Hi there!

Yes, we here at NC State just completed ours (whew!!!!!  now the real fun starts!).

We utilized a local group here in Raleigh, Fountainworks.  The principal there, Warren Miller, is very familiar and versed in Cooperative Extension (especially now!) as well as local government/public institutions.  He worked under one of our former governors and also presently works with our School of Government, and a lot of his work is in the public sector. 

His firm was recommended to us from our internal Center for Environmental Farming Systems (CEFS), and now he is also doing some work with our NC Association of County Commissioners, I believe.

I fully and completely recommend Fountainworks!!  Highest marks!

Best of luck!

P.S.  If you call them, tell Warren I sent you!  

On Thu, Aug 28, 2014 at 5:37 PM, Chris Mcclendon <[log in to unmask]> wrote:

Good afternoon,


I am interested in determining which states have been involved in a comprehensive strategic planning process within the last ten years and if so, the name of the consulting group that was utilized.  We are trying to determine which states have had success in such an endeavor and if consulting firms were used or if this was handled by an in-house team.


If you don’t mind sharing, please respond by email to Jan Canada in our office at [log in to unmask]. She will collect the data.  I can share at the meeting in October as well. I know our friends at NC State have recently conducted this endeavor and we are looking at the possibly of doing this in Alabama.  All assistance is appreciated as we really want firms that have reached and understand Cooperative Extension.




Chris McClendon

Alabama Cooperative Extension System

105 Duncan Hall

Auburn University, AL 36849

[log in to unmask]

Office: (334) 844-5531

Mobile: (334) 740-9743

Fax: (334) 844-5530



We have launched our strategic plan!  
We invite you to get the latest information at our updated website:

Sheri L. Schwab, J.D, M.Ed.
Associate Director of the NC Cooperative Extension Service
and Director of County Operations
NC State University
Office:  919.515.1381
Cell:  919.412.7255
Executive Assistant:  Beth Dabney, [log in to unmask]; 919-515-1370

Extension provides practical education you can trust to help people, businesses, and communities solve problems, develop skills, and build a better future.