We are just revamping our position here at NC State Extension - we had been "swallowed up" by University Communications a few years ago and now are getting that separated back out to Ag Communications.  So, the position will be new (but similar to what we have had before).  The salary range is not 100% firmed up yet, but it is likely to end up in the $90K to $110K.
We should know more within a few days (the review meeting is 8/19, with feedback to us by 8/21 or 8/22).

If anything changes once that comes through, I will let you know!
Take care all!

P.S.  We just launched our strategic plan publicly today!  WHOA!  I hope to share with you that information when we convene in October.  
In the meanwhile, if you are interested, see our website!

On Tue, Aug 12, 2014 at 2:36 PM, Byrd III, William H (Herb) <[log in to unmask]> wrote:

Our position is at the Institute level and is a Vice Chancellor level position. I am on the road but could get you some salary info tonight.


Sent from my iPhone

On Aug 12, 2014, at 10:36 AM, "Bonner, Sue" <[log in to unmask]> wrote:

Good morning,


Do you have a position that serves as  Director for Agricultural Communications for your institution?


If so, could you provide some kind of hiring range, salary range of your employee, etc.


We’ll looking at filling our position here and I am trying to round up data.


Thanks for the input.






Sue Bonner, PHR

Director, DASNR Human Resources

Division of Agricultural Sciences & Natural Resources

Oklahoma State University

P:  405-744-5524

F:  405-744-8863

E:  [log in to unmask]




Get updates on our Visioning Initiative and Strategic Planning process here:  http://www.ces.ncsu.edu/vision-initiative/

Sheri L. Schwab, J.D, M.Ed.
Associate Director of the NC Cooperative Extension Service
and Director of County Operations
NC State University
Office:  919.515.1381
Cell:  919.412.7255
Executive Assistant:  Beth Dabney, [log in to unmask]; 919-515-1370

Extension provides practical education you can trust to help people, businesses, and communities solve problems, develop skills, and build a better future.