

Hi, Sheri.


We at UF are looking at this now as we explore a new Extension staffing model.    I don’t have anything to contribute right now, but am very interested in what others have done.  Thanks for asking the question!



Mary Anne Morgan, SPHR

Director, IFAS Human Resources

2038 McCarty Hall

PO Box 110281

Gainesville, FL  32611

352-392-4777 phone

352-392-3226 fax




From: Extension Service Personnel Officers in the Southern Region [mailto:[log in to unmask]] On Behalf Of Sheri Schwab
Sent: Monday, August 04, 2014 6:31 AM
To: [log in to unmask]
Subject: Agent-to-support staff ratio?


Good morning friends!  

I hope everyone had a great weekend.


Do any of you have an established agent-to-support staff ratio, such as 5 agents to 1 support staff, other?  If so, I would appreciate your sharing what it is, and how you established it.  Of course we are looking at it from the viewpoint of how many support staff we would financially support, as well as from what is a practical number of professionals to support.  


Also, if you have any research from JOE or SHRM or CUPA that you might know of on this topic, that would be excellent to share as well.


Thanks so much!




Get updates on our Visioning Initiative and Strategic Planning process here:



Sheri L. Schwab, J.D, M.Ed.

Associate Director of the NC Cooperative Extension Service

and Director of County Operations

NC State University

Office:  919.515.1381

Cell:  919.412.7255

Executive Assistant:  Beth Dabney, [log in to unmask]; 919-515-1370



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