related work experience.

  • Strong understanding of current library operations and practices and strong organization skills.

  • Emphasis in Library Science and previous library work experience, or equivalent education and/or experience.

  • Good human relations and communication skills.

  • Knowledge of company history.

  • Demonstrated familiarity with library automation systems and procedures, bibliographic access and circulation.

  • Knowledge of information technology as it relates to retrieval systems,  on-line databases, and search skills on the Internet, WESTLAW, etc.

What You'll Receive

Sentry's excellent benefits package is designed to meet today's most important needs.  Benefits for full-time Sentry Insurance employees include:

  • Competitive Compensation

  • Group Medical, Dental, Vision and Life

  • 401 (K) plan with a dollar-for-dollar match on your first six percent

  • Comprehensive paid training

  • Generous Paid-Time Off Plan

  • Pretax Dependant Care and Health Expense Reimbursement Accounts

How You'll Apply

Sentry Insurance has an online employment application. In order to complete it, you need to apply for a specific position. We ask that you apply for one position at a time with us; so if you are interested in several positions, please determine the position in which you are most interested and apply for that position first. If you are not selected for your first choice, we invite you to apply for the next job in which you are interested.

If this is the first time you have applied for a position at Sentry, you will be asked to register. Returning applicants will only need to provide their email address and password.


Who You'll Want to Contact

Javier Sotelo at 715/346-6742
[log in to unmask]

About Sentry

Sentry employees have been helping individuals and businesses build and protect their futures since 1904.  Because of the trust placed in us, Sentry is one of the largest and strongest mutual insurance companies in the United States, and is rated A+ by A.M. Best, the industry's leading rating authority.


Equal Employment Opportunity

It is our policy that there be no discrimination in employment based on race, color, national origin, religion, sex, disability, age, marital status, or sexual orientation.

Desired Skills and Experience

Maintains awareness of internal and external reference sources including Internet and interlibrary loan.

Analyzes, packages, and delivers information in an effective manner, which may include locating appropriate/applicable materials using resources either in print or on-line and may require database search skills.

Assures financial responsibility through effective planning and control of all library expenditures.

Develops databases required for library effectiveness.

Evaluates advances in technology which impact quality of reference retrieval.

Collects and organizes information in various forms and formats.

Reviews reference and research requests. 

Maintains, analyzes, and suggests upgrades to library computer system as technology and user needs demand.

Develops appropriate training tools for staff and users as electronic products demand.

Reviews department functions and user needs to select and maintain optimum information sources in print and electronic format.

Maintains control of classification, cataloging, and indexing procedures.

Supervises access to information through library bulletin board postings, clipping of pertinent information, updating of periodicals listings, maintenance of card catalog, and preparation of general library information handouts.

Performs other job-related duties requiring the same general knowledge, skills and degree of responsibility commensurate with assigned level.
3. [LinkedIn] Digital Asset Librarian / Content Steward, 

Aquent Studios - North Wales

Job description

This is a unique opportunity to apply your skills in content and digital asset management (i.e. taxonomy, indexing, cataloguing, archiving, metadata tagging, content management systems) toward an innovative content transformation initiative (CTI) with a global pharmaceutical company.


Our client is implementing a web content management solution for the reuse of modular marketing promotional content through multiple channels (web, print, e-mail, iPad, social) and the Content Steward plays a critical leadership role in this initiative.

The Content Steward manages and maintains all modular content deemed as master content for the digital repository, which contains print and online content as well as images and videos.  This includes ensuring that the storing, archiving, and taxonomical layout of information resources are consistent across and throughout the organization.  The Content Steward is responsible for keeping all metadata associated with content up-to-date and accurate.


Other responsibilities include the following collaborative committee work:

  • Prepare a long-term plan for categorizing, indexing and archiving all content and information resources, whether they be generated in-house or derived from third-party agents.
  • Develop a comprehensive taxonomy for organizing information resources based on business goals and requirements from stakeholders.
  • Assess, recommend, and purchase corporate library development tools as required, and track new standards and methodologies.
  • Compile and maintain a detailed inventory of existing electronic and print marketing tactic resources, and identify knowledge gaps and make recommendations.

Desired Skills and Experience

  • Master of Science in Library and Information Science (MSLIS) from an American Library Association accredited program. A concentration in Digital Libraries is preferred.
  • Organizational skills to develop a successful strategy that expands future digital content discovery and delivery to the CMS
  • Experience as a digital reference librarian, an interface designer, an enhanced service provider for digital collections in libraries, or a webmaster in libraries and other organizations is a plus
  • 2-3 years’ experience in records management and in cataloging and classifying materials
  • Demonstrated familiarity with metadata standards, communication standards, and classifying systems.
  • Experience with Content Management Systems (CMS), SDL Tridion experience is preferred
  • Broad knowledge of library tools, systems, and resources in corporate organizations. Solid technology background, including Microsoft Office Suite software, and familiarity with trends in delivery of electronic information
--e89a8f83a443042f2c050321591f-- ========================================================================Date: Mon, 15 Sep 2014 18:17:39 -0500 Reply-To: Sheeji Kathuria <[log in to unmask]> Sender: UTSIS-Jobs <[log in to unmask]> From: Sheeji Kathuria <[log in to unmask]> Subject: Extension & Instruction Librarian at Mississippi State University MIME-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: multipart/alternative; boundary="089e010d8dd648c02b050322d774" --089e010d8dd648c02b050322d774 Content-Type: text/plain; charset="UTF-8" Join Mississippi State University Libraries' thriving library program as the Extension & Instruction Librarian and become part of a progressive, growing, patron-focused Research Services Department. A student-centered premier research university with a Carnegie High Research Activity designation and a student body of over 20,000, Mississippi State University (MSU) is located in historic Starkville, MS, with all the convenience and amenities of a college town Find out more about MSU and the MSU Libraries by visiting and The employment application can be found here: Sheeji Kathuria Assistant Professor Social Sciences Librarian Mississippi State University Libraries --089e010d8dd648c02b050322d774 Content-Type: text/html; charset="UTF-8" Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable

Join Mississippi State University Libraries' thriving library program as the Extension & Instruction Librarian and become part of a progressive, growing, patron-focused Research Services Department. A student-centered premier research university with a Carnegie High Research Activity designation and a student body of over 20,000, Mississippi State University (MSU) is located in historic Starkville, MS, with all the convenience and amenities of a college town Find out more about MSU and the MSU Libraries by visiting and The employment application can be found here:

Sheeji Kathuria

Assistant Professor

Social Sciences Librarian

Mississippi State University Libraries 

--089e010d8dd648c02b050322d774-- ========================================================================Date: Tue, 16 Sep 2014 10:47:43 -0400 Reply-To: Mark Gragg <[log in to unmask]> Sender: UTSIS-Jobs <[log in to unmask]> From: Mark Gragg <[log in to unmask]> Subject: Information Science Specialist in Oak Ridge MIME-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset="ISO-8859-1" Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit For consideration please email your resume to Mark Gragg at [log in to unmask] Thanks! Information Science Specialist Information Science Specialist Duties and Responsibilities Ability to proactively gather, analyze and manage data Ability to translate technical information to an audience-appropriate level. Excellent written and verbal skills. Excellent overall computer skills, including Microsoft Word, Excel, OneNote and other MS Office applications. Thorough knowledge of English grammar, syntax and spelling. Thorough knowledge of editorial and publication techniques, procedures and standards for print and web publishing operations. Demonstrated publication preparation ability in print and web formatting. Strong customer relationship skills. Self-motivated & professional with the ability to work independently, consistently meeting deadlines and delivering high-quality materials This position requires the ability to obtain and maintain a clearance from the Department of Energy, which requires US Citizenship. Information Science Specialist Education and Experience Bachelors degree in information/library science, science, technical writing, Journalism, or other related field. Information Science Masters degree preferred. Science-related experience and background preferred. Demonstrated ability to proactively gather and analyze data. Demonstrated ability to clearly and effectively communicate both verbally and in written format. Good overall computer skills, including Microsoft Word and other MS Office applications. Mark Gragg Recruiting Account Manager Knoxville | Chattanooga | Tri-Cities MForce Staffing Engineering | Solidworks |Technology | Industrial Direct: 865.246.2852 | Fax: 865.381.1966 | Cell: 214.392.1357 [log in to unmask] | Find me on Linkedin and Twitter and YouTube ========================================================================Date: Tue, 16 Sep 2014 16:25:58 -0500 Reply-To: "C.M. Underdown-DuBois" <[log in to unmask]> Sender: UTSIS-Jobs <[log in to unmask]> From: "C.M. Underdown-DuBois" <[log in to unmask]> Subject: 09-16-2014 job opportunities Comments: To: "[log in to unmask]" <[log in to unmask]>, Lucinda Scanlon <[log in to unmask]>, Sarah Alleman <[log in to unmask]>, Tracey Hughes <[log in to unmask]> MIME-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: multipart/alternative; boundary="001a113466b6f6abfd05033566d6" --001a113466b6f6abfd05033566d6 Content-Type: text/plain; charset="UTF-8" Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable 1. [UTK] Fwd: Job Posting: UCF Universal Orlando Foundation Library at Rosen College 2. [LinkedIn: LIS career options] Penn Libraries is seeking an Associate Director for its Biomedical Library. 1. [UTK] Fwd: Job Posting: UCF Universal Orlando Foundation Library at Rosen College Please excuse duplicate postings. *Public Services Librarian* *UCF Universal Orlando Foundation Library at Rosen College* *Responsibilities:* The University of Central Florida (UCF) Libraries is accepting applications for a full-time librarian to serve at the Universal Orlando Foundation Library at the Rosen College of Hospitality Management. Primary responsibilities include participation in all modes of reference, library instruction, web development, outreach, and collection development duties. The Public Services Librarian, reporting to the Head Rosen College Librarian, also maintains current knowledge of numerous print and electronic resources, as well as procedures related to circulation and other library services. He/she also participates in regular electronic meetings, attends occasional meetings on the UCF Orlando campus, and participates in appropriate professional service and research activities. Some evening and weekend hours may be required. *Qualifications*: *Required:* - Master’s degree from an American Library Association accredited institution - At least one year post-MLS library experience *Preferred:* - Experience with academic, branch, or regional campus librarianship - Strong service orientation and an ability to work with a wide variety of constituents - Strong communication skills - Flexibility, initiative, and ability to work both independently and collaboratively - Experience with library instruction and/or experience in the preparation of instructional materials or tutorials - Experience with the design and maintenance of webpages or online tutorials - Experience with current reference practices and technologies - Experience with hospitality, business, management, or related resources - Commitment to professional service and research activities *Environment:* This position serves students and faculty on the UCF Rosen College campus, located approximately 28 miles from the main Orlando campus. The college has an enrollment of 3,500. Full time staffing within the Rosen Library is five: two librarians and three support staff. The University of Central Florida is the nation’s 2nd largest public university, enrolling over 60,000 students and offering 91 bachelor’s, 86 master’s, and 30 doctoral programs. The main UCF library and branches have a collection of 2.2 million volumes, subscription base of 43,000 serials, and serve as a partial depository for government documents and patents. The total library materials budget is $6.1 million. Full-time staffing of 116 includes 44 faculty. For more information about the UCF Libraries and the Rosen Library see and *Salary and Rank:* Commensurate with experience and qualifications. This is a full-time, non-tenure track faculty position with generous insurance benefits and retirement options, 22 paid annual days, 13 sick days, 9 holidays, and no state income tax. *To Apply:* For position number 33419 submit a letter of application addressing the stated qualifications, a curriculum vitae, and contact information for three current professional references at by the closing date, 16 October 2014. Review of applications will begin immediately. Questions may be directed to UCF Human Resources: [log in to unmask] or 407-823-2771. Searches are conducted in accordance with the state of Florida open-records laws. UCF is an equal opportunity, equal access, affirmative action employer. ---------------------------- 2. [LinkedIn: LIS career options] Penn Libraries is seeking an Associate Director for its Biomedical Library. Posting Details Reference Number50-16931Posted Job TitleASSOCIATE DIRECTOR BIOMEDICAL LIBRARYSchool NameUniversity LibraryOrgBiomedical LibraryPosted to the Web 02/06/2014Posted Job/Salary Grade028Employment TypeExemptHours35.00Position TypeFull TimePosition Schedule9-5Months12Position LengthOngoingPosition End DateUniversity Overview The University of Pennsylvania, the largest private employer in Philadelphia, is a world-renowned leader in education, research, and innovation. This historic, Ivy League school consistently ranks among the top 10 universities in the annual U.S. News & World Report survey. Penn has 12 highly-regarded schools that provide opportunities for undergraduate, graduate and continuing education, all influenced by Penn’s distinctive interdisciplinary approach to scholarship and learning. Penn offers a unique working environment within the city of Philadelphia. The University is situated on a beautiful urban campus, with easy access to a range of educational, cultural, and recreational activities. With its historical significance and landmarks, lively cultural offerings, and wide variety of atmospheres, Philadelphia is the perfect place to call home for work and play. The University offers a competitive benefits package that includes excellent healthcare and tuition benefits for employees and their families, generous retirement benefits, a wide variety of professional development opportunities, supportive work and family benefits, a wealth of health and wellness programs and resources, and much more. Duties The University of Pennsylvania Biomedical Library seeks an energetic and service-oriented Associate Director, with strong leadership and relationship-building skills, to lead a talented and specialized staff in the provision of: 1)clinical outreach activities, 2) research and instructional services, 3)Patron Services (access services and document delivery), and 4) Digital Media Services. The Associate Director is also outwardly facing, building key relationships with stakeholders at the schools and communities served by the Biomedical Library. Additionally, the Associate Director partners with colleagues across the Penn Libraries to ensure system-wide collaborations for new and improved services. The Associate Director supervises 6 professional librarians, 3 Reference Interns, and indirectly 6 support staff as well as student employees. The Associate Director serves as a member of the Health Sciences Libraries Leadership Team to participate in long-range planning, and reports to the Associate Director of the Health Sciences Libraries/Director, Biomedical Library. The services and resources of the Biomedical Library support research, education, and patient care for the University of Pennsylvania Health System (UPHS) (, the Perelman School of Medicine (, including Biomedical Graduate Studies; the School of Nursing (; and other graduate programs such as Biology ( and the interdisciplinary Master of Public Health ( This dynamic community consists of over 2,000 full-time health sciences faculty, consistently leaders in research funding and discovery. The Biomedical Library is centrally located near — and has well-established relationships with — UPHS and the schools and communities it serves. For example, our librarians partner with Penn’s Center for Evidence-Based practice ( and with UPHS nursing leadership in support of evidence-based practice and research, as well as with Penn’s global health programs, particularly in Botswana ( and Guatemala ( and The Biomedical Library is also a short walk across our historic urban campus to the Van Pelt Dietrich Library Center and has the benefit of operating as part of the overall Penn Libraries system. The Penn Libraries include fourteen libraries and an off-site high density storage facility. System-wide scholarly resources number nearly 7 million books, 96,000 current serials (of which 82,000 are e-journals) and 800 databases. The library is a leader in the development of digital library services and collections and is aggressively experimenting with and adopting new technology in research and teaching. Responsibilities include: * Long-range planning as a member of the Health Sciences Libraries’ Leadership Team along with the Heads of the Dental and Veterinary Libraries, the Collections Librarian, the Health Sciences Libraries Liaison, and the Research & Knowledge Management Librarian. * Supervise and provide leadership for expanded services: o Head of the Patron Services (access services and document delivery), coordinating service desk activities with the library’s reference services, and indirectly the team of 6 fulltime Patron Services support staff plus student employees o Digital Media Services Coordinator o Evidence-Based Health Care/Clinical Liaison Librarian o Clinical & Graduate Research Librarian o Garfield Resident in Science Librarianship o 3 Reference Interns * Lead, and participate in providing, clinical outreach services. * Lead, and participate in providing, reference and research services, onsite and online, including email and live chat, as well as consultations and instructional and liaison services for Biomedical Library constituencies. * Oversee the collection and reporting of library statistics, for the establishment of goals and objectives. * Seek opportunities for curriculum and clinical integration through teaching, and embedding of resources in virtual environments. * Lead weekly research and instructional services staff meeting. * Partner with colleagues across the Penn Libraries to ensure system-wide collaborations for new and improved services. * Promote Biomedical Library services and resources. * Participate on committees and task forces at the schools and centers served by the position as well as within the Penn Libraries. * Actively represent the Library on campus, local, regional, and national committees and by networking at conferences. * Contribute to the library profession and encourage staff to engage professionally. Qualifications - MLS from an ALA-accredited program or the equivalent in theory and practice, with coursework or experience related to the health sciences. * Health sciences subject specialization, with either advanced degree or work experience. * 5 to 7 years of experience in a hospital or academic health sciences library or relevant healthcare setting. * Or equivalent combination of education and experience. * 7+ years of experience strongly preferred. * Demonstrated leadership, relationship-building, team-building and supervisory ability. * Project management expertise. * Teaching experience or demonstrated ability. * Strong collaborative, interpersonal and communication skills. * Ability to work independently as well as operate within a collegial framework of faculty, staff, students and administrators to deliver desired outcomes. * Understanding of the potential of developing technologies for enhancing services, and demonstrated knowledge of the latest trends and available tools for teaching and electronic delivery of information. * Demonstrated commitment to professional growth and active involvement in professional activities, conference attendance, etc. Salary is competitive and commensurate with experience. Includes a generous benefits package, additional information available at To Apply: Potential candidates are invited to submit a letter of application that addresses the needs and qualifications of the position, along with their resume and the names, addresses, and phone numbers of three references who can address the suitability of the candidate for the position described, as well as complete an on-line employment application at (Job Reference #50-16931). The University of Pennsylvania is an affirmative action/equal opportunity employer. Affirmative Action Statement Penn adheres to a policy that prohibits discrimination on the basis of race, color, sex, sexual orientation, gender identity, religion, creed, national or ethnic origin, citizenship status, age, disability, veteran status, or any other legally protected class. Special RequirementsBackground Check RequiredQuick Link --001a113466b6f6abfd05033566d6 Content-Type: text/html; charset="UTF-8" Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable
1. [UTK] Fwd: Job Posting: UCF Universal Orlando Foundation Library at Rosen College
2. [LinkedIn: LIS career options]  Penn Libraries is seeking an Associate Director for its Biomedical Library. 

1. [UTK] Fwd: Job Posting: UCF Universal Orlando Foundation Library at Rosen College

Please excuse duplicate postings.


Public Services Librarian

UCF Universal Orlando Foundation Library at Rosen College


Responsibilities: The University of Central Florida (UCF) Libraries is accepting applications for a full-time librarian to serve at the Universal Orlando Foundation Library at the Rosen College of Hospitality Management.  Primary responsibilities include participation in all modes of reference, library instruction, web development, outreach, and collection development duties.  The Public Services Librarian, reporting to the Head Rosen College Librarian, also maintains current knowledge of numerous print and electronic resources, as well as procedures related to circulation and other library services.  He/she also participates in regular electronic meetings, attends occasional meetings on the UCF Orlando campus, and participates in appropriate professional service and research activities.  Some evening and weekend hours may be required.




  • Master’s degree from an American Library Association accredited institution
  • At least one year post-MLS library experience



  • Experience with academic, branch, or regional campus librarianship
  • Strong service orientation and an ability to work with a wide variety of constituents
  • Strong communication skills
  • Flexibility, initiative, and ability to work both independently and collaboratively
  • Experience with library instruction and/or experience in the preparation of instructional materials or tutorials
  • Experience with the design and maintenance of webpages or online tutorials
  • Experience with current reference practices and technologies
  • Experience with hospitality, business, management, or related resources
  • Commitment to professional service and research activities


Environment: This position serves students and faculty on the UCF Rosen College campus, located approximately 28 miles from the main Orlando campus.  The college has an enrollment of 3,500. Full time staffing within the Rosen Library is five: two librarians and three support staff.  The University of Central Florida is the nation’s 2nd largest public university, enrolling over 60,000 students and offering 91 bachelor’s, 86 master’s, and 30 doctoral programs.  The main UCF library and branches have a collection of 2.2 million volumes, subscription base of 43,000 serials, and serve as a partial depository for government documents and patents.  The total library materials budget is $6.1 million.  Full-time staffing of 116 includes 44 faculty.  For more information about the UCF Libraries and the Rosen Library see and


Salary and Rank: Commensurate with experience and qualifications.  This is a full-time, non-tenure track faculty position with generous insurance benefits and retirement options, 22 paid annual days, 13 sick days, 9 holidays, and no state income tax.  


To Apply: For position number 33419 submit a letter of application addressing the stated qualifications, a curriculum vitae, and contact information for three current professional references at by the closing date, 16 October 2014.  Review of applications will begin immediately.  Questions may be directed to UCF Human Resources: [log in to unmask] or 407-823-2771.  Searches are conducted in accordance with the state of Florida open-records laws.  UCF is an equal opportunity, equal access, affirmative action employer.


2. [LinkedIn: LIS career options]  Penn Libraries is seeking an Associate Director for its Biomedical Library.

Posting Details

Reference Number50-16931
School NameUniversity Library
OrgBiomedical Library
Posted to the Web02/06/2014
Posted Job/Salary Grade028
Employment TypeExempt
Position TypeFull Time
Position Schedule9-5
Position LengthOngoing
Position End Date
University Overview

The University of Pennsylvania, the largest private employer in Philadelphia, is a world-renowned leader in education, research, and innovation. This historic, Ivy League school consistently ranks among the top 10 universities in the annual U.S. News & World Report survey. Penn has 12 highly-regarded schools that provide opportunities for undergraduate, graduate and continuing education, all influenced by Penn’s distinctive interdisciplinary approach to scholarship and learning.

Penn offers a unique working environment within the city of Philadelphia. The University is situated on a beautiful urban campus, with easy access to a range of educational, cultural, and recreational activities. With its historical significance and landmarks, lively cultural offerings, and wide variety of atmospheres, Philadelphia is the perfect place to call home for work and play.

The University offers a competitive benefits package that includes excellent healthcare and tuition benefits for employees and their families, generous retirement benefits, a wide variety of professional development opportunities, supportive work and family benefits, a wealth of health and wellness programs and resources, and much more.


The University of Pennsylvania Biomedical Library seeks an energetic and service-oriented Associate Director, with strong leadership and relationship-building skills, to lead a talented and specialized staff in the provision of: 1)clinical outreach activities, 2) research and instructional services, 3)Patron Services (access services and document delivery), and 4) Digital Media Services. The Associate Director is also outwardly facing, building key relationships with stakeholders at the schools and communities served by the Biomedical Library. Additionally, the Associate Director partners with colleagues across the Penn Libraries to ensure system-wide collaborations for new and improved services.

The Associate Director supervises 6 professional librarians, 3 Reference Interns, and indirectly 6 support staff as well as student employees. The Associate Director serves as a member of the Health Sciences Libraries Leadership Team to participate in long-range planning, and reports to the Associate Director of the Health Sciences Libraries/Director, Biomedical Library. 

The services and resources of the Biomedical Library support research, education, and patient care for the University of Pennsylvania Health System (UPHS) (, the Perelman School of Medicine (, including Biomedical Graduate Studies; the School of Nursing (; and other graduate programs such as Biology ( and the interdisciplinary Master of Public Health ( This dynamic community consists of over 2,000 full-time health sciences faculty, consistently leaders in research funding and discovery.

The Biomedical Library is centrally located near — and has well-established relationships with — UPHS and the schools and communities it serves. For example, our librarians partner with Penn’s Center for Evidence-Based practice ( and with UPHS nursing leadership in support of evidence-based practice and research, as well as with Penn’s global health programs, particularly in Botswana ( and Guatemala ( and

The Biomedical Library is also a short walk across our historic urban campus to the Van Pelt Dietrich Library Center and has the benefit of operating as part of the overall Penn Libraries system. The Penn Libraries include fourteen libraries and an off-site high density storage facility. System-wide scholarly resources number nearly 7 million books, 96,000 current serials (of which 82,000 are e-journals) and 800 databases. The library is a leader in the development of digital library services and collections and is aggressively experimenting with and adopting new technology in research and teaching.

Responsibilities include:

* Long-range planning as a member of the Health Sciences Libraries’ Leadership Team along with the Heads of the Dental and Veterinary Libraries, the Collections Librarian, the Health Sciences Libraries Liaison, and the Research & Knowledge Management Librarian.
* Supervise and provide leadership for expanded services: 
o Head of the Patron Services (access services and document delivery), coordinating service desk activities with the library’s reference services, and indirectly the team of 6 fulltime Patron Services support staff plus student employees
o Digital Media Services Coordinator
o Evidence-Based Health Care/Clinical Liaison Librarian
o Clinical & Graduate Research Librarian
o Garfield Resident in Science Librarianship
o 3 Reference Interns
* Lead, and participate in providing, clinical outreach services. 
* Lead, and participate in providing, reference and research services, onsite and online, including email and live chat, as well as consultations and instructional and liaison services for Biomedical Library constituencies.
* Oversee the collection and reporting of library statistics, for the establishment of goals and objectives. 
* Seek opportunities for curriculum and clinical integration through teaching, and embedding of resources in virtual environments.
* Lead weekly research and instructional services staff meeting. 
* Partner with colleagues across the Penn Libraries to ensure system-wide collaborations for new and improved services.
* Promote Biomedical Library services and resources. 
* Participate on committees and task forces at the schools and centers served by the position as well as within the Penn Libraries.
* Actively represent the Library on campus, local, regional, and national committees and by networking at conferences.
* Contribute to the library profession and encourage staff to engage professionally.

  • MLS from an ALA-accredited program or the equivalent in theory and practice, with coursework or experience related to the health sciences. 
    * Health sciences subject specialization, with either advanced degree or work experience.
    * 5 to 7 years of experience in a hospital or academic health sciences library or relevant healthcare setting. 
    * Or equivalent combination of education and experience.
    * 7+ years of experience strongly preferred.

    * Demonstrated leadership, relationship-building, team-building and supervisory ability.
    * Project management expertise.
    * Teaching experience or demonstrated ability.
    * Strong collaborative, interpersonal and communication skills.
    * Ability to work independently as well as operate within a collegial framework of faculty, staff, students and administrators to deliver desired outcomes.
    * Understanding of the potential of developing technologies for enhancing services, and demonstrated knowledge of the latest trends and available tools for teaching and electronic delivery of information.
    * Demonstrated commitment to professional growth and active involvement in professional activities, conference attendance, etc.

    Salary is competitive and commensurate with experience. Includes a generous benefits package, additional information available at

    To Apply:
    Potential candidates are invited to submit a letter of application that addresses the needs and qualifications of the position, along with their resume and the names, addresses, and phone numbers of three references who can address the suitability of the candidate for the position described, as well as complete an on-line employment application at (Job Reference #50-16931).

    The University of Pennsylvania is an affirmative action/equal opportunity employer.
Affirmative Action Statement

Penn adheres to a policy that prohibits discrimination on the basis of race, color, sex, sexual orientation, gender identity, religion, creed, national or ethnic origin, citizenship status, age, disability, veteran status, or any other legally protected class.

Special RequirementsBackground Check Required
Quick Link


--001a113466b6f6abfd05033566d6-- ========================================================================Date: Thu, 18 Sep 2014 16:21:06 +0000 Reply-To: "Bishop, Wade" <[log in to unmask]> Sender: UTSIS-Jobs <[log in to unmask]> From: "Bishop, Wade" <[log in to unmask]> Subject: FW: Position Announcement - Geosciences and Maps Librarian In-Reply-To: <[log in to unmask]> Content-Type: multipart/alternative; boundary="_000_388C635C1AF6284BBAC1251EDE645F7B32419BBFkmbx3utktenness_" MIME-Version: 1.0 --_000_388C635C1AF6284BBAC1251EDE645F7B32419BBFkmbx3utktenness_ Content-Type: text/plain; charset="iso-8859-1" Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable From: Maps-L: Discussion Forum for Maps, Air Photo, Map Librarianship, GIS, etc. [mailto:[log in to unmask]] On Behalf Of Lora L. Lennertz Sent: Thursday, September 18, 2014 11:31 AM To: [log in to unmask] Subject: Position Announcement - Geosciences and Maps Librarian Geosciences and Maps Librarian The University of Arkansas Libraries invite nominations for and applications from energetic, flexible, and innovative candidates for the position of Geosciences and Maps Librarian. The Libraries seek candidates who are receptive to and foster new ideas and who have demonstrated collaboration and open communications skills. Additional key attributes are the ability to foster successful partnerships with other university departments, to provide excellent services, and to nimbly adapt programs and services that support change within the institution. This position works closely with the Department of Geosciences, the Center for Advanced Spatial Technologies (CAST), the Environmental Dynamics program, and other related departments. Responsibilities include general collection development of geosciences, anthropology, and sustainability resources; reference; academic outreach; and instruction. The librarian is responsible for selecting geosciences resources and maps in all formats for addition to the collection; for keeping abreast of new technologies and making them available in the classroom; for creating programs and materials to facilitate the use of the collections; for maintaining the Web page for GIS services; for working closely with the faculty on research and grant opportunities and to ensure that distance education students are adequately supported; and for actively participating in the campus community and professional organizations and serving on committees and programs. This position reports to the Head, Instruction and Outreach. Responsibilities of this position also include research and creative work and service in keeping with the faculty requirements of the University of Arkansas. The successful candidate must have demonstrated potential in performance, scholarly activity, and professional service to meet criteria for appointment at the level of Assistant Librarian / Assistant Professor and should possess the ability to work independently and collegially as a member of a team; excellent analytical, organizational, and communication skills; motivation to participate in and promote data management initiatives; an exemplary service orientation, the ability to work effectively in a diverse and changing environment, and a willingness to engage in faculty liaison activities. Qualifications Required: A master's degree from an ALA-accredited program and a bachelor's degree in a geosciences-related discipline and a minimum of four years of experience in an academic or research library; OR a master's degree from an ALA-accredited program and a minimum of four years of experience as a geosciences librarian; OR a graduate degree in a geosciences-related discipline and a minimum of four years of experience in an academic or research library. Demonstrated ability to use library technology, including research utilizing geospatial data and software (such as ArcGIS Desktop). Knowledge of trends in higher education and academic research libraries. Demonstrated commitment to effective public service. Preferred: Experience in geosciences library research, experience in collection development and/or instruction. Salary: Entry level, tenure-track, twelve-month faculty appointment at the rank of Assistant Librarian / Assistant Professor. Salary: $47,000. Benefits: Relocation allowance available. Benefits include TIAA/CREF, Fidelity Mutual Fund, or the Arkansas Public Employees Retirement System, 22 days of annual leave, tuition reduction, and health insurance. Background: The University of Arkansas places students first by enhancing academic programs, creating an engaging campus life, reducing obstacles, enhancing diversity, improving graduation rates, and marshaling the expertise of the faculty, staff, and students. The University is classified by the Carnegie Foundation as a research university with very high levels of research activity (RU/VH). The University provides a superior campus landscape and environment while designing and building world class facilities. The funding for research awards and research expenditures continues to grow and so do the academic programs offered. The University Libraries share in the stewardship of the University's goals and takes responsibility for the health of the research and teaching collections as well as programs that further support the academic mission. For more information, visit the Libraries' home page ( The University of Arkansas campus ( in Fayetteville, Arkansas, with a student enrollment of more than 25,000, is the flagship campus of the University of Arkansas System. With a population of approximately 460,000, the northwest Arkansas region is home to two Fortune 100 company headquarters. This thriving region offers numerous cultural venues, such as the Crystal Bridges Museum of American Art, the Walton Arts Center, and the Shiloh Museum of Ozark History. Application deadline and contact information. Women and minorities are encouraged to apply. Completed applications received by October 3, 2014, will receive full consideration. Late applications will be reviewed as necessary to fill the position. Send letter of application, rsum, and names, addresses, and telephone numbers of three current references to [log in to unmask] to the attention of Jeff Banks, Assistant Director for Library Human Resources and Diversity Programs, University of Arkansas Libraries, 365 N. McIlroy Avenue, Fayetteville, Arkansas 72701-4002. The University of Arkansas is an equal opportunity, affirmative action institution. The University welcomes applications without regard to age, race, gender (including pregnancy), national origin, disability, religion, marital or parental status, protected veteran status, military service, genetic information, sexual orientation, or gender identity. Persons must have proof of legal authority to work in the United States on the first day of employment. All applicant information is subject to public disclosure under the Arkansas Freedom of Information Act. Lora Lennertz Dir. for Academic and Research Services University of Arkansas Libraries MULN 226C 365 N McIlroy Ave Fayetteville AR 72701 479.575.5545 --_000_388C635C1AF6284BBAC1251EDE645F7B32419BBFkmbx3utktenness_ Content-Type: text/html; charset="iso-8859-1" Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable



From: Maps-L: Discussion Forum for Maps, Air Photo, Map Librarianship, GIS, etc. [mailto:[log in to unmask]] On Behalf Of Lora L. Lennertz
Sent: Thursday, September 18, 2014 11:31 AM
To: [log in to unmask]
Subject: Position Announcement - Geosciences and Maps Librarian


Geosciences and Maps Librarian


The University of Arkansas Libraries invite nominations for and applications from energetic, flexible, and innovative candidates for the position of Geosciences and Maps Librarian.  The Libraries seek candidates who are receptive to and foster new ideas and who have demonstrated collaboration and open communications skills. Additional key attributes are the ability to foster successful partnerships with other university departments, to provide excellent services, and to nimbly adapt programs and services that support change within the institution.  This position works closely with the Department of Geosciences, the Center for Advanced Spatial Technologies (CAST), the Environmental Dynamics program, and other related departments. 


Responsibilities include general collection development of geosciences, anthropology, and sustainability resources; reference; academic outreach; and instruction.  The librarian is responsible for selecting geosciences resources and maps in all formats for addition to the collection; for keeping abreast of new technologies and making them available in the classroom; for creating programs and materials to facilitate the use of the collections; for maintaining the Web page for GIS services; for working closely with the faculty on research and grant opportunities and to ensure that distance education students are adequately supported; and for actively participating in the campus community and professional organizations and serving on committees and programs.  This position reports to the Head, Instruction and Outreach. 


Responsibilities of this position also include research and creative work and service in keeping with the faculty requirements of the University of Arkansas.  The successful candidate must have demonstrated potential in performance, scholarly activity, and professional service to meet criteria for appointment at the level of Assistant Librarian / Assistant Professor and should possess the ability to work independently and collegially as a member of a team; excellent analytical, organizational, and communication skills; motivation to participate in and promote data management initiatives; an exemplary service orientation, the ability to work effectively in a diverse and changing environment, and a willingness to engage in faculty liaison activities.


Qualifications Required:  A master’s degree from an ALA-accredited program and a bachelor’s degree in a geosciences-related discipline and a minimum of four years of experience in an academic or research library; OR a master’s degree from an ALA-accredited program and a minimum of four years of experience as a geosciences librarian; OR a graduate degree in a geosciences-related discipline and a minimum of four years of experience in an academic or research library.  Demonstrated ability to use library technology, including research utilizing geospatial data and software (such as ArcGIS Desktop).  Knowledge of trends in higher education and academic research libraries.  Demonstrated commitment to effective public service. Preferred:  Experience in geosciences library research, experience in collection development and/or instruction.


Salary:  Entry level, tenure-track, twelve-month faculty appointment at the rank of Assistant Librarian / Assistant Professor.  Salary: $47,000. 


Benefits:  Relocation allowance available.  Benefits include TIAA/CREF, Fidelity Mutual Fund, or the Arkansas Public Employees Retirement System, 22 days of annual leave, tuition reduction, and health insurance. 


Background:  The University of Arkansas places students first by enhancing academic programs, creating an engaging campus life, reducing obstacles, enhancing diversity, improving graduation rates, and marshaling the expertise of the faculty, staff, and students.  The University is classified by the Carnegie Foundation as a research university with very high levels of research activity (RU/VH).  The University provides a superior campus landscape and environment while designing and building world class facilities.  The funding for research awards and research expenditures continues to grow and so do the academic programs offered.  The University Libraries share in the stewardship of the University’s goals and takes responsibility for the health of the research and teaching collections as well as programs that further support the academic mission.  For more information, visit the Libraries’ home page (  The University of Arkansas campus ( in Fayetteville, Arkansas, with a student enrollment of more than 25,000, is the flagship campus of the University of Arkansas System.  With a population of approximately 460,000, the northwest Arkansas region is home to two Fortune 100 company headquarters.  This thriving region offers numerous cultural venues, such as the Crystal Bridges Museum of American Art, the Walton Arts Center, and the Shiloh Museum of Ozark History.


Application deadline and contact information.  Women and minorities are encouraged to apply.  Completed applications received by October 3, 2014, will receive full consideration.  Late applications will be reviewed as necessary to fill the position.  Send letter of application, rsum, and names, addresses, and telephone numbers of three current references to [log in to unmask] to the attention of Jeff Banks, Assistant Director for Library Human Resources and Diversity Programs, University of Arkansas Libraries, 365 N. McIlroy Avenue, Fayetteville, Arkansas 72701-4002.


The University of Arkansas is an equal opportunity, affirmative action institution.  The University welcomes applications without regard to age, race, gender (including pregnancy), national origin, disability, religion, marital or parental status, protected veteran status, military service, genetic information, sexual orientation, or gender identity.  Persons must have proof of legal authority to work in the United States on the first day of employment.  All applicant information is subject to public disclosure under the Arkansas Freedom of Information Act.



Lora Lennertz

Dir. for Academic and Research Services

University of Arkansas Libraries


365 N McIlroy Ave

Fayetteville AR 72701



--_000_388C635C1AF6284BBAC1251EDE645F7B32419BBFkmbx3utktenness_-- ========================================================================Date: Thu, 18 Sep 2014 17:31:19 +0000 Reply-To: "Bishop, Wade" <[log in to unmask]> Sender: UTSIS-Jobs <[log in to unmask]> From: "Bishop, Wade" <[log in to unmask]> Subject: FW: GIS Librarian position at University of Miami In-Reply-To: <[log in to unmask]> Content-Type: multipart/alternative; boundary="_000_388C635C1AF6284BBAC1251EDE645F7B32419C9Akmbx3utktenness_" MIME-Version: 1.0 --_000_388C635C1AF6284BBAC1251EDE645F7B32419C9Akmbx3utktenness_ Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii" Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable From: Maps-L: Discussion Forum for Maps, Air Photo, Map Librarianship, GIS, etc. [mailto:[log in to unmask]] On Behalf Of Robar, Terri J. Sent: Wednesday, September 17, 2014 3:22 PM To: [log in to unmask] Subject: GIS Librarian position at University of Miami GEOSPATIAL INFORMATION SYSTEMS (GIS) SERVICES LIBRARIAN: The University of Miami Libraries seeks nominations and applications for a Geospatial Information Systems (GIS) Services Librarian, to serve as a key member of our emerging digital scholarship program. The GIS Services Librarian will build and curate our growing spatial data collection, and review and recommend the acquisition of relevant application software programs. The GIS Librarian will collaborate with and provide services to various schools and departments across UM in support of their geospatial research needs. The Librarian will work directly with liaison librarians in the Richter Library's Education and Outreach Department and the UM subject specialty libraries (architecture, business, marine and atmospheric sciences, music) as well as a range of staff involved in metadata, web applications, emerging technologies and digital scholarship support throughout the Library organization. The GIS Services Librarian will liaise with UM staff in related academic technology support roles, especially Academic Technology and the Center for Computational Sciences. UM LIBRARIES: The University of Miami Libraries ( ranks among the top fifty research libraries in North America, drawing scholars from around the world through its important collection of 3.5 million volumes (656,893 of which are electronic books) and 92,958 current serials (including 90,550 electronic journals), unique and distinctive collections, state-of-the-art digitization and preservation facilities, and a staff of experienced professionals. The Otto G. Richter Library lies in the heart of the Coral Gables campus and serves as the central interdisciplinary library for the University. The University of Miami Libraries also includes four subject specialty libraries: the Paul Buisson Architecture Library, the Judi Prokop Newman Information Resource Center, the Rosenstiel School of Marine and Atmospheric Science Library, and the Marta & Austin Weeks Music Library. The campus also has independent medical and law libraries. They provide support and services for approximately 11,380 undergraduates, 5,555 graduate students, and 13,710 full and part time faculty and staff. The Libraries operates with the support of thirty-four Librarians and eighty-four administrative and support staff and is a member of ARL, ASERL, CLIR, CNI, CRL, DLF, IFLA, NERL, OCLC Research Library Partnership, DPN, APTrust, HathiTrust, SEFLIN and Lyrasis. THE UNIVERSITY: The University of Miami ( is one of the nation's leading research universities in a community of extraordinary diversity and international vitality. The University is a privately supported, non-sectarian institution located in Coral Gables, Florida, on a 260-acre subtropical campus with operations at four additional campus locations throughout the greater Miami region. The University comprises eleven degree granting schools and colleges, including Architecture, Arts and Sciences, Business Administration, Communication, Education, Engineering, Law, Medicine, Music, Nursing, and Marine and Atmospheric Science. POSITION: Reporting within the Department of Education and Outreach, the Geospatial Information Systems (GIS) Services Librarian is responsible for developing and expanding GIS services at University of Miami Libraries and managing the daily operations of the GIS Lab. The Librarian is responsible for outreach, instruction, collection development, technology and research support for the University community. ESSENTIAL DUTIES AND RESPONSIBILITIES include the following. Other duties may be assigned. Performance * Develop outreach activities and communication to promote library programming, resources and services. * Work collaboratively with Library faculty and staff to provide and evaluate information, keeping in mind the varying interests and learning styles of today's students. * Make collections decisions to support the teaching, learning, and research needs of the University community. * Work collaboratively with the Head of Acquisitions and the Associate Dean for Collection Strategies and Scholarly Communication. * Develop resources and maintain a substantial schedule of classes, consultations, and workshops in real and virtual environments. * Develop, assess, and revise online resource guides, discovery tools, and digital resources in support of designated departments. * Work collaboratively and effectively with University faculty, staff, students, and administrators. * Supervise one GIS Technician. * Participate in the curation of physical and virtual exhibits utilizing all library resources. * Keep abreast of relevant literature for current awareness of trends, developments, and best practices in librarianship, with particular emphasis on information technology, reference service, information literacy and instruction, and collection development. Service * Network, collaborate, and actively participate in local, regional, national, or international organizations regarding information and reference service, information literacy and instruction, collection development, and/or assigned subjects and disciplines. * Represent and promote the University of Miami Libraries in local, state-wide, regional, national, or international organizations as appropriate. * Serve on/participate in University organizations, committees, task forces, and teams as appropriate. * Serve on library committees, task forces, and teams as appropriate. MINIMUM QUALIFICATIONS: * ALA accredited master's degree or equivalent. * One year of academic or special library work experience. * Educational background in Geospatial Information Systems. * Experience with GIS software, preferably ESRI, and its applications in research and teaching. * Familiarity with GIS metadata standards and the fundamentals of metadata creation. * Knowledge of and interest in data curation. * Excellent interpersonal and communication skills. * Commitment to user-centered library service and the promotion of information literacy. * Ability to work independently and in teams in a dynamic changing environment. * Excellent organizational and time management skills. * Ability to work effectively with a culturally diverse population. * A commitment to the importance of excellence in teaching and scholarship. * Ability to work collaboratively and effectively with staff, faculty, and University administration. * Strong commitment to professional development. * Skill in developing, organizing, and maintaining web-based information resources. SALARY AND BENEFITS: Compensation will be competitive and commensurate with experience and qualifications. This is a non-tenure track faculty appointment at the Librarian Assistant/Associate Professor rank. The position offers a comprehensive benefits package including: TIAA-CREF; medical and dental insurance; life, disability, and long-term care insurance available; tuition remission; 13 paid holidays; and 22 days annual vacation. Additional employment benefits available include credit union; Employee Assistance Program; bookstore, and sporting event discounts; optional fee-based membership in a state-of-the-art wellness center, and no state or local income taxes. More information on benefits can be found at: APPLICATIONS AND NOMINATIONS: Review of applications will begin immediately and continue until the position is filled. Applications and nominations will be accepted until a suitable candidate is selected. Applications should be submitted electronically and must include a letter of interest, curriculum vitae and the names of three references. The references will not be contacted before the appropriate time. Send nominations and applications to: Human Resources Manager Otto G. Richter Library University of Miami P.O. Box 248214 Coral Gables, FL 33124-0320 Email: [log in to unmask] The University of Miami is an Equal Opportunity Affirmative Action Employer. The University has a strong commitment to diversity and encourages applications from candidates of diverse cultural backgrounds. -------------------------------------------------- Terri J. Robar Social Sciences Librarian Otto G. Richter Library 1300 Memorial Drive, Rm. 347I Coral Gables, FL 33124-0320 E: [log in to unmask] T: (305) 284-6028 F: (305) 284-9848 Support us by joining the Friends of the Libraries! --_000_388C635C1AF6284BBAC1251EDE645F7B32419C9Akmbx3utktenness_ Content-Type: text/html; charset="us-ascii" Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable



From: Maps-L: Discussion Forum for Maps, Air Photo, Map Librarianship, GIS, etc. [mailto:[log in to unmask]] On Behalf Of Robar, Terri J.
Sent: Wednesday, September 17, 2014 3:22 PM
To: [log in to unmask]
Subject: GIS Librarian position at University of Miami


GEOSPATIAL INFORMATION SYSTEMS (GIS) SERVICES LIBRARIAN: The University of Miami Libraries seeks nominations and applications for a Geospatial Information Systems (GIS) Services Librarian, to serve as a key member of our emerging digital scholarship program. The GIS Services Librarian will build and curate our growing spatial data collection, and review and recommend the acquisition of relevant application software programs. The GIS Librarian will collaborate with and provide services to various schools and departments across UM in support of their geospatial research needs.  The Librarian will work directly with liaison librarians in the Richter Library’s Education and Outreach Department and the UM subject specialty libraries (architecture, business, marine and atmospheric sciences, music) as well as a range of staff involved in metadata, web applications, emerging technologies and digital scholarship support throughout the Library organization. The GIS Services Librarian will liaise with UM staff in related academic technology support roles, especially Academic Technology and the Center for Computational Sciences.

UM LIBRARIES: The University of Miami Libraries ( ranks among the top fifty research libraries in North America, drawing scholars from around the world through its important collection of 3.5 million volumes (656,893 of which are electronic books) and 92,958 current serials (including 90,550 electronic journals), unique and distinctive collections, state-of-the-art digitization and preservation facilities, and a staff of experienced professionals. The Otto G. Richter Library lies in the heart of the Coral Gables campus and serves as the central interdisciplinary library for the University. The University of Miami Libraries also includes four subject specialty libraries: the Paul Buisson Architecture Library, the Judi Prokop Newman Information Resource Center, the Rosenstiel School of Marine and Atmospheric Science Library, and the Marta & Austin Weeks Music Library. The campus also has independent medical and law libraries. They provide support and services for approximately 11,380 undergraduates, 5,555 graduate students, and 13,710 full and part time faculty and staff. The Libraries operates with the support of thirty-four Librarians and eighty-four administrative and support staff and is a member of ARL, ASERL, CLIR, CNI, CRL, DLF, IFLA, NERL, OCLC Research Library Partnership, DPN, APTrust, HathiTrust, SEFLIN and Lyrasis.

THE UNIVERSITY: The University of Miami ( is one of the nation’s leading research universities in a community of extraordinary diversity and international vitality. The University is a privately supported, non-sectarian institution located in Coral Gables, Florida, on a 260-acre subtropical campus with operations at four additional campus locations throughout the greater Miami region. The University comprises eleven degree granting schools and colleges, including Architecture, Arts and Sciences, Business Administration, Communication, Education, Engineering, Law, Medicine, Music, Nursing, and Marine and Atmospheric Science.

POSITION: Reporting within the Department of Education and Outreach, the Geospatial Information Systems (GIS) Services Librarian is responsible for developing and expanding GIS services at University of Miami Libraries and managing the daily operations of the GIS Lab. The Librarian is responsible for outreach, instruction, collection development, technology and research support for the University community.

ESSENTIAL DUTIES AND RESPONSIBILITIES include the following. Other duties may be assigned.


  • Develop outreach activities and communication to promote library programming, resources and services.
  • Work collaboratively with Library faculty and staff to provide and evaluate information, keeping in mind the varying interests and learning styles of today’s students.
  • Make collections decisions to support the teaching, learning, and research needs of the University community.
  • Work collaboratively with the Head of Acquisitions and the Associate Dean for Collection Strategies and Scholarly Communication.
  • Develop resources and maintain a substantial schedule of classes, consultations, and workshops in real and virtual environments.
  • Develop, assess, and revise online resource guides, discovery tools, and digital resources in support of designated departments.
  • Work collaboratively and effectively with University faculty, staff, students, and administrators.
  • Supervise one GIS Technician.
  • Participate in the curation of physical and virtual exhibits utilizing all library resources.
  • Keep abreast of relevant literature for current awareness of trends, developments, and best practices in librarianship, with particular emphasis on information technology, reference service, information literacy and instruction, and collection development.


  • Network, collaborate, and actively participate in local, regional, national, or international organizations regarding information and reference service, information literacy and instruction, collection development, and/or assigned subjects and disciplines.
  • Represent and promote the University of Miami Libraries in local, state-wide, regional, national, or international organizations as appropriate.
  • Serve on/participate in University organizations, committees, task forces, and teams as appropriate.
  • Serve on library committees, task forces, and teams as appropriate.


  • ALA accredited master’s degree or equivalent.
  • One year of academic or special library work experience.
  • Educational background in Geospatial Information Systems.
  • Experience with GIS software, preferably ESRI, and its applications in research and teaching.
  • Familiarity with GIS metadata standards and the fundamentals of metadata creation.
  • Knowledge of and interest in data curation.
  • Excellent interpersonal and communication skills.
  • Commitment to user-centered library service and the promotion of information literacy.
  • Ability to work independently and in teams in a dynamic changing environment.
  • Excellent organizational and time management skills.
  • Ability to work effectively with a culturally diverse population.
  • A commitment to the importance of excellence in teaching and scholarship.
  • Ability to work collaboratively and effectively with staff, faculty, and University administration.
  • Strong commitment to professional development.
  • Skill in developing, organizing, and maintaining web-based information resources.

SALARY AND BENEFITS: Compensation will be competitive and commensurate with experience and qualifications. This is a non-tenure track faculty appointment at the Librarian Assistant/Associate Professor rank. The position offers a comprehensive benefits package including: TIAA-CREF; medical and dental insurance; life, disability, and long-term care insurance available; tuition remission; 13 paid holidays; and 22 days annual vacation. Additional employment benefits available include credit union; Employee Assistance Program; bookstore, and sporting event discounts; optional fee-based membership in a state-of-the-art wellness center, and no state or local income taxes. More information on benefits can be found at:

APPLICATIONS AND NOMINATIONS: Review of applications will begin immediately and continue until the position is filled. Applications and nominations will be accepted until a suitable candidate is selected. Applications should be submitted electronically and must include a letter of interest, curriculum vitae and the names of three references. The references will not be contacted before the appropriate time. Send nominations and applications to:

Human Resources Manager
Otto G. Richter Library
University of Miami
P.O. Box 248214
Coral Gables, FL 33124-0320
Email: [log in to unmask]

The University of Miami is an Equal Opportunity Affirmative Action Employer. The University has a strong commitment to diversity and encourages applications from candidates of diverse cultural backgrounds.





Terri J. Robar

Social Sciences Librarian

Otto G. Richter Library

1300 Memorial Drive, Rm. 347I

Coral Gables, FL  33124-0320

E: [log in to unmask]

T: (305) 284-6028

F: (305) 284-9848


Support us by joining the Friends of the Libraries!

--_000_388C635C1AF6284BBAC1251EDE645F7B32419C9Akmbx3utktenness_-- ========================================================================Date: Thu, 18 Sep 2014 16:07:19 -0500 Reply-To: "C.M. Underdown-DuBois" <[log in to unmask]> Sender: UTSIS-Jobs <[log in to unmask]> From: "C.M. Underdown-DuBois" <[log in to unmask]> Subject: 09-18-2014 job opportunities Comments: To: "[log in to unmask]" <[log in to unmask]>, Lucinda Scanlon <[log in to unmask]>, Sarah Alleman <[log in to unmask]>, Tracey Hughes <[log in to unmask]> MIME-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: multipart/alternative; boundary="047d7bd6be0ef222f505035d5f07" --047d7bd6be0ef222f505035d5f07 Content-Type: text/plain; charset="UTF-8" BONUS: Biggest Mistakes made on resumes BONUS: Biggest Mistakes made on resumes ------------------------- --047d7bd6be0ef222f505035d5f07 Content-Type: text/html; charset="UTF-8" Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable
BONUS: Biggest Mistakes made on resumes

BONUS: Biggest Mistakes made on resumes

--047d7bd6be0ef222f505035d5f07-- ========================================================================Date: Fri, 19 Sep 2014 16:17:17 -0500 Reply-To: "C.M. Underdown-DuBois" <[log in to unmask]> Sender: UTSIS-Jobs <[log in to unmask]> From: "C.M. Underdown-DuBois" <[log in to unmask]> Subject: 09-19-2014 job opportunities Comments: To: "[log in to unmask]" <[log in to unmask]>, Lucinda Scanlon <[log in to unmask]>, Sarah Alleman <[log in to unmask]>, Tracey Hughes <[log in to unmask]> MIME-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: multipart/alternative; boundary="90e6ba614fec607f53050371a1d0" --90e6ba614fec607f53050371a1d0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset="UTF-8" Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable 1. [LibraryJobline]: Librarian - 20 hours per week 2. [LibraryJobline]: Librarian 3. [LibraryJobline]: Full-time Children's Guide 4. [LibraryJobline]: Library Program Associate 1. [LibraryJobline]: Librarian - 20 hours per week Good news! A job was recently posted to and we think you might be interested. Librarian - 20 hours per week The Denver Public Library / The New Rodolfo Gonzales Branch - Opening Soon! [image: Job deadline] Apply by September 26th, 2014 [image: Job salary] $19.83 to $31.72 per hour [image: Job type of library] Public TWO POSITIONS AVAILABLE Background Information: Join the Rodolfo “Corky” Gonzales Branch team and work collaboratively to provide services and materials for children and families. Support the Library’s strategic initiatives of providing early literacy experiences to infants through preschoolers and connecting school-age and adult readers to materials and programs in Spanish and English. What You’ll Do: Work at the Gonzales Branch, 1498 Irving St., to create positive experiences for library customers by providing reference, readers/ media advisory, collection... read more Thank you for using LibraryJobline! ---------------------- 2. [LibraryJobline]: Librarian The Denver Public Library / The New Rodolfo Gonzales Branch - Opening Soon! [image: Job deadline] Apply by September 26th, 2014 [image: Job salary] $19.83 to $31.72 per hour [image: Job type of library] Public TWO POSITIONS AVAILABLE Background Information: Join the Rodolfo “Corky” Gonzales Branch team and work collaboratively to provide services and materials for children and families. Support the Library’s strategic initiatives of providing early literacy experiences to infants through preschoolers and connecting school-age and adult readers to materials and programs in Spanish and English. What You’ll Do: Work at the Gonzales Branch, 1498 Irving St., to create positive experiences for library customers by providing reference, readers/ media advisory, collection... read more ---------------------------------------- 3. [LibraryJobline]: Full-time Children's Guide Anythink Libraries / Anythink Wright Farms [image: Job deadline] Apply by October 3rd, 2014 [image: Job salary] $3,333.00 to $3,833.00 per month [image: Job type of library] Public Job title: Guide (part customer education, part reference advocate, part event planning) Business Unit: Branch Services Hiring Pay range: $3,333 to $3,833 per month Job Type: Full-time; exempt Have you dreamed about revolutionizing Children’s library services? We will look to you to create magical and transformative experiences for our children and tweens. Come be a part of our beautiful 45,000 square foot, flagship Wright Farms branch in Thornton Colorado. Being at the flagship branch, you will be part of the training center for the... read more ------------- 4. [LibraryJobline]: Library Program Associate The Denver Public Library / Montbello Branch Library [image: Job deadline] Apply by September 26th, 2014 [image: Job salary] $19.39 to $28.31 per hour [image: Job type of library] Public SPANISH FLUENCY REQUIRED What You’ll Do: Work at the Montbello Branch Library, 12955 Albrook Dr., to create positive experiences for library customers by providing programming and outreach, designed to educate and promote library usage, to a wide variety of audiences. Provide early literacy outreach to children between the ages of 0-5 years, give story times in both English and Spanish and create programming for youth during out-of-school time. Implement library services and resources, including intergenerational and bilingual programming, to a diverse customer base that... --90e6ba614fec607f53050371a1d0 Content-Type: text/html; charset="UTF-8" Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable
1. [LibraryJobline]: Librarian - 20 hours per week
2. [LibraryJobline]: Librarian
3. [LibraryJobline]: Full-time Children's Guide
4. [LibraryJobline]: Library Program Associate

1. [LibraryJobline]: Librarian - 20 hours per week

Good news! A job was recently posted to and we think you might be interested.

Librarian - 20 hours per week

The Denver Public Library / The New Rodolfo Gonzales Branch - Opening Soon!

Job deadline Apply by September 26th, 2014   Job salary $19.83 to $31.72 per hour   Job type of library Public

TWO POSITIONS AVAILABLE Background Information: Join the Rodolfo “Corky” Gonzales Branch team and work collaboratively to provide services and materials for children and families.  Support the Library’s strategic initiatives of providing early literacy experiences to infants through preschoolers and connecting school-age and adult readers to materials and programs in Spanish and English. What You’ll Do: Work at the Gonzales Branch, 1498 Irving St., to create positive experiences for library customers by providing reference, readers/ media advisory, collection...  read more

Thank you for using LibraryJobline!


2. [LibraryJobline]: Librarian

The Denver Public Library / The New Rodolfo Gonzales Branch - Opening Soon!

Job deadline Apply by September 26th, 2014   Job salary $19.83 to $31.72 per hour   Job type of library Public

TWO POSITIONS AVAILABLE Background Information: Join the Rodolfo “Corky” Gonzales Branch team and work collaboratively to provide services and materials for children and families.  Support the Library’s strategic initiatives of providing early literacy experiences to infants through preschoolers and connecting school-age and adult readers to materials and programs in Spanish and English. What You’ll Do: Work at the Gonzales Branch, 1498 Irving St., to create positive experiences for library customers by providing reference, readers/ media advisory, collection...  read more
3. [LibraryJobline]: Full-time Children's Guide

Anythink Libraries / Anythink Wright Farms

Job deadline Apply by October 3rd, 2014   Job salary $3,333.00 to $3,833.00 per month   Job type of library Public

Job title:  Guide (part customer education, part reference advocate, part event planning) Business Unit:  Branch Services Hiring Pay range:  $3,333 to $3,833 per month Job Type:  Full-time; exempt Have you dreamed about revolutionizing Children’s library services?   We will look to you to create magical and transformative experiences for our children and tweens.  Come be a part of our beautiful 45,000 square foot, flagship Wright Farms branch in Thornton Colorado.  Being at the flagship branch, you will be part of the training center for the...  read more
4. [LibraryJobline]: Library Program Associate

The Denver Public Library / Montbello Branch Library

Job deadline Apply by September 26th, 2014   Job salary $19.39 to $28.31 per hour   Job type of library Public

SPANISH FLUENCY REQUIRED What You’ll Do: Work at the Montbello Branch Library, 12955 Albrook Dr., to create positive experiences for library customers by providing programming and outreach, designed to educate and promote library usage, to a wide variety of audiences.  Provide early literacy outreach to children between the ages of 0-5 years, give story times in both English and Spanish and create programming for youth during out-of-school time.  Implement library services and resources, including intergenerational and bilingual programming, to a diverse customer base that...

--90e6ba614fec607f53050371a1d0-- ========================================================================Date: Mon, 22 Sep 2014 17:13:01 +0000 Reply-To: "Arnold, Tanya" <[log in to unmask]> Sender: UTSIS-Jobs <[log in to unmask]> From: "Arnold, Tanya" <[log in to unmask]> Subject: FW: Library Systems Administrator position In-Reply-To: <[log in to unmask]> Content-Type: multipart/alternative; boundary="_000_2126123C3E02B74DBE3DD197AEDC26129FE4FAEBkmbx4utktenness_" MIME-Version: 1.0 --_000_2126123C3E02B74DBE3DD197AEDC26129FE4FAEBkmbx4utktenness_ Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii" Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable FLORENCE COUNTY, SOUTH CAROLINA JOB DESCRIPTION JOB TITLE: LIBRARY SYSTEMS ADMINISTRATOR, SLOT 005 FLORENCE COUNTY LIBRARY GENERAL STATEMENT OF JOB Under the supervision of the Library Director, develops, maintains and supports the Library System's Local Area Network (LAN), Wide Area Network (WAN), and servers using independent judgment and initiative within the framework of established policies. Supervises daily activities of subordinate personnel and assists with a wide variety of computer and telecommunications hardware, operating systems, and software to serve the needs of library system users and staff. SPECIFIC DUTIES AND RESPONSIBILITIES ESSENTIAL JOB FUNCTIONS Supervisory duties include instructing; assigning, reviewing and planning work of others; maintaining standards; coordinating activities; recommending the selection of new employees; acting on employee problems; and recommending employee discipline. Reviews the work of subordinates for completeness and accuracy; offers training, advice and assistance as needed. Maintains Library automation system (Evergreen), ensuring that all modules, including cataloging, circulation, in-house email, online public access catalog (OPAC), web-based public catalog, acquisitions, and all other operations are secure, stable, and functioning properly at all times. Identifies, analyzes and resolves server, network, and system problems. Installs, configures and replaces routers. Installs, configures and maintains network security, including firewall. Troubleshoots, installs and configures software applications on servers. Performs network and systems backups on servers. Develops and maintains documentation for servers. Administers email server, maintains user accounts and maintains server security. Monitors system logs and performs security audits. Provides full system recovery of services within a specified time frame. LIBRARY SYSTEMS ADMINISTRATOR Evaluates, tests, and validates new software releases, and variations of system configurations; analyzes and adjusts Windows servers for performance and efficient operations; maintains a high level of optimization; and develops and implements system monitoring procedures. Installs, updates and modifies LAN/WAN hardware and software and measures the performance and capabilities to identify trouble areas or bottlenecks. Provides training to library staff and public. Participates in on call rotation. Diagnoses, repairs and maintains computer equipment and peripherals. Maintains inventory of software that has been loaded and monitors software licenses for compliance. Assists in implementation, documentation and maintenance of WAN and Internet node access hardware including routers and switches; and branch telecommunications equipment. Trains other staff as needed in computer troubleshooting techniques. Prepares grant proposals for special funding. Keeps informed of professional developments in library and information science and computer technology. Attends professional meetings and conferences as deemed necessary. Works evenings and weekends as required. Weed collections; moves furniture and equipment as needed. Receives, reviews, prepares and/or submits various reports and documents, including job applications, order slips, statistical reports, activity reports, memos, technology plans, wiring diagrams, e-rate applications and reports, correspondence, etc. Acts as a local Systems Administrator of the SC LENDS consortium and acts as a liaison on technical issues. LIBRARY SYSTEMS ADMINISTRATOR Interacts and communicates with immediate supervisor, co-workers, subordinates, County department directors, managers and employees, S.C. Library Association and other professional association members, professional peers, S.C. State Library officials and consultants, news media, community groups, vendors, and the general public. Operates various types of office equipment including computer, printer, copier, fax machine, telephone, etc. ADDITIONAL JOB FUNCTIONS Performs related duties as required. The Florence County Library System may change assigned work location and schedule of any position depending upon the needs of the system. MINIMUM TRAINING AND EXPERIENCE Masters degree in library science and two years of Windows systems administration required. Minimum two years experience as a LAN/WAN administrator preferred. Library experience preferred. Other combinations of experience, education and training that meet the minimum requirements may be substituted. Must possess a valid South Carolina Driver's License. Applications taken until October 03, 2014*** Minimum Annual Salary: $38,535 ________________________________ Applications are accepted through the Florence County Human Resources office, located at 180 N. Irby Street, Room 605, Florence,SC 29501 (843) 665-3054. Outside of Florence County please contact our office for an application. Florence County is an Equal Opportunity Employer, M/F/H/V. Download and review the County's Policy on Non-Discrimination --_000_2126123C3E02B74DBE3DD197AEDC26129FE4FAEBkmbx4utktenness_ Content-Type: text/html; charset="us-ascii" Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable










Under the supervision of the Library Director, develops, maintains and supports the Library System’s Local Area Network (LAN), Wide Area Network (WAN), and servers using independent judgment and initiative within the framework of established policies. Supervises daily activities of subordinate personnel and assists with a wide variety of computer and telecommunications hardware, operating systems, and software to serve the needs of library system users and staff.






Supervisory duties include instructing; assigning, reviewing and planning work of others; maintaining standards; coordinating activities; recommending the selection of new employees; acting on employee problems; and recommending employee discipline. Reviews the work of subordinates for completeness and accuracy; offers training, advice and assistance as needed. Maintains Library automation system (Evergreen), ensuring that all modules, including cataloging, circulation, in-house email, online public access catalog (OPAC), web-based public catalog, acquisitions, and all other operations are secure, stable, and functioning properly at all times.


Identifies, analyzes and resolves server, network, and system problems.


Installs, configures and replaces routers.


Installs, configures and maintains network security, including firewall.


Troubleshoots, installs and configures software applications on servers.


Performs network and systems backups on servers. Develops and maintains documentation for servers.


Administers email server, maintains user accounts and maintains server security.


Monitors system logs and performs security audits.


Provides full system recovery of services within a specified time frame.





Evaluates, tests, and validates new software releases, and variations of system configurations; analyzes and adjusts Windows servers for performance and efficient operations; maintains a high level of optimization; and develops and implements system monitoring procedures.


Installs, updates and modifies LAN/WAN hardware and software and measures the performance and capabilities to identify trouble areas or bottlenecks.


Provides training to library staff and public.


Participates in on call rotation.


Diagnoses, repairs and maintains computer equipment and peripherals.


Maintains inventory of software that has been loaded and monitors software licenses for compliance.


Assists in implementation, documentation and maintenance of WAN and Internet node access hardware including routers and switches; and branch telecommunications equipment.


Trains other staff as needed in computer troubleshooting techniques.


Prepares grant proposals for special funding.


Keeps informed of professional developments in library and information science and computer technology.


Attends professional meetings and conferences as deemed necessary.


Works evenings and weekends as required.


Weed collections; moves furniture and equipment as needed.


Receives, reviews, prepares and/or submits various reports and documents, including job applications, order slips, statistical reports, activity reports, memos, technology plans, wiring diagrams, e-rate applications and reports, correspondence, etc.

Acts as a local Systems Administrator of the SC LENDS consortium and acts as a liaison on technical issues.





Interacts and communicates with immediate supervisor, co-workers, subordinates, County department directors, managers and employees, S.C. Library Association and other professional association members, professional peers, S.C. State Library officials and consultants, news media, community groups, vendors, and the general public.

Operates various types of office equipment including computer, printer, copier, fax machine, telephone, etc.




Performs related duties as required. The Florence County Library System may change assigned work location and schedule of any position depending upon the needs of the system.




Masters degree in library science and two years of Windows systems administration required. Minimum two years experience as a LAN/WAN administrator preferred. Library experience preferred. Other combinations of experience, education and training that meet the minimum requirements may be substituted. Must possess a valid South Carolina Driver’s License.


Applications taken until October 03, 2014***


Minimum Annual Salary: $38,535



Applications are accepted through the Florence County Human Resources office, located at 180 N. Irby Street, Room 605, Florence,SC 29501 (843) 665-3054. Outside of Florence County please contact our office for an application.


Florence County is an Equal Opportunity Employer, M/F/H/V.

Download and review the County’s Policy on Non-Discrimination

--_000_2126123C3E02B74DBE3DD197AEDC26129FE4FAEBkmbx4utktenness_-- ========================================================================Date: Mon, 22 Sep 2014 15:54:51 -0500 Reply-To: "C.M. Underdown-DuBois" <[log in to unmask]> Sender: UTSIS-Jobs <[log in to unmask]> From: "C.M. Underdown-DuBois" <[log in to unmask]> Subject: 09-22-2014 job opportunities Comments: To: "[log in to unmask]" <[log in to unmask]>, Lucinda Scanlon <[log in to unmask]>, Sarah Alleman <[log in to unmask]>, Tracey Hughes <[log in to unmask]> MIME-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: multipart/alternative; boundary="001a113466b6cef7ca0503adaaa7" --001a113466b6cef7ca0503adaaa7 Content-Type: text/plain; charset="UTF-8" Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable 1. [LinkedIn] Vice President of Library Services, The New York Public Library - Midtown Manhattan 2.[LinkedIn] Librarian (multiple locations) The New York Public Library - Manhattan, Staten Island, and the Bronx 3. [LibraryJobline]: Catalog Librarian & Acquisitions Coordinator 1. [LinkedIn] Vice President of Library Services, The New York Public Library - Midtown Manhattan Job description Reporting to Chief Library Officer, the Vice President of Library Services is a proven champion for service excellence, committed to the community the Library serves, and to delivering an exceptional service portfolio across our public service points. A dynamic individual with exceptional inter-personal and communication skills, the Vice President will inspire a newly formed team from across the Library to deliver a connected, convenient and easy-to-use portfolio of in-person and online transactional services, reference services, information and technologyaccess services, and engaging reading services and programs in all our locations. They will partner with other members of the Chief Library Officer’s leadership team to develop and deliver on our program strategy, policies, and related plans. In collaboration with the Chief Library Officer, the Vice President works with others internal and external to the Library to deliver a world-class service as envisioned by the 2014-2019 strategic plan. Important external partnerships include other NYC library service providers (BookOps, Brooklyn Public Library, Queens Public Library, ReCAP), and New York City agencies such as local community boards and the City Council members. As the largest urban public library in the United States this unique opportunity provides the exceptional service leader attuned to a diverse community in a vibrant city, the ability to lead an energized and dedicated team at a time of exciting advancements in our system. Desired Skills and Experience The successful candidate must have: - Exceptional leadership skills including the ability to work with staff at all levels, think and act strategically, impact and influence key stakeholders, transform organizations, and innovate in and with a diverse community - Strong partnering skills and the ability to work collaboratively and effectively with others to achieve common goals - Ability to build and maintain library user satisfaction with services and programs offered by the library - Accountability and commitment to accomplish work in an ethical, efficient and effective manner - Digital fluency – knowlege in partnering with digital leaders in creating digital service experiences - Proven success with delivering reading programs at scale - Strong ties with educational and cultural institutions in NYC, and deep understanding of city, state, and national library service issues For a full job description and list of requirements, please visit our website: ------------------------------ 2.[LinkedIn] Librarian (multiple locations) The New York Public Library - Manhattan, Staten Island, and the Bronx Job description The New York Public Library (NYPL) has been an essential provider of free books, information, ideas, and education for all New Yorkers for more than 100 years. NYPL’s neighborhood libraries in the Bronx, Manhattan, and Staten Island—many of which date to Andrew Carnegie’s visionary philanthropy at the turn of the 20th century—are being transformed into true centers of educational innovation and service, and vital community hubs that provide far more than just free books and materials. The Library is seeking Children’s Librarians, Young Adult Librarians, and Adult Librarians to empower patrons from infant through senior citizen to become creative thinkers, enthusiastic readers, skillful researchers, and resourceful users of information. Successful candidates will embody each of these four characteristics themselves. Under the supervision of the Library Manager, the Librarian: - Provides reference service and resource recommendations using print, media and digital resources - Collaborates with programming teams to develop, promote, facilitate, present and evaluate innovative programs to meet the expressed and anticipated needs of the community’s population - Partners with the collection development team to build and maintain the collection ensuring it is diverse, current, and relevant and meets the needs of the community - Works to engage patrons with the collection in ways that allow them to follow their interests and discover new ones - Conducts outreach to and develops partnerships with community based organizations, city support agencies, adult educational institutions and local businesses to promote the library’s services, programs and collections - Encourages digital literacy and provides technology instruction - Develops and maintains the layout and appearance of the space, ensuring a safe and inviting area filled with relevant resources - Develops and maintains content for social media platforms such as Library blogs, Facebook, Twitter, Tumblr and Pinterest - Mentors library staff in preparing and presenting programs - Assists with circulation, fines & fees management, reserves and opening/closing procedures - May take responsibility for the facility, staff and operations in the absence of the Library Manager - Maintains a working knowledge of trends in literature, educational and development needs, services and the profession through webinars, internal training, meetings, conferences, professional literature and organizational memberships - Performs related duties as required Desired Skills and Experience Qualifications: - ALA accredited Master’s degree in Library and Information Studies and Public Librarian’s Professional Certificate issued by the State of New York - Experience in a library setting providing information services, including reference and public programming, or an internship in a public library for recent graduates; public library experience preferred - Strong commitment to public service and the ability to work well with a diverse patronage - Experience creating and conducting a variety of innovative programs for specialty area - Knowledge specific literature and experience maintaining a specialty collection - Experience building partnerships with local organizations to better meet the needs of community users - Demonstrated interpersonal, oral, and written communication skills - Successfully demonstrated ability to work as part of a team - Strong organization and planning skills, including the ability to perform multiple projects or tasks simultaneously - Strong computer and other related technology skills, including MS Word, Excel, Powerpoint, Google applications, PCs, Macs and e-reader devices - Demonstrated knowledge of computer services including online searching, social media, reference resources and databases - Basic understanding of emerging library technologies, service and programming trends, and urban public library issues preferred - ----------------------------- - 3. [LibraryJobline]: Catalog Librarian & Acquisitions Coordinator Chester Fritz Library / Main campus [image: Job deadline] Apply by October 8th, 2014 [image: Job salary] $45,000.00 per year [image: Job type of library] Academic The position catalogs advanced copy and original cataloging for print, non-print, and digital formats in many subject areas in accordance with national and local system standards; applies cataloging standards using RDA and DACS; assigns subject entries applying LCSH, FAST, and other standards; applies classification using LCC, SUDOC, and local systems; applies and creates authority records according NACO standards Manage acquisitions functions working with orders, vendors, and invoices in the online library system; supports Collection Development by investigating and managing online book... --001a113466b6cef7ca0503adaaa7 Content-Type: text/html; charset="UTF-8" Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable
1. [LinkedIn] Vice President of Library Services, The New York Public Library - Midtown Manhattan
2.[LinkedIn] Librarian (multiple locations)

The New York Public Library - Manhattan, Staten Island, and the Bronx

3. [LibraryJobline]: Catalog Librarian & Acquisitions Coordinator

1. [LinkedIn] Vice President of Library Services, The New York Public Library - Midtown Manhattan

Job description

Reporting to Chief Library Officer, the Vice President of Library Services is a proven champion for service excellence, committed to the community the Library serves, and to delivering an exceptional service portfolio across our public service points. A dynamic individual with exceptional inter-personal and communication skills, the Vice President will inspire a newly formed team from across the Library to deliver a connected, convenient and easy-to-use portfolio of in-person and online transactional services, reference services, information and technologyaccess services, and engaging reading services and programs in all our locations. They will partner with other members of the Chief Library Officer’s leadership team to develop and deliver on our program strategy, policies, and related plans.


In collaboration with the Chief Library Officer, the Vice President works with others internal and external to the Library to deliver a world-class service as envisioned by the 2014-2019 strategic plan. Important external partnerships include other NYC library service providers (BookOps, Brooklyn Public Library, Queens Public Library, ReCAP), and New York City agencies such as local community boards and the City Council members.


As the largest urban public library in the United States this unique opportunity provides the exceptional service leader attuned to a diverse community in a vibrant city, the ability to lead an energized and dedicated team at a time of exciting advancements in our system.


Desired Skills and Experience

The successful candidate must have:

  • Exceptional leadership skills including the ability to work with staff at all levels, think and act strategically, impact and influence key stakeholders, transform organizations, and innovate in and with a diverse community
  • Strong partnering skills and the ability to work collaboratively and effectively with others to achieve common goals
  • Ability to build and maintain library user satisfaction with services and programs offered by the library
  • Accountability and commitment to accomplish work in an ethical, efficient and effective manner
  • Digital fluency – knowlege in partnering with digital leaders in creating digital service experiences
  • Proven success with delivering reading programs at scale
  • Strong ties with educational and cultural institutions in NYC, and deep understanding of city, state, and national library service issues

For a full job description and list of requirements, please visit our website:


2.[LinkedIn] Librarian (multiple locations)

The New York Public Library - Manhattan, Staten Island, and the Bronx

Job description

The New York Public Library (NYPL) has been an essential provider of free books, information, ideas, and education for all New Yorkers for more than 100 years. NYPL’s neighborhood libraries in the Bronx, Manhattan, and Staten Island—many of which date to Andrew Carnegie’s visionary philanthropy at the turn of the 20th century—are being transformed into true centers of educational innovation and service, and vital community hubs that provide far more than just free books and materials.  

The Library is seeking Children’s Librarians, Young Adult Librarians, and Adult Librarians to empower patrons from infant through senior citizen to become creative thinkers, enthusiastic readers, skillful researchers, and resourceful users of information. Successful candidates will embody each of these four characteristics themselves.

Under the supervision of the Library Manager, the Librarian:

  • Provides reference service and resource recommendations using print, media and digital resources
  • Collaborates with programming teams to develop, promote, facilitate, present and evaluate innovative programs to meet the expressed and anticipated needs of the community’s population
  • Partners with the collection development team to build and maintain the collection ensuring it is diverse, current, and relevant and meets the needs of the community
  • Works to engage patrons with the collection in ways that allow them to follow their interests and discover new ones
  • Conducts outreach to and develops partnerships with community based organizations, city support agencies, adult educational institutions and local businesses to promote the library’s services, programs and collections 
  • Encourages digital literacy and provides technology instruction
  • Develops and maintains the layout and appearance of the space, ensuring a safe and inviting area filled with relevant resources
  • Develops and maintains content for social media platforms such as Library blogs, Facebook, Twitter, Tumblr and Pinterest
  • Mentors library staff in preparing and presenting programs
  • Assists with circulation, fines & fees management, reserves and opening/closing procedures
  • May take responsibility for the facility, staff and operations in the absence of the Library Manager
  • Maintains a working knowledge of trends in literature, educational and development needs, services and the profession through webinars, internal training, meetings, conferences, professional literature and organizational memberships
  • Performs related duties as required

Desired Skills and Experience


  • ALA accredited Master’s degree in Library and Information Studies and Public Librarian’s Professional Certificate issued by the State of New York
  • Experience in a library setting providing information services, including reference and public programming, or an internship in a public library for recent graduates; public library experience preferred
  • Strong commitment to public service and the ability to work well with a diverse patronage
  • Experience creating and conducting a variety of innovative programs for specialty area
  • Knowledge specific literature and experience maintaining a specialty collection
  • Experience building partnerships with local organizations to better meet the needs of community users
  • Demonstrated interpersonal, oral, and written communication skills
  • Successfully demonstrated ability to work as part of a team
  • Strong organization and planning skills, including the ability to perform multiple projects or tasks simultaneously
  • Strong computer and other related technology skills, including MS Word, Excel, Powerpoint, Google applications, PCs, Macs and e-reader devices
  • Demonstrated knowledge of computer services including online searching, social media, reference resources and databases
  • Basic understanding of emerging library technologies, service and programming trends, and urban public library issues preferred
  • -----------------------------
  • 3. [LibraryJobline]: Catalog Librarian & Acquisitions Coordinator

Chester Fritz Library / Main campus

Job deadline Apply by October 8th, 2014   Job salary $45,000.00 per year   Job type of library Academic

The position catalogs advanced copy and original cataloging for print, non-print, and digital formats in many subject areas in accordance with national and local system standards; applies cataloging standards using RDA and DACS; assigns subject entries applying LCSH, FAST, and other standards; applies classification using LCC, SUDOC, and local systems; applies and creates authority records according NACO standards Manage acquisitions functions working with orders, vendors, and invoices in the online library system; supports Collection Development by investigating and managing online book... 
--001a113466b6cef7ca0503adaaa7-- ========================================================================Date: Tue, 23 Sep 2014 06:14:34 -0500 Reply-To: Jobeth Bradbury <[log in to unmask]> Sender: UTSIS-Jobs <[log in to unmask]> From: Jobeth Bradbury <[log in to unmask]> Subject: Library Director, Petoskey, MI Closes Sunday, Sept. 28! Comments: To: [log in to unmask] MIME-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: multipart/alternative; boundary="----=_NextPart_000_00D5_01CFD6F5.A6D963B0" ------=_NextPart_000_00D5_01CFD6F5.A6D963B0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii" Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit Library Director - Petoskey (MI) District Library Petoskey, Michigan has been a destination for generations. Make it your destination, too! The Petoskey District Library's new Library Director will be a critical contributor to the Petoskey arts and cultural community. The successful candidate will lead a committed, talented staff and active, vital Friends of the Library bringing innovation and creativity in generating new and effective library programs and services for the 14,568 residents of the City of Petoskey, Bear Creek Township, and Resort Township. Building on a new strategic plan outlining core values, the Director, with a five-member Board of Trustees, a $1.2 million budget, and a stunning, new Library (2004), will work to implement goals including, but not limited to, building relationships with surrounding townships, expanding library hours, and developing the talents of a dedicated team of library staff. Petoskey, MI, known for the famous "Petoskey stone" and being the home to Ernest Hemingway for many years, overlooks the shores of Lake Michigan's Little Traverse Bay in the Lower Peninsula. It's a resort community of unmatched beauty and charm with all of the amenities of a larger city. In addition to the arts and stellar public schools, Petoskey is the county seat and offers outdoor recreation opportunities including bike trails, boating, fishing and the Midwest's best downhill skiing. Emmet County, organized in 1853, was known for years as L'Arbre Croche (Crooked Tree)-so named by early French fur traders and missionaries for a tall tree overhanging a high bluff used as a landmark for approaching canoes. Also called "Land of a Million Dollar Sunsets," Petoskey has served as a summertime destination for vacationing city residents for many years. Tourism continues to be a major economic force and Petoskey is now a four-season destination with outstanding shopping and views-and the year-round home for many who enjoy its beauty and charm. Petoskey is also home to McLaren Northern Michigan (health care) and North Central Michigan College. For more information about the Library, the Petoskey community and the surrounding area, visit Petoskey Links. Responsibilities. The Library Director works at the pleasure of the Library Board of Trustees and is the Library's chief administrator--responsible for carrying out Board policy, developing strategic plans and directions, and overseeing library operations. Essential functions include: overall management and organizational leadership; financial planning, resource development and accountability; providing effective team development and leadership to the staff; working collaboratively with civic organizations and community agencies; working effectively with elected officials at the local, township and state level; and interacting with the media and the community to project a positive image of the Library. See Library Director for the complete job description, illustrative work activities and required knowledge, skills, abilities. Qualifications. Minimum qualifications are a Master's Degree in Librarianship from an ALA accredited library school; and a minimum of five years of administrative experience (or the equivalent). Essential attributes and skills include: strong interpersonal skills; excellent writing, communication and presentation skills; political acumen; collaborative and team-building skills; and a thorough knowledge of current trends and "best practices" relating to library programs, services and technology. See the Predictive Index summary completed by the Board for additional desired characteristics. Prior success as a library director reporting to a policy making board is also highly desirable. Compensation. The position offers a hiring salary range of $68,000 -$80,000 (with placement dependent upon experience and qualifications) and an attractive benefits package. For further information, contact Bradbury Associates/Gossage Sager Associates via email or phone. Apply via email with a meaningful cover letter and your resume as Word or pdf attachments to Jobeth Bradbury. This position closes September 28, 2014. Jobeth Bradbury Bradbury Associates/Gossage Sager Associates 4545 Wornall Rd, Ste. 805 Kansas City, MO 64111 816-803-7087 (cell); 816-531-2468 (office) ------=_NextPart_000_00D5_01CFD6F5.A6D963B0 Content-Type: text/html; boundary="==============02094607644582004=="; charset="us-ascii" Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable

Library Director – Petoskey (MI) District Library


Petoskey, Michigan has been a destination for generations. Make it your destination, too! The Petoskey District Library’s new Library Director will be a critical contributor to the Petoskey arts and cultural community. The successful candidate will lead a committed, talented staff and active, vital Friends of the Library bringing innovation and creativity in generating new and effective library programs and services for the 14,568 residents of the City of Petoskey, Bear Creek Township, and Resort Township. Building on a new strategic plan outlining core values, the Director, with a five-member Board of Trustees, a $1.2 million budget, and a stunning, new Library (2004), will work to implement goals including, but not limited to, building relationships with surrounding townships, expanding library hours, and developing the talents of a dedicated team of library staff.


Petoskey, MI, known for the famous “Petoskey stone” and being the home to Ernest Hemingway for many years, overlooks the shores of Lake Michigan’s Little Traverse Bay in the Lower Peninsula. It’s a resort community of unmatched beauty and charm with all of the amenities of a larger city. In addition to the arts and stellar public schools, Petoskey is the county seat and offers outdoor recreation opportunities including bike trails, boating, fishing and the Midwest’s best downhill skiing. Emmet County, organized in 1853, was known for years as L’Arbre Croche (Crooked Tree)—so named by early French fur traders and missionaries for a tall tree overhanging a high bluff used as a landmark for approaching canoes. Also called “Land of a Million Dollar Sunsets,” Petoskey has served as a summertime destination for vacationing city residents for many years. Tourism continues to be a major economic force and Petoskey is now a four-season destination with outstanding shopping and views—and the year-round home for many who enjoy its beauty and charm.  Petoskey is also home to McLaren Northern Michigan (health care) and North Central Michigan College. For more information about the Library, the Petoskey community and the surrounding area, visit Petoskey Links.


Responsibilities. The Library Director works at the pleasure of the Library Board of Trustees and is the Library’s chief administrator--responsible for carrying out Board policy, developing strategic plans and directions, and overseeing library operations.  Essential functions include: overall management and organizational leadership; financial planning, resource development and accountability; providing effective team development and leadership to the staff; working collaboratively with civic organizations and community agencies; working effectively with elected officials at the local, township and state level; and interacting with the media and the community to project a positive image of the Library.  See Library Director for the complete job description, illustrative work activities and required knowledge, skills, abilities.


Qualifications. Minimum qualifications are a Master’s Degree in Librarianship from an ALA accredited library school; and a minimum of five years of administrative experience (or the equivalent). Essential attributes and skills include: strong interpersonal skills; excellent writing, communication and presentation skills; political acumen; collaborative and team-building skills; and a thorough knowledge of current trends and “best practices” relating to library programs, services and technology. See the Predictive Index summary completed by the Board for additional desired characteristics. Prior success as a library director reporting to a policy making board is also highly desirable. 


Compensation. The position offers a hiring salary range of $68,000 -$80,000 (with placement dependent upon experience and qualifications) and an attractive benefits package.


For further information, contact Bradbury Associates/Gossage Sager Associates via email or phone. Apply via email with a meaningful cover letter and your resume as Word or pdf attachments to Jobeth Bradbury. This position closes September 28, 2014.



Jobeth Bradbury

Bradbury Associates/Gossage Sager Associates

4545 Wornall Rd, Ste. 805

Kansas City, MO 64111

816-803-7087 (cell); 816-531-2468 (office)


------=_NextPart_000_00D5_01CFD6F5.A6D963B0-- ========================================================================Date: Fri, 26 Sep 2014 15:56:59 +0000 Reply-To: "Mcclanahan, Karen Jean" <[log in to unmask]> Sender: UTSIS-Jobs <[log in to unmask]> From: "Mcclanahan, Karen Jean" <[log in to unmask]> Subject: LSU: Head Edu Resources & Learning Librarian Content-Type: multipart/alternative; boundary="_000_D04B050A7B012kmcclan3utkedu_" MIME-Version: 1.0 --_000_D04B050A7B012kmcclan3utkedu_ Content-Type: text/plain; charset="Windows-1252" Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable LSU Libraries Head, Education Resources and Learning Librarian Assistant Librarian #004413 The Head of Education Resources and Online Learning Librarian reports to the Assistant Dean for online/distance learning and supervisory duties and to the Head of Collection Development and Open Access Initiatives for collection development and liaison responsibilities. Summary of Duties: 30% Provides library services to faculty, staff, and students participating in the Universitys online and distance learning courses and/or programs; works collaboratively with other subject specialists who serve online faculty and students; researches, evaluates and assists in implementing technologies to enhance online and distance learning; works to provide services that meet or exceed ACRLs Standards for Distance Learning Library Services. 25% Oversees operations of the Education Resources department and supervises and evaluates the departments Library Associate. 25% Serves as a selector and liaison for the College of Human Sciences & Educations School of Library and Information Science, School of Education, and School of Kinesiology, providing outreach, instruction, and specialized reference services to faculty and students in those disciplines; develops discipline-specific subject guides, instructional and other materials as needed; works with faculty in the College to embed information literacy in the curriculum; participates in liaison group activities; participates in accreditation and program reviews. 15% Works to meet promotion and tenure requirements for research and service. 05% Other duties as assigned. Qualifications: Required: Masters degree from an ALA-accredited program; at least two years of experience in instructional design or technology-based course delivery; demonstrated knowledge of current principles and practices of distance learning and/or instructional learning technology; demonstrated knowledge and experience in creating and using online library instructional materials; experience providing reference services and library instruction; excellent interpersonal, communication, and organizational skills; evidence of potential to meet research and service requirements for promotion and tenure. Preferred: Undergraduate or graduate degree in Instructional Design, Informational Technology, or related area; experience in providing reference service in an academic environment; at least two years supervisory experience. Application: The application deadline is October 6, 2014 or until the position has been filled. To apply for this position, go to -- --_000_D04B050A7B012kmcclan3utkedu_ Content-Type: text/html; charset="Windows-1252" Content-ID: <[log in to unmask]> Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable

 LSU Libraries

Head, Education Resources and Learning Librarian

Assistant Librarian



The Head of Education Resources and Online Learning Librarian reports to the Assistant Dean for online/distance learning and supervisory duties and to the Head of Collection Development and Open Access Initiatives for collection development and liaison responsibilities.


Summary of Duties:

30%     Provides library services to faculty, staff, and students participating in the Universitys online and distance learning courses and/or programs; works collaboratively with other subject specialists who serve online faculty and students; researches, evaluates and assists in implementing technologies to enhance online and distance learning; works to provide services that meet or exceed ACRLs Standards for Distance Learning Library Services.

25%    Oversees operations of the Education Resources department and supervises and evaluates                              the departments Library Associate.

25%     Serves as a selector and liaison for the College of Human Sciences & Educations School of Library and Information Science, School of Education, and School of Kinesiology, providing outreach, instruction, and specialized reference services to faculty and students in those disciplines; develops discipline-specific subject guides, instructional and other materials as needed; works with faculty in the College to embed information literacy in the curriculum; participates in liaison group activities; participates in accreditation and program reviews.

15%     Works to meet promotion and tenure requirements for research and service.

05%    Other duties as assigned.





Masters degree from an ALA-accredited program; at least two years of experience in instructional design or technology-based course delivery; demonstrated knowledge of current principles and practices of distance learning and/or instructional learning technology; demonstrated knowledge and experience in creating and using online library instructional materials; experience providing reference services and library instruction; excellent interpersonal, communication, and organizational skills; evidence of potential to meet research and service requirements for promotion and tenure.



Undergraduate or graduate degree in Instructional Design, Informational Technology, or related area; experience in providing reference service in an academic environment; at least two years supervisory experience.



The application deadline is October 6, 2014 or until the position has been filled. To apply for this position, go to


--_000_D04B050A7B012kmcclan3utkedu_-- ========================================================================Date: Fri, 26 Sep 2014 15:59:48 +0000 Reply-To: "Mcclanahan, Karen Jean" <[log in to unmask]> Sender: UTSIS-Jobs <[log in to unmask]> From: "Mcclanahan, Karen Jean" <[log in to unmask]> Subject: LSU: Science Librarian Content-Type: multipart/alternative; boundary="_000_D04B05B37B019kmcclan3utkedu_" MIME-Version: 1.0 --_000_D04B05B37B019kmcclan3utkedu_ Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii" Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable LSU Libraries Science Librarian Assistant Librarian #000397 The Science Librarian reports to the Head, Research & Instruction Services for research and instruction duties and to the Head of Collection Development and Open Access Initiatives for collection development and faculty liaison responsibilities. Summary of Duties: 45% Serves as selector and subject specialist liaison for a range of biological, environmental, and/or physical science disciplines. Provides outreach, instruction, and specialized research services to faculty and students in those disciplines. Advocates for use of library services and resources; seeks departmental and campus partnerships and collaborations. 15% Provides general and specialized research services at the Research Desk; may work nights and weekends in rotation. 15% Works to meet promotion and tenure requirements for research and service. 10% Works with staff of the institutional repository to provide data services and assistance with the IR to faculty and students in assigned subject areas; works with the head of the Scholarly Communications Librarian and the Open Access Initiatives Librarian to develop and implement initiatives related to these issues. 10% Provides library instruction for general library training sessions. 5% Other duties as assigned. Required: Masters degree from an ALA-accredited program; degree in a science discipline or two years academic library experience working with a science discipline; experience providing reference/research services and library instruction; excellent interpersonal, communication, and organizational skills; evidence of potential to meet research and service requirements for promotion and tenure; knowledge of institutional repositories and scholarly communication issues. Preferred: Advanced degree in a science discipline; experience with and/or knowledge of e-science/data management issues. Applications Application deadline is October 6, 2014 or until a suitable candidate is hired. To apply, go to -- --_000_D04B05B37B019kmcclan3utkedu_ Content-Type: text/html; charset="us-ascii" Content-ID: <[log in to unmask]> Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable

LSU Libraries

Science Librarian

Assistant Librarian



The Science Librarian reports to the Head, Research & Instruction Services for research and instruction duties and to the Head of Collection Development and Open Access Initiatives for collection development and faculty liaison responsibilities.


Summary of Duties:


45%     Serves as selector and subject specialist liaison for a range of biological, environmental, and/or physical science disciplines. Provides outreach, instruction, and specialized research services to faculty and students in those disciplines.  Advocates for use of library services and resources; seeks departmental and campus partnerships and collaborations.              

15%     Provides general and specialized research services at the Research Desk; may work nights and weekends in rotation.

15%     Works to meet promotion and tenure requirements for research and service.

10%     Works with staff of the institutional repository to provide data services and assistance with the IR to faculty and students in assigned subject areas; works with the head of the Scholarly Communications Librarian and the Open Access Initiatives Librarian to develop and implement initiatives related to these issues.

10%     Provides library instruction for general library training sessions.

5%       Other duties as assigned.



Masters degree from an ALA-accredited program; degree in a science discipline or two years academic library experience working with a science discipline; experience providing reference/research services and library instruction; excellent interpersonal, communication, and organizational skills; evidence of potential to meet research and service requirements for promotion and tenure; knowledge of institutional repositories and scholarly communication issues.



Advanced degree in a science discipline; experience with and/or knowledge of e-science/data management issues.



Application deadline is October 6, 2014 or until a suitable candidate is hired.  To apply, go to


--_000_D04B05B37B019kmcclan3utkedu_-- ========================================================================Date: Fri, 26 Sep 2014 16:51:15 +0000 Reply-To: "Mcclanahan, Karen Jean" <[log in to unmask]> Sender: UTSIS-Jobs <[log in to unmask]> From: "Mcclanahan, Karen Jean" <[log in to unmask]> Subject: FW: Job share - Life Sciences Librarian for Research, Mann Library, Cornell University Content-Type: multipart/alternative; boundary="_000_D04B11227B083kmcclan3utkedu_" MIME-Version: 1.0 --_000_D04B11227B083kmcclan3utkedu_ Content-Type: text/plain; charset="Windows-1252" Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable Note: Erica is an SIS alum through the D-Cerc program. From: Erica Mehan Johns <[log in to unmask]> Reply-To: Erica Mehan Johns <[log in to unmask]> Date: Friday, September 26, 2014 12:33 PM To: UTKSIS-L <[log in to unmask]> Subject: [UTKSIS-L] Job share - Life Sciences Librarian for Research, Mann Library, Cornell University Dear colleagues, Please share the following job opportunity with potential candidates. Cornell University's Albert R. Mann Library has an opening for a half-time job sharing arrangement for the position of Life Sciences Librarian for Research (see below). Interested candidates should apply online: Best wishes, Erica M. Johns Research Data and Environmental Sciences Librarian Albert R. Mann Library Cornell University Ithaca, NY 14853 Tel: (607) 255-0158 Email: [log in to unmask] ________________________________ Cornell University, Albert R. Mann Library Life Sciences Librarian Job Share *** This is a limited term, half-time shared position *** Albert R. Mann Library, part of the Cornell University Library, is looking for a creative energetic professional who is service oriented, technically skilled, and enjoys working in an innovative work environment. Candidates should have a strong background and interest in the life sciences in order to develop and implement highly effective services in support of Cornells life sciences students, faculty and staff. Working on a team with more than a dozen colleagues who make up the Mann Library Research and Learning Services and Collection Development librarians, the Life Sciences Librarian will also have the opportunity to learn from and contribute to the overall public services program at Mann Library. This appointment is a part-time job-sharing arrangement with a limited term. The successful candidate is expected to work closely with the incumbent to develop and maintain a workable schedule and distribution of responsibilities, with minimal impact on the work of the Library and services to its users. The initial appointment will be for one year, with possible annual renewal for up to five years in total. The terms of the appointment are subject to an agreement signed by both the incumbent and the successful candidate, and address contingencies such as one party leaving the position. To request a copy of the draft agreement, please contact Gail Steinhart ([log in to unmask]). Responsibilities: Under the direction of the Head of Research and Learning Services, the Life Sciences Librarian: * Develops and leads innovative information services for the life sciences research, learning and extension communities. * Acquires and maintains expertise in information trends in the molecular and life sciences disciplines. * Participates in Library and campus research support service initiatives including those related to research profiles, and research data management, curation and preservation. * Partners with the Mann Library Instruction Coordinator and faculty to develop and support information literacy programs for undergraduate and graduate students. * Delivers public services to the Cornell community including reference and consulting services and instruction in information management. * Serves as liaison to selected life sciences activities and departments within College of Agriculture and Life Sciences. * Leads and/or participates in other innovative projects in information delivery. Qualifications: Required: * ALA-accredited masters degree in Library or Information Science AND/OR post-baccalaureate degree in the life sciences. * Subject background in molecular or biomedical fields, or related discipline, demonstrated through course work or substantive experience. * Excellent communication and interpersonal skills, service orientation. * Demonstrated initiative and flexibility, and ability to work independently and collaboratively. * Experience with computer and telecommunications technologies for information management and collaboration. * Commitment to professional development. Preferred: * Work experience in an academic library. * Experience teaching information management and computer technologies. * Experience working with tools and technologies related to data management, such as relational databases, GIS software, scripting languages, etc. Environment: Albert R. Mann Library has a long commitment to providing innovative information services. The Librarys collection of life sciences, agricultural and related social sciences materials serves the College of Agriculture and Life Sciences, the College of Human Ecology, and the Division of Nutritional Sciences at Cornell. Mann Library is an integral part of the Cornell University Library. The recently renovated building is the vibrant hub for our primary Colleges. We provide leadership in the library community through projects such as VIVO (, the USDA Economics, Statistics, and Market Information System (, the Cornell University Geospatial Information Repository (, and the TEEAL ( and Research4Life ( programs which provide developing countries with free or low cost access to academic and professional peer-reviewed content. Cornell University is an Ivy League comprehensive research university located in Ithaca in the scenic Finger Lakes region of upstate New York. The town and university offer a unique cosmopolitan and international atmosphere in a beautiful natural setting of waterfalls, gorges, and lakes. The university comprises 14 schools with over 2,700 faculty members and nearly 21,600 students enrolled in undergraduate, graduate and professional schools. The Cornell University Library is a vigorous professional organization with a strong track record in innovation and service quality. It contains nearly 8 million printed volumes, 99,000 current serials in print or online, over 650,000 additional networked electronic resources, and rich materials in other formats. The Library was a recipient of the Association of College and Research Libraries Excellence in Academic Libraries Award in 2002. Benefits: Comprehensive benefits package including 22 vacation days (pro-rated for part-time positions), 11 paid holidays, health insurance, life insurance, and university retirement contributions (TIAA-CREF and other options). Professional travel funding is available. Application Procedure: Please include a cover letter, resume, and the names, phone numbers, and addresses for three references at this website: Salary will be competitive and commensurate with experience. Visa sponsorship is not available for this position. Review of applications will begin on October 31 and continue until a suitable pool of finalists has been identified. Cornell University, located in Ithaca, New York, is an inclusive, dynamic, and innovative Ivy League university and New York's land-grant institution. Its staff, faculty, and students impart an uncommon sense of larger purpose and contribute creative ideas and best practices to further the university's mission of teaching, research, and outreach. Cornell University is an equal opportunity, affirmative action educator and employer. --_000_D04B11227B083kmcclan3utkedu_ Content-Type: text/html; charset="Windows-1252" Content-ID: <[log in to unmask]> Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable
Note: Erica is an SIS alum through the D-Cerc program. 

From: Erica Mehan Johns <[log in to unmask]>
Reply-To: Erica Mehan Johns <[log in to unmask]>
Date: Friday, September 26, 2014 12:33 PM
To: UTKSIS-L <[log in to unmask]>
Subject: [UTKSIS-L] Job share - Life Sciences Librarian for Research, Mann Library, Cornell University

Dear colleagues,


Please share the following job opportunity with potential candidates.


Cornell University's Albert R. Mann Library has an opening for a half-time job sharing arrangement for the position of Life Sciences Librarian for Research  (see below). Interested candidates should apply online:


Best wishes,


Erica M. Johns


Research Data and Environmental Sciences Librarian

Albert R. Mann Library

Cornell University

Ithaca, NY 14853

Tel: (607) 255-0158

Email: [log in to unmask]




Cornell University, Albert R. Mann Library

Life Sciences Librarian Job Share


*** This is a limited term, half-time shared position ***


Albert R. Mann Library, part of the Cornell University Library, is looking for a creative energetic professional who is service oriented, technically skilled, and enjoys working in an innovative work environment. Candidates should have a strong background and interest in the life sciences in order to develop and implement highly effective services in support of Cornells life sciences students, faculty and staff. Working on a team with more than a dozen colleagues who make up the Mann Library Research and Learning Services and Collection Development librarians, the Life Sciences Librarian will also have the opportunity to learn from and contribute to the overall public services program at Mann Library.


This appointment is a part-time job-sharing arrangement with a limited term. The successful candidate is expected to work closely with the incumbent to develop and maintain a workable schedule and distribution of responsibilities, with minimal impact on the work of the Library and services to its users.


The initial appointment will be for one year, with possible annual renewal for up to five years in total. The terms of the appointment are subject to an agreement signed by both the incumbent and the successful candidate, and address contingencies such as one party leaving the position. To request a copy of the draft agreement, please contact Gail Steinhart ([log in to unmask]).




Under the direction of the Head of Research and Learning Services, the Life Sciences Librarian:

  • Develops and leads innovative information services for the life sciences research, learning and extension communities.
  • Acquires and maintains expertise in information trends in the molecular and life sciences disciplines.
  • Participates in Library and campus research support service initiatives including those related to research profiles, and research data management, curation and preservation.
  • Partners with the Mann Library Instruction Coordinator and faculty to develop and support information literacy programs for undergraduate and graduate students.
  • Delivers public services to the Cornell community including reference and consulting services and instruction in information management.
  • Serves as liaison to selected life sciences activities and departments within College of Agriculture and Life Sciences.
  • Leads and/or participates in other innovative projects in information delivery.





  • ALA-accredited masters degree in Library or Information Science AND/OR post-baccalaureate degree in the life sciences.
  • Subject background in molecular or biomedical fields, or related discipline, demonstrated through course work or substantive experience.
  • Excellent communication and interpersonal skills, service orientation.
  • Demonstrated initiative and flexibility, and ability to work independently and collaboratively.
  • Experience with computer and telecommunications technologies for information management and collaboration.
  • Commitment to professional development.




  • Work experience in an academic library.
  • Experience teaching information management and computer technologies.
  • Experience working with tools and technologies related to data management, such as relational databases, GIS software, scripting languages, etc.



Albert R. Mann Library has a long commitment to providing innovative information services. The Librarys collection of life sciences, agricultural and related social sciences materials serves the College of Agriculture and Life Sciences, the College of Human Ecology, and the Division of Nutritional Sciences at Cornell. Mann Library is an integral part of the Cornell University Library. The recently renovated building is the vibrant hub for our primary Colleges. We provide leadership in the library community through projects such as VIVO (, the USDA Economics, Statistics, and Market Information System (, the Cornell University Geospatial Information Repository (, and the TEEAL ( and Research4Life ( programs which provide developing countries with free or low cost access to academic and professional peer-reviewed content.


Cornell University is an Ivy League comprehensive research university located in Ithaca in the scenic Finger Lakes region of upstate New York. The town and university offer a unique cosmopolitan and international atmosphere in a beautiful natural setting of waterfalls, gorges, and lakes. The university comprises 14 schools with over 2,700 faculty members and nearly 21,600 students enrolled in undergraduate, graduate and professional schools. The Cornell University Library is a vigorous professional organization with a strong track record in innovation and service quality. It contains nearly 8 million printed volumes, 99,000 current serials in print or online, over 650,000 additional networked electronic resources, and rich materials in other formats. The Library was a recipient of the Association of College and Research Libraries Excellence in Academic Libraries Award in 2002.


Benefits: Comprehensive benefits package including 22 vacation days (pro-rated for part-time positions), 11 paid holidays, health insurance, life insurance, and university retirement contributions (TIAA-CREF and other options). Professional travel funding is available.


Application Procedure: Please include a cover letter, resume, and the names, phone numbers, and addresses for three references at this website: Salary will be competitive and commensurate with experience. Visa sponsorship is not available for this position.


Review of applications will begin on October 31 and continue until a suitable pool of finalists has been identified.

Cornell University, located in Ithaca, New York, is an inclusive, dynamic, and innovative Ivy League university and New York's land-grant institution. Its staff, faculty, and students impart an uncommon sense of larger purpose and contribute creative ideas and best practices to further the university's mission of teaching, research, and outreach.

Cornell University is an equal opportunity, affirmative action educator and employer.

--_000_D04B11227B083kmcclan3utkedu_-- ========================================================================Date: Fri, 26 Sep 2014 18:35:01 +0000 Reply-To: "Mcclanahan, Karen Jean" <[log in to unmask]> Sender: UTSIS-Jobs <[log in to unmask]> From: "Mcclanahan, Karen Jean" <[log in to unmask]> Subject: Records Management Program Manager / Cleveland, OH Content-Type: multipart/alternative; boundary="_000_D04B29A27B0B7kmcclan3utkedu_" MIME-Version: 1.0 --_000_D04B29A27B0B7kmcclan3utkedu_ Content-Type: text/plain; charset="Windows-1252" Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable From: Suzanne Richards <[log in to unmask]> Date: Wednesday, September 24, 2014 11:31 AM To: Suzanne Richards <[log in to unmask]> Subject: [Asis-l] Job Posting / Records Management Program Manager / Cleveland, OH Apologies for the cross postings . . . . . . . . LAC Group seeks a Records Management Program Manager in Cleveland, Ohio to apply National Archives (NARA) regulations as they pertain to records creation, maintenance, storage, accessibility, safeguarding, and disposition. This is a full time, 40-hour per week position which includes a full benefits package, subject to award. Responsibilities: * Assist staff members with their inactive records storage, the development of file plans and inventory, records clean-up activities, and in preparing boxes for storage. Tracks inactive records through database and assists with retrieval whenever necessary. * Ensure that functions are documented adequately in accordance with NARA regulation and business needs. Records search and retrieval for Freedom of Information Act requests, audit activities, and research projects are other key services. * Assist employees with understanding and applying records retention schedules, developing file plans and inventories, and assisting with records clean-up activities. * Provide oversight and management of archives through collection development, appraisal of materials, description of materials, and ensuring accessibility through the creation of finding aids. * Work closely with historic preservation office to ensure that mitigation requirements are met when a historic facility is demolished or altered. Qualifications: * A Bachelors Degree from an accredited university * A minimum of 5 years records management experience to include archives regulation, records creation maintenance, storage accessibility safeguarding and disposition * Extensive background with NARA rules and regulations. * Experience with applying records retention schedules and developing file plans and inventories * Must be familiar with archives oversight and management, material appraisal and the development of finding aids * Strong interpersonal, project management and leadership experience * Experience working with Federal Records preferred Apply at: LAC Group is an Equal Opportunity/Affirmative Action employer and values diversity in the workforce. --_000_D04B29A27B0B7kmcclan3utkedu_ Content-Type: text/html; charset="Windows-1252" Content-ID: <[log in to unmask]> Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable

From: Suzanne Richards <[log in to unmask]>
Date: Wednesday, September 24, 2014 11:31 AM
To: Suzanne Richards <[log in to unmask]>
Subject: [Asis-l] Job Posting / Records Management Program Manager / Cleveland, OH

Apologies for the cross postings . . . . . . . . 

LAC Group seeks a Records Management Program Manager in Cleveland, Ohio to apply National Archives (NARA) regulations as they pertain to records creation, maintenance, storage, accessibility, safeguarding, and disposition. This is a full time, 40-hour per week position which includes a full benefits package, subject to award.


  • Assist staff members with their inactive records storage, the development of file plans and inventory, records clean-up activities, and in preparing boxes for storage. Tracks inactive records through database and assists with retrieval whenever necessary.
  • Ensure that functions are documented adequately in accordance with NARA regulation and business needs. Records search and retrieval for Freedom of Information Act requests, audit activities, and research projects are other key services.
  • Assist employees with understanding and applying records retention schedules, developing file plans and inventories, and assisting with records clean-up activities.
  • Provide oversight and management of archives through collection development, appraisal of materials, description of materials, and ensuring accessibility through the creation of finding aids.
  • Work closely with historic preservation office to ensure that mitigation requirements are met when a historic facility is demolished or altered.


  • A Bachelors Degree from an accredited university
  • A minimum of 5 years records management  experience to include archives regulation, records creation maintenance, storage accessibility safeguarding and disposition
  • Extensive background with NARA rules and regulations.
  • Experience with applying records retention schedules and developing file plans and inventories
  • Must be familiar with archives oversight and management, material appraisal and the development of finding aids
  • Strong interpersonal, project management and leadership experience
  • Experience working with Federal Records preferred

Apply at:

LAC Group is an Equal Opportunity/Affirmative Action employer and values diversity in the workforce.


--_000_D04B29A27B0B7kmcclan3utkedu_-- ========================================================================Date: Mon, 29 Sep 2014 13:28:47 +0000 Reply-To: "Mcclanahan, Karen Jean" <[log in to unmask]> Sender: UTSIS-Jobs <[log in to unmask]> From: "Mcclanahan, Karen Jean" <[log in to unmask]> Subject: FW: Asst Librarian Children's Hospital Wilmington DE Content-Type: multipart/alternative; boundary="_000_D04ED6837B182kmcclan3utkedu_" MIME-Version: 1.0 --_000_D04ED6837B182kmcclan3utkedu_ Content-Type: text/plain; charset="Windows-1252" Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable From: MLAPhil-L [mailto:[log in to unmask]] On Behalf Of Mitzi Killeen Sent: Monday, September 29, 2014 9:13 AM To: [log in to unmask] Subject: [EXTERNAL] [MLAPhil-L] MLA Philadelphia Regional Chapter Job Posting Assistant Librarian, Alfred I duPont Hospital for Children Medical Library, Wilmington, DE Full Time, Days Alfred I. duPont Hospital for Children, Wilmington 1600 Rockland Road, Wilmington, DE 19803 Job Description & Requirements: Nemours is seeking an Assistant Librarian to join our team in Wilmington, DE. As one of the nations leading pediatric health care systems, Nemours is committed to providing all children with their best chance to grow up healthy. We offer integrated, family-centered care to more than 280,000 children each year in our pediatric hospitals, specialty clinics and primary care practices in Delaware, Florida, Maryland, New Jersey and Pennsylvania. Nemours strives to ensure a healthier tomorrow for all children even those who may never enter our doors through our world-changing research, education and advocacy efforts. At Nemours, our Associates help us deliver on the promise we make to every family we have the privilege of serving: to treat their child as if they were our own. As the birthplace of the Nemours health care system, the Nemours/Alfred I. duPont Hospital for Children in Wilmington, Delaware, honors our legacy of delivering exceptional care to the children of the Delaware Valley and beyond. Ranked among the nations best pediatric hospitals by U.S. News & World Report and honored with the ANCCs Magnet Designation for excellence in nursing practice, we offer intensive and acute inpatient and outpatient services covering more than 30 pediatric specialties. In October, we will complete a multi-phase hospital expansion that will include new inpatient rooms, Pediatric Intensive Care Unit and Emergency Department. Additionally, Nemours duPont Pediatrics allows us to reach more children across the region through community-based physician services and collaborative partnerships with health and hospital systems. The Assistant Medical Librarian will assist the Delaware Medical Librarian in the organization and direction of the Alfred I duPont Hospital for Children Medical Library. Utilizing knowledge of library science principles and practices, this role works as part of a team to integrate library services with education initiatives including, but not limited to, evidence-based medicine tools, patient care, continuing medical education, nursing, research, resident and fellow education, and clinical rounds. Integration of these tools, especially across multiple technology platforms, is an ongoing clinical necessity, and the library is regularly called upon to enhance patrons skills; therefore, the Assistant Medical Librarian must also be forward-thinking and embrace technology, as well as possess excellent presentation, communication and interpersonal skills. The Assistant Medical Librarian will also provide reference, instructional and interlibrary loan assistance to Nemours Associates and affiliated users. Along with customer service and patron education, this role provides planning and administrative support for the department needs. Essential Functions Provides Instructional and Customer Service Support * Provides instruction and training in the use of information resources and library services. * Teaches courses on effective use of Internet and database resources. * Works with InfoLink customers to train and assist them with EMR-integrated, evidence-based medicine tool. * Assists users with adaptation of a spectrum of technological tools used to assist in clinical decision making. Manages Library Resources and Access * Provides timely interlibrary loan (ILL) service by routinely checking DOCLINE (the National Library of Medicines [NLM] automated request routing and referral system), as well as the internal requesting system throughout the day, including an awareness of copyright compliance and ILL practices in both lending and borrowing materials. * Assists users in creating and utilizing Loansome Doc accounts to increase usability of PubMed and efficiency of loaning process. * Maintains the librarys Electronic Fund Transfer System (EFTS) ILL billing account and reimburses other libraries for ILL services in a timely manner. Provides Medical Library Information Services * Knowledge of the medical literature and its organization. * Ability to perform reference interviews and computerized literature searching, utilizing complex database systems. * Attends patient-centered clinical teaching rounds on a regular basis. * Must have the ability to work well with others. * Regular attendance is required. * Good communications skills are required. Non-Essential Functions 1. Collects ILL, circulation and in-house use of library materials data on a monthly basis, including number and nature of patron enquiries; records and reports on library usage statistics. 2. Able to assist patrons in creating bibliographies; knowledge of nationally recognized citation styles, e.g., NLM and APA. 3. Responsible for updating changes in collection in DOCLINE and electronic journal holdings database and for maintaining consistency in how materials are shown to patrons in the OPAC (Online Public Access Catalog). 4. Orders office supplies in adherence to budgetary concerns and considerations. 5. Able to think independently and create avenues to increase library awareness amongst hospital staff; experience with cross-marketing and customer service to aid in assisting with the promotion and marketing of library instruction and services. 6. Re-shelves library materials. Skills 1. Possesses strong interpersonal skills; makes communication with patrons a priority. 2. Works independently and completes tasks thoughtfully and in a timely manner with minimal supervision. 3. Manages Nemours' and Library resources effectively. 4. Responds and adapts to change. 5. Thinks proactively and appropriately defers and refers users to the Medical Librarian when difiiculties arise. 6. Proven problem-solving and decision-making skills are essential. 7. Ability to train or teach clients in the use of select information databases and search tools, including the ability to recognize patrons' difficulties with search techniques and assisting them with patience and understanding. Education and Training * Advanced degree; Masters degree in Library/Library Information Sciences (MLS or MLIS) preferred. * Research library experience required. * Teaching experience preferred. * Electronic evidence-based medicine resources (InfoLink portal, EMR). Our dedication to professionals who are dedicated to children frequently earns Nemours a spot on the list of top workplaces in the communities we serve. Our Associates enjoy comprehensive benefits, including our unique Bridge to a Healthy Future pediatric health plan, an integrated wellness program, opportunities for professional growth, and much more. APPLY: Mitzi Killeen, MLS Cataloger & Special Collections Librarian Philadelphia College of Osteopathic Medicine 4170 City Avenue Philadelphia, PA 19131 215-871-6480 | 215-871-6489 fax PCOM provides email capability to all students, faculty, staff, and administration. All emails and attached files transmitted between and among the foregoing are considered confidential. The emails and attached files are intended solely for the use of the individual or entity to which they are addressed and reading, disclosing, disseminating, distributing or copying by a recipient other than that named therein is strictly prohibited. Any email described herein that is received by an entity or individual to which it is not specifically addressed should be immediately deleted by the unnamed recipient. --_000_D04ED6837B182kmcclan3utkedu_ Content-Type: text/html; charset="Windows-1252" Content-ID: <[log in to unmask]> Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable

From: MLAPhil-L [mailto:[log in to unmask]] On Behalf Of Mitzi Killeen
Sent: Monday, September 29, 2014 9:13 AM
To: [log in to unmask]
Subject: [EXTERNAL] [MLAPhil-L] MLA Philadelphia Regional Chapter Job Posting


Assistant Librarian, Alfred I duPont Hospital for Children Medical Library, Wilmington, DE


Full Time, Days

Alfred I. duPont Hospital for Children, Wilmington

1600 Rockland Road, Wilmington, DE 19803


Job Description & Requirements:

Nemours is seeking an Assistant Librarian to join our team in Wilmington, DE.

As one of the nations leading pediatric health care systems, Nemours is committed to providing all children with their best chance to grow up healthy. We offer integrated, family-centered care to more than 280,000 children each year in our pediatric hospitals, specialty clinics and primary care practices in Delaware, Florida, Maryland, New Jersey and Pennsylvania. Nemours strives to ensure a healthier tomorrow for all children even those who may never enter our doors through our world-changing research, education and advocacy efforts. At Nemours, our Associates help us deliver on the promise we make to every family we have the privilege of serving: to treat their child as if they were our own. 

As the birthplace of the Nemours health care system, the Nemours/Alfred I. duPont Hospital for Children in Wilmington, Delaware, honors our legacy of delivering exceptional care to the children of the Delaware Valley and beyond. Ranked among the nations best pediatric hospitals by U.S. News & World Report and honored with the ANCCs Magnet Designation for excellence in nursing practice, we offer intensive and acute inpatient and outpatient services covering more than 30 pediatric specialties. In October, we will complete a multi-phase hospital expansion that will include new inpatient rooms, Pediatric Intensive Care Unit and Emergency Department. Additionally, Nemours duPont Pediatrics allows us to reach more children across the region through community-based physician services and collaborative partnerships with health and hospital systems. 

The Assistant Medical Librarian will assist the Delaware Medical Librarian in the organization and direction of the Alfred I duPont Hospital for Children Medical Library. Utilizing knowledge of library science principles and practices, this role works as part of a team to integrate library services with education initiatives including, but not limited to, evidence-based medicine tools, patient care, continuing medical education, nursing, research, resident and fellow education, and clinical rounds. Integration of these tools, especially across multiple technology platforms, is an ongoing clinical necessity, and the library is regularly called upon to enhance patrons skills; therefore, the Assistant Medical Librarian must also be forward-thinking and embrace technology, as well as possess excellent presentation, communication and interpersonal skills.

The Assistant Medical Librarian will also provide reference, instructional and interlibrary loan assistance to Nemours Associates and affiliated users. Along with customer service and patron education, this role provides planning and administrative support for the department needs. 

Essential Functions

Provides Instructional and Customer Service Support

  • Provides instruction and training in the use of information resources and library services.
  • Teaches courses on effective use of Internet and database resources.
  • Works with InfoLink customers to train and assist them with EMR-integrated, evidence-based medicine tool.
  • Assists users with adaptation of a spectrum of technological tools used to assist in clinical decision making.

Manages Library Resources and Access

  • Provides timely interlibrary loan (ILL) service by routinely checking DOCLINE (the National Library of Medicines [NLM] automated request routing and referral system), as well as the internal requesting system throughout the day, including an awareness of copyright compliance and ILL practices in both lending and borrowing materials.
  • Assists users in creating and utilizing Loansome Doc accounts to increase usability of PubMed and efficiency of loaning process.
  • Maintains the librarys Electronic Fund Transfer System (EFTS) ILL billing account and reimburses other libraries for ILL services in a timely manner.

Provides Medical Library Information Services

  • Knowledge of the medical literature and its organization.    
  • Ability to perform reference interviews and computerized literature searching, utilizing complex database systems.
  • Attends patient-centered clinical teaching rounds on a regular basis.
  • Must have the ability to work well with others.
  • Regular attendance is required.
  • Good communications skills are required.

Non-Essential Functions

  1. Collects ILL, circulation and in-house use of library materials data on a monthly basis, including number and nature of patron enquiries; records and reports on library usage statistics.
  2. Able to assist patrons in creating bibliographies; knowledge of nationally recognized citation styles, e.g., NLM and APA.
  3. Responsible for updating changes in collection in DOCLINE and electronic journal holdings database and for maintaining consistency in how materials are shown to patrons in the OPAC (Online Public Access Catalog).
  4. Orders office supplies in adherence to budgetary concerns and considerations.
  5. Able to think independently and create avenues to increase library awareness amongst hospital staff; experience with cross-marketing and customer service to aid in assisting with the promotion and marketing of library instruction and services.
  6. Re-shelves library materials.


  1. Possesses strong interpersonal skills; makes communication with patrons a priority.
  2. Works independently and completes tasks thoughtfully and in a timely manner with minimal supervision.
  3. Manages Nemours' and Library resources effectively.
  4. Responds and adapts to change.
  5. Thinks proactively and appropriately defers and refers users to the Medical Librarian when difiiculties arise.
  6. Proven problem-solving and decision-making skills are essential.
  7. Ability to train or teach clients in the use of select information databases and search tools, including the ability to recognize patrons' difficulties with search techniques and assisting them with patience and understanding.

Education and Training

  • Advanced degree; Masters degree in Library/Library Information Sciences (MLS or MLIS) preferred.
  • Research library experience required.
  • Teaching experience preferred.
  • Electronic evidence-based medicine resources (InfoLink portal, EMR).

Our dedication to professionals who are dedicated to children frequently earns Nemours a spot on the list of top workplaces in the communities we serve. Our Associates enjoy comprehensive benefits, including our unique Bridge to a Healthy Future pediatric health plan, an integrated wellness program, opportunities for professional growth, and much more.




Mitzi Killeen, MLS

Cataloger & Special Collections Librarian
Philadelphia College of Osteopathic Medicine
4170 City Avenue
Philadelphia, PA 19131
215-871-6480 | 215-871-6489 fax

PCOM provides email capability to all students, faculty, staff, and administration.  All emails and attached files transmitted between and among the foregoing are considered confidential. The emails and attached files are intended solely for the use of the individual or entity to which they are addressed and reading, disclosing, disseminating, distributing or copying by a recipient other than that named therein is strictly prohibited. Any email described herein that is received by an entity or individual to which it is not specifically addressed should be immediately deleted by the unnamed recipient.

--_000_D04ED6837B182kmcclan3utkedu_-- ========================================================================Date: Mon, 29 Sep 2014 13:19:56 +0000 Reply-To: "Bishop, Wade" <[log in to unmask]> Sender: UTSIS-Jobs <[log in to unmask]> From: "Bishop, Wade" <[log in to unmask]> Subject: FW: Head of Government Information, Maps and Microform Services Indiana University Bloomington Libraries In-Reply-To: <[log in to unmask]> Content-Type: multipart/alternative; boundary="_000_388C635C1AF6284BBAC1251EDE645F7B4E043309kmbx3utktenness_" MIME-Version: 1.0 --_000_388C635C1AF6284BBAC1251EDE645F7B4E043309kmbx3utktenness_ Content-Type: text/plain; charset="utf-8" Content-Transfer-Encoding: base64 DQoNCkZyb206IE1hcHMtTDogRGlzY3Vzc2lvbiBGb3J1bSBmb3IgTWFwcywgQWlyIFBob3RvLCBN YXAgTGlicmFyaWFuc2hpcCwgR0lTLCBldGMuIFttYWlsdG86TUFQUy1MQExJU1RTRVJWLlVHQS5F RFVdIE9uIEJlaGFsZiBPZiBBbmdlbGEgUiBDb3BlDQpTZW50OiBUaHVyc2RheSwgU2VwdGVtYmVy IDI1LCAyMDE0IDk6MTYgQU0NClRvOiBNQVBTLUxATElTVFNFUlYuVUdBLkVEVQ0KU3ViamVjdDog 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--_000_388C635C1AF6284BBAC1251EDE645F7B4E043309kmbx3utktenness_-- ========================================================================Date: Mon, 29 Sep 2014 19:22:43 +0000 Reply-To: "Mcclanahan, Karen Jean" <[log in to unmask]> Sender: UTSIS-Jobs <[log in to unmask]> From: "Mcclanahan, Karen Jean" <[log in to unmask]> Subject: FW: Sewanee TN University Archives Content-Type: multipart/alternative; boundary="_000_D04F10727B1E8kmcclan3utkedu_" MIME-Version: 1.0 --_000_D04F10727B1E8kmcclan3utkedu_ Content-Type: text/plain; charset="Windows-1252" Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable From: Jessica Short <[log in to unmask]> Date: Monday, September 29, 2014 12:44 PM Subject: Job Posting, Sewanee TN University Archives The University of the South in Sewanee, TN is seeking an Assistant Director of University Archives and Special Collections. The position description is attached. Please share! Jessica Short Digital Materials Librarian Tennessee State Library & Archives 403 Seventh Avenue North Nashville, TN 37243 615-741-1896 This electronic mail may be subject to the Tennessee Public Records Act, Tenn. Code Ann. 10-7-503 et seq. Any reply to this email may also be subject to this act. Our Core Values: Exceptionalism Collaboration Integrity Stewardship The mission of the Office of the Secretary of State is to exceed the expectations of our customers, the taxpayers, by operating at the highest levels of accuracy, cost-effectiveness, and accountability in a customer-centered environment Assistant Director of University Archives and Special Collections The University of the South invites applications for the position of Assistant Director of University Archives and Special Collections. The primary function of the Assistant Director will be to assist with the management, direction, and coordination of the day-to-day operations of the University Archives and Special Collections. Responsibilities include: assisting the Director with assessing the departments activities, developing and implementing process improvements within the department and in conjunction with other library departments. The Assistant Director will also assist with the preservation of and provision of access to archives and special collections, which includes manuscripts, rare books, art, and artifacts, as well as assisting with the planning, scheduling, and execution of exhibitions in the University Archives and Special Collections. Additionally, the Assistant Director will provide reference and research consultation to faculty, staff, students and other researchers. A Masters Degree in Library and Information Science, or related graduate degree is required as well as one to three years experience in archives, special collections, or a historical society. The successful candidate will understand the basic history, theory, and professional practices relating to materials generally found in university archives and special collections departments. The successful candidate will possess an understanding of nationally accepted standards, tools, and the best practices for archival processing and description, including knowledge of collection management systems. In addition, the ideal candidate will possess excellent oral and written communication skills, excellent interpersonal skills, and experience with social media and web content management. The University of the South comprises a well-regarded College of Liberal Arts and Sciences and a distinguished School of Theology. It is an institution of the Episcopal Church that welcomes individuals of all backgrounds. It is located on a striking, 13,000-acre campus on Tennessee's Cumberland Plateau. The University of the South is committed to creating and maintaining a diverse campus environment. We are proud to be an equal opportunity educational institution and welcome all qualified applicants without regard to their race, color, religion, gender, sexual orientation, national origin, disability, age, or veteran status. For full consideration applications must be received by November 10, 2014. Interested individuals should send a cover letter, rsum, and the names, addresses and telephone numbers of three references using the link below: . --_000_D04F10727B1E8kmcclan3utkedu_ Content-Type: text/html; charset="Windows-1252" Content-ID: <[log in to unmask]> Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable

From: Jessica Short <[log in to unmask]>
Date: Monday, September 29, 2014 12:44 PM

Subject: Job Posting, Sewanee TN University Archives

The University of the South in Sewanee, TN is seeking an Assistant Director of University Archives and Special Collections. The position description is attached.


Please share!


Jessica Short

Digital Materials Librarian

Tennessee State Library & Archives

403  Seventh Avenue North

Nashville, TN 37243



This electronic mail may be subject to the Tennessee Public Records Act, Tenn. Code Ann. 10-7-503 et seq.  Any reply to this email may also be subject to this act.


Our Core Values:  Exceptionalism Collaboration Integrity Stewardship


The mission of the Office of the Secretary of State is to exceed the expectations of our customers, the taxpayers, by operating at the highest levels of accuracy, cost-effectiveness, and accountability in a customer-centered environment

Assistant Director of University Archives and Special Collections

The University of the South invites applications for the position of Assistant Director of University Archives and Special Collections. The primary function of the Assistant Director will be to assist with the management, direction, and coordination of the day-to-day operations of the University Archives and Special Collections.

Responsibilities include: assisting the Director with assessing the departments activities, developing and implementing process improvements within the department and in conjunction with other library departments.  The Assistant Director will also assist with the preservation of and provision of access to archives and special collections, which includes manuscripts, rare books, art, and artifacts, as well as assisting with the planning, scheduling, and execution of exhibitions in the University Archives and Special Collections. Additionally, the Assistant Director will provide reference and research consultation to faculty, staff, students and other researchers.

A Masters Degree in Library and Information Science, or related graduate degree is required as well as one to three years experience in archives, special collections, or a historical society.  The successful candidate will understand the basic history, theory, and professional practices relating to materials generally found in university archives and special collections departments.  The successful candidate will possess an understanding of nationally accepted standards, tools, and the best practices for archival processing and description, including knowledge of collection management systems. In addition, the ideal candidate will possess excellent oral and written communication skills, excellent interpersonal skills, and experience with social media and web content management.

The University of the South comprises a well-regarded College of Liberal Arts and Sciences and a distinguished School of Theology.  It is an institution of the Episcopal Church that welcomes individuals of all backgrounds. It is located on a striking, 13,000-acre campus on Tennessee's Cumberland Plateau.  

The University of the South is committed to creating and maintaining a diverse campus environment. We are proud to be an equal opportunity educational institution and welcome all qualified applicants without regard to their race, color, religion, gender, sexual orientation, national origin, disability, age, or veteran status.

For full consideration applications must be received by November 10, 2014.  Interested individuals should send a cover letter, rsum, and the names, addresses and telephone numbers of three references using the link below: . 



--_000_D04F10727B1E8kmcclan3utkedu_-- ========================================================================Date: Mon, 29 Sep 2014 15:16:15 -0700 Reply-To: Laura Lillard <[log in to unmask]> Sender: UTSIS-Jobs <[log in to unmask]> From: Laura Lillard <[log in to unmask]> Subject: Position Announcement - Research & Instruction/Business and Technology Librarian, UW Bothell/Cascadia College MIME-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: multipart/alternative; boundary="047d7bdc9f7887370705043b9d66" --047d7bdc9f7887370705043b9d66 Content-Type: text/plain; charset="UTF-8" Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable *TITLE:* Research & Instruction/Business and Technology Librarian *LOCATION:* University of Washington Bothell and Cascadia College Campus Library and Eastside Leadership Center in Bellevue. The University of Washington Libraries seeks a creative and energetic librarian to join a collaborative team of librarians, faculty, and academic staff who are committed to innovation in teaching, learning and research. *THE LIBRARIES: *Serving three campuses, the University of Washington Libraries is one of the largest and most innovative libraries in North America with collections exceeding 8 million volumes, over 500,000 electronic books, more than 120,000 currently received journal titles, as well as millions of scholarly resources in other formats. Beyond the strength of local collections and digital resources, the Libraries is recognized for its excellent service, innovative learning and research spaces, faculty partnerships, global reach, extensive assessment efforts and diverse award-winning staff. The Libraries plays a significant leadership role regionally as a member in the groundbreaking Orbis Cascade Alliance and throughout the profession as evidenced by the number of its staff selected for competitive leadership programs and honored by professional association lifetime achievement awards. *CAMPUS AND LIBRARY:* The University of Washington Libraries serves the students, faculty, and staff of Cascadia College and the University of Washington Bothell at their co-located campus in Bothell, located 18 miles north of downtown Seattle. UW Bothell currently offers programs in Business; Computing and Software Systems; Education; Interdisciplinary Arts and Sciences; Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics; and Nursing and Health Studies. Librarians collaborate frequently with UW Bothell academic staff from Information Technologies (including Learning Technologies), the Quantitative Skills Center, Teaching and Learning Center, and the Writing and Communication Center. More information on UW Bothell and its programs can be found at . More about Cascadia College can be found here: The Eastside Leadership Center (ELC) is part of the University of Washington Bothell’s School of Business. Located nearby in Bellevue, WA, the ELC is home to the University of Washington Bothell Leadership MBA program, BA in Business program, and a new Master of Science in Accounting program. More about the ELC: More information about the Library can be found at *GENERAL DESCRIPTION**:* The Research & Instruction/Business & Technology Librarian will serve as one of two liaisons to the School of Business, and collaborate with the science librarians to support technology-related areas, such as engineering and computer science. Under the general direction of the Head of Teaching and Learning, this position will partner with colleagues within the Library and across the campus to develop, deliver, and assess in-person and online instruction that integrates information literacy into the curriculum, and will utilize learning technologies and pedagogies in support of student learning. Provides classroom and online instruction for targeted courses within the Library’s integrated information literacy program at the lower division, including College 101 and English 102 at Cascadia College, and Discovery Core and Research Writing classes in the first year program at UW Bothell. In consultation with the Head of Collections, the Business Librarian, science librarians and faculty, will select print and electronic materials for the undergraduate and graduate curricula, informed by the larger research collections across the UW Libraries and regional consortia. Includes collaborative tri-campus efforts with counterpart colleagues at UW Seattle and UW Tacoma to meet collection needs for each campus. In consultation with the Head of Research Services, will provide assistance for a range of research inquiries at the UW Bothell Eastside Leadership Center and in the Library’s Information Commons and online through the UW Libraries’ email and chat reference services. Some evening and weekend reference and instruction work will be required at both campus locations. Librarians are expected to play an active role in planning and assessing library services, and to take responsibility for his/her professional development in pursuit of promotion and continuing appointment. *QUALIFICATIONS:* *Required:* - Graduate degree from a program accredited by the American Library Association or an equivalent graduate library science/information studies degree. - Demonstrated commitment to diversity and understanding of the contributions a diverse workforce brings to the workplace. *Preferred:* - Experience or demonstrated knowledge in the provision of instruction services in a college or university setting is highly desirable. Familiarity with information literacy concepts, trends, pedagogies, and assessment. - Experience or demonstrated knowledge of current and emerging instructional technologies and online learning pedagogies in support of hybrid or distance instruction. - Experience or demonstrated knowledge in the provision of reference services to college or university students, in person and online. Strong user centered public service philosophy. - Experience or coursework in business, business librarianship, engineering, computer science, science and technology librarianship or related fields. - Experience or demonstrated knowledge in working with students from diverse backgrounds, interests, and abilities who possess a wide range of educational goals. - Ability to work in a team environment where consultation, flexibility, creativity, collaboration, and cooperation are essential. Commitment to continually seeking improvement in services, collections, and facilities. - Excellent interpersonal and communication skills. *SALARY:* $48,000 minimum, 12 month annual contract. Starting salary commensurate with qualifications and background. *RANK:* Position will be at rank of Assistant or Sr. Assistant Librarian, depending on qualifications and background. *BENEFITS: *Librarians are academic personnel and participate in the University of Washington Retirement Plan (TIAA-CREF and/or Fidelity Investments) on a matching basis. Vacation is accrued at the rate of 24 working days per year; sick leave at the rate of 12 working days per year. Excellent medical, dental and life insurance plans. No state or local income tax. *APPLICATION PROCESS: * To apply for this position, please submit the following information to [log in to unmask]: · Cover letter (addressed to Laura Lillard, Assistant Director, Libraries Academic Human Resources) · Curriculum vitae or resume *(include a telephone number, mailing address, email address and salary requirements)* · Teaching Statement: Applicants are also to provide a *separate* statement of no more than one page addressing their general teaching philosophy and commitment to teaching information literacy. · List of three references who are knowledgeable of your qualifications for this position *(include telephone numbers, mailing addresses, and email addresses)* · *Please use "Librarian Application" in the subject heading.* · Please submit all components in a single, multi-page PDF document. All submissions will be maintained in a secure, password protected online file space until interviews are conducted. Then, some application materials will be circulated. *APPLICATION DEADLINE:* To ensure consideration, applications should be received no later than 5:00 p.m., October 31, 2014. University of Washington Libraries home page is The University of Washington is an affirmative action and equal opportunity employer. All qualified applicants will receive consideration for employment without regard to, among other things, race, religion, color, national origin, sex, age, status as protected veterans, or status as qualified individuals with disabilities. In compliance with the Immigration Reform and Control Act of 1986, the University is required to verify and document the citizenship or employment authorization of each new employee. For questions about this position, or questions regarding potential disability accommodations, please contact Laura Lillard at [log in to unmask] --047d7bdc9f7887370705043b9d66 Content-Type: text/html; charset="UTF-8" Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable

TITLE:              Research & Instruction/Business and Technology Librarian


LOCATION:    University of Washington Bothell and Cascadia College Campus Library and Eastside Leadership Center in Bellevue.


The University of Washington Libraries seeks a creative and energetic librarian to join a collaborative team of librarians, faculty, and academic staff who are committed to innovation in teaching, learning and research.


THE LIBRARIES:  Serving three campuses, the University of Washington Libraries is one of the largest and most innovative libraries in North America with collections exceeding 8 million volumes, over 500,000 electronic books, more than 120,000 currently received journal titles, as well as millions of scholarly resources in other formats.  Beyond the strength of local collections and digital resources, the Libraries is recognized for its excellent service, innovative learning and research spaces, faculty partnerships, global reach, extensive assessment efforts and  diverse award-winning staff.  The Libraries plays a significant leadership role regionally as a member in the groundbreaking Orbis Cascade Alliance and throughout the profession as evidenced by the number of its staff selected for competitive leadership programs and honored by professional association lifetime achievement awards.



The University of Washington Libraries serves the students, faculty, and staff of Cascadia College and the University of Washington Bothell at their co-located campus in Bothell, located 18 miles north of downtown Seattle. UW Bothell currently offers programs in Business; Computing and Software Systems; Education; Interdisciplinary Arts and Sciences; Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics; and Nursing and Health Studies.  Librarians collaborate frequently with UW Bothell academic staff from Information Technologies (including Learning Technologies), the Quantitative Skills Center, Teaching and Learning Center, and the Writing and Communication Center.  More information on UW Bothell and its programs can be found at  More about Cascadia College can be found here:


The Eastside Leadership Center (ELC) is part of the University of Washington Bothell’s School of Business. Located nearby in Bellevue, WA, the ELC is home to the University of Washington Bothell Leadership MBA program, BA in Business program, and a new Master of Science in Accounting  program. More about the ELC:


More information about the Library can be found at




The Research & Instruction/Business & Technology Librarian will serve as one of two liaisons to the School of Business, and collaborate with the science librarians to support technology-related areas, such as engineering and computer science.

Under the general direction of the Head of Teaching and Learning, this position will partner with colleagues within the Library and across the campus to develop, deliver, and assess in-person and online instruction that integrates information literacy into the curriculum, and will utilize learning technologies and pedagogies in support of student learning. 

Provides classroom and online instruction for targeted courses within the Library’s integrated information literacy program at the lower division, including College 101 and English 102 at Cascadia College, and Discovery Core and Research Writing classes in the first year program at UW Bothell.  


In consultation with the Head of Collections, the Business Librarian, science librarians and faculty, will select print and electronic materials for the undergraduate and graduate curricula, informed by the larger research collections across the UW Libraries and regional consortia. Includes collaborative tri-campus efforts with counterpart colleagues at UW Seattle and UW Tacoma to meet collection needs for each campus.


In consultation with the Head of Research Services, will provide assistance for a range of research inquiries at the UW Bothell Eastside Leadership Center and in the Library’s Information Commons and online through the UW Libraries’ email and chat reference services.


Some evening and weekend reference and instruction work will be required at both campus locations.


Librarians are expected to play an active role in planning and assessing library services, and to take responsibility for his/her professional development in pursuit of promotion and continuing appointment.





  • Graduate degree from a program accredited by the American Library Association or an equivalent graduate library science/information studies degree.
  •  Demonstrated commitment to diversity and understanding of the contributions a diverse workforce brings to the workplace.



  • Experience or demonstrated knowledge in the provision of instruction services in a college or university setting is highly desirable.  Familiarity with information literacy concepts, trends, pedagogies, and assessment.
  • Experience or demonstrated knowledge of current and emerging instructional technologies and online learning pedagogies in support of hybrid or distance instruction.
  • Experience or demonstrated knowledge in the provision of reference services to college or university students, in person and online.  Strong user centered public service philosophy.
  • Experience or coursework in business, business librarianship, engineering, computer science, science and technology librarianship or related fields.
  • Experience or demonstrated knowledge in working with students from diverse backgrounds, interests, and abilities who possess a wide range of educational goals. 
  • Ability to work in a team environment where consultation, flexibility, creativity, collaboration, and cooperation are essential.  Commitment to continually seeking improvement in services, collections, and facilities.
  • Excellent interpersonal and communication skills.



SALARY:                $48,000 minimum, 12 month annual contract.  Starting salary commensurate with qualifications and background.

RANK:                    Position will be at rank of Assistant or Sr. Assistant Librarian, depending on qualifications and background.


BENEFITS:            Librarians are academic personnel and participate in the University of Washington Retirement Plan (TIAA-CREF and/or Fidelity Investments) on a matching basis.  Vacation is accrued at the rate of 24 working days per year; sick leave at the rate of 12 working days per year.  Excellent medical, dental and life insurance plans.  No state or local income tax.



To apply for this position, please submit the following information to [log in to unmask]:

·         Cover letter (addressed to Laura Lillard, Assistant Director, Libraries Academic Human Resources)

·         Curriculum vitae or resume
(include a telephone number, mailing address, email address and salary requirements)

·         Teaching Statement: Applicants are also to provide a separate statement of no more than one page addressing their general teaching philosophy and commitment to teaching information literacy.

·         List of three references who are knowledgeable of your qualifications for this position (include telephone numbers, mailing addresses, and email addresses)

·         Please use "Librarian Application" in the subject heading.

·         Please submit all components in a single, multi-page PDF document. All submissions will be maintained in a secure, password protected online file space until interviews are conducted. Then, some application materials will be circulated.




To ensure consideration, applications should be received no later than 5:00 p.m., October 31, 2014. 


University of Washington Libraries home page is


The University of Washington is an affirmative action and equal opportunity employer. All qualified applicants will receive consideration for employment without regard to, among other things, race, religion, color, national origin, sex, age, status as protected veterans, or status as qualified individuals with disabilities.


In compliance with the Immigration Reform and Control Act of 1986, the University is required to verify and document the citizenship or employment authorization of each new employee.


For questions about this position, or questions regarding potential disability accommodations, please contact Laura Lillard at [log in to unmask].


--047d7bdc9f7887370705043b9d66-- ========================================================================Date: Tue, 30 Sep 2014 12:44:45 +0000 Reply-To: "Mcclanahan, Karen Jean" <[log in to unmask]> Sender: UTSIS-Jobs <[log in to unmask]> From: "Mcclanahan, Karen Jean" <[log in to unmask]> Subject: FW:Clinical Research Librarian, Jefferson College of Health Sciences in Roanoke, Virginia Content-Type: multipart/alternative; boundary="_000_D0501DC37B3FDkmcclan3utkedu_" MIME-Version: 1.0 --_000_D0501DC37B3FDkmcclan3utkedu_ Content-Type: text/plain; charset="Windows-1252" Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable C. Schubert posted: "Job Title: Clinical Research Librarian Organization: Jefferson College of Health Sciences in Roanoke, Virginia Schedule: Full-Time Shift: Monday Friday, 8:00 a.m. 5:00 p.m. Job Code: PNC14124R Direct apply link: https://www.healthcareso" Respond to this post by replying above this line New post on Mid-Atlantic Chapter of the Medical Library Association [] Job Posting: Clinical Research Librarian, Jefferson College of Health Sciences in Roanoke, Virginia by C. Schubert Job Title: Clinical Research Librarian Organization: Jefferson College of Health Sciences in Roanoke, Virginia Schedule: Full-Time Shift: Monday Friday, 8:00 a.m. 5:00 p.m. Job Code: PNC14124R Direct apply link: **This position is located at Jefferson College of Health Sciences in Roanoke, Virginia** Supports Carilions, Jefferson College of Health Sciences and Virginia Tech Carilion School of Medicines hallmarks of service excellence and quality for all job responsibilities. Read more of this post C. Schubert | September 29, 2014 at 10:14 pm | Categories: Jobs | URL: Comment See all comments Unsubscribe to no longer receive posts from Mid-Atlantic Chapter of the Medical Library Association. Change your email settings at Manage Subscriptions. Trouble clicking? Copy and paste this URL into your browser: Thanks for flying with [] --_000_D0501DC37B3FDkmcclan3utkedu_ Content-Type: text/html; charset="Windows-1252" Content-ID: <[log in to unmask]> Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable

C. Schubert posted: "Job Title: Clinical Research Librarian Organization: Jefferson College of Health Sciences in Roanoke, Virginia Schedule: Full-Time Shift: Monday Friday, 8:00 a.m. 5:00 p.m. Job Code: PNC14124R Direct apply link: https://www.healthcareso"

Respond to this post by replying above this line



New post on Mid-Atlantic Chapter of the Medical Library Association


Job Posting: Clinical Research Librarian, Jefferson College of Health Sciences in Roanoke, Virginia

by C. Schubert

Job Title: Clinical Research Librarian

Organization: Jefferson College of Health Sciences in Roanoke, Virginia

Schedule: Full-Time

Shift: Monday Friday, 8:00 a.m. 5:00 p.m.

Job Code: PNC14124R

Direct apply link:

**This position is located at Jefferson College of Health Sciences in Roanoke, Virginia**

Supports Carilions, Jefferson College of Health Sciences and Virginia Tech Carilion School of Medicines hallmarks of service excellence and quality for all job responsibilities. Read more of this post

C. Schubert | September 29, 2014 at 10:14 pm | Categories: Jobs | URL:


   See all comments


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--_000_D0501DC37B3FDkmcclan3utkedu_-- ========================================================================Date: Tue, 30 Sep 2014 14:18:45 +0000 Reply-To: "Arnold, Tanya" <[log in to unmask]> Sender: UTSIS-Jobs <[log in to unmask]> From: "Arnold, Tanya" <[log in to unmask]> Subject: FW: DOE job opening for Tech. Info. Specialist In-Reply-To: <[log in to unmask]> Content-Type: multipart/alternative; boundary="_000_2126123C3E02B74DBE3DD197AEDC26129FE602CEkmbx4utktenness_" MIME-Version: 1.0 --_000_2126123C3E02B74DBE3DD197AEDC26129FE602CEkmbx4utktenness_ Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii" Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable May be of interest.... ________________________________ Dear UT Friends, I wanted to let you know that DOE OSTI has a vacancy for a technical information specialist, with consideration open to "recent college graduates," i.e., within two years of receiving a degree. The job opened last Wednesday and closes on October 7. Please pass this information and the link below along to anyone you think would be interested and well qualified. Of course, as always, we also welcome your personal recommendations. Thanks again for our continuing collaborations (this position fills a vacancy left by the retirement of Valerie Allen, a UT MSLIS grad). Here's the link to the vacancy: Best regards, Brian Brian A. Hitson Director Office of Scientific and Technical Information U.S. Department of Energy --_000_2126123C3E02B74DBE3DD197AEDC26129FE602CEkmbx4utktenness_ Content-Type: text/html; charset="us-ascii" Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable

May be of interest….


Dear UT Friends,


I wanted to let you know that DOE OSTI has a vacancy for a technical information specialist, with consideration open to “recent college graduates,” i.e., within two years of receiving a degree.  The job opened last Wednesday and closes on October 7.  Please pass this information and the link below along to anyone you think would be interested and well qualified.  Of course, as always, we also welcome your personal recommendations.


Thanks again for our continuing collaborations (this position fills a vacancy left by the retirement of Valerie Allen, a UT MSLIS grad).


Here’s the link to the vacancy:


Best regards,





Brian A. Hitson


Office of Scientific and Technical Information

U.S. Department of Energy



