
When do you anticipate having all chapters in hand?  We will be leaving for portugal on September 8th and not returning until September 24th.  If there are things I need to attend to....gotta get them done before that time.  My chapter and Jacques chapter are in; hopefully Tom's and James's is on the way....and we need to finish off the introduction....I can attach what I have in a separate email....what else before they to Springer?


On Tue, Aug 19, 2014 at 8:25 AM, Gray, Matt <[log in to unmask]> wrote:

Hello All:


Here is a recent article that Amanda wrote about the 2013 International Symposium on Ranaviruses.


We look forward to seeing everyone at the 2015 symposium.  Please contact Tom or Jim if you’re able to help with planning.


All the Best, Matt


From: Thomas Waltzek <[log in to unmask]>
Reply-To: Global Ranavirus Consortium <[log in to unmask]>
Date: Friday, August 8, 2014 at 7:36 PM
To: "[log in to unmask]" <[log in to unmask]>
Subject: Third International Symposium on Ranaviruses

Dear GRC and Friends,


The University of Florida and Global Ranavirus Consortium are pleased to announce the Third International Symposium on Ranaviruses, which will be held from 30 May – 1 June 2015 at the Hilton University of Florida Conference Center in Gainesville, Florida.  The symposium will be held in conjunction with the Florida Marine Mammal Health Conference (2 – 4 June 2015) for those that are interested.  We are in the process of forming various planning committees (fundraising, presentations and discussions, workshops and field trips, outreach).  If you are interested in serving on one of these committees or volunteering during the symposium, please let Jim or me know.  We are planning to have two days of presentations with a social held at the Florida Museum of Natural History.  On the third day, there will be opportunities for professional development workshops (e.g., necropsy/pathology, study design/sample collection, molecular/genetic techniques) as well as field trips to local natural areas.  Florida is an international destination for tourism with opportunities for the entire family (  This fall we will be sending a call for presentation (oral and poster) abstracts and workshop proposals.  For those that are traveling internationally, please let me know if you need a letter of invitation for a travel visa. 


In 2013, the Second International Symposium on Ranaviruses was attended by >100 professionals and students from 11 countries.  We promise to make the experience in 2015 as rewarding.  We look forward to seeing you in Gainesville, and will share additional information (including a symposium website) when it is available. 


Please distribute this flyer widely:


Best regards,


Tom Waltzek and Jim Wellehan

Co-organizers, 2015 International Symposium on Ranaviruses