1. [LibraryJobline]: Circulation Manager

1. [LibraryJobline]: Circulation Manager

Good news! A job was recently posted to LibraryJobline.org and we think you might be interested.

Circulation Manager

Pueblo City-County Library District / Rawlings

Job deadline Open Until Filled  Job salary $43,264.00 to $65,000.00 per year  Job type of library Public

Pueblo City-County Library District (PCCLD) is searching for a knowledgeable, innovative, customer- focused individual to join the PCCLD team as the Circulation Manager.  The purpose of the Circulation Manager is lead the district in continuous improvement of its Circulation practices by developing efficiencies, providing training, recommending policies and managing the Circulation Department at the Rawlings Library. The position manages staff and is accountable for achieving key results. This position frequently participates in District projects that relate to circulation...  read more

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