

We still have room for journalists interested in learning more about 
environmental policy, particularly the Clean Air Act and the technique of "Cap & 
Trade."  SIGN up NOW at 

  CLEARING THE AIR!  A FREE Workshop for current and aspiring journalists
        Tuesday, August 26, 9:00 am - Noon - Toyota Auditorium 
Attn. all journalists - Join us and learn about energy and environmental policy, 
including EPA’s Clean Power Plan, Cap & Trade, Clean Air Act, and more, while 
improving your writing skills! Our experts will enlighten you and entertain you in 
this free workshop for all journalists (students welcome)!

  9:00 am  Environmental Policy - Dr. Charles Sims, Baker Faculty Fellow & 	  
Economics professor and Dr. Mary English, Baker Fellow 
10:00 am  Cap & Trade Simulation - Nathan Murray, GRA, UT Economics
11:00 am  Writing Samples - Critique and discussion - Dr. Mike Martinez, 	  	  
professor, UT Journalism & Electronic Media, and former journalist 
Noon   Adjourn! 

Sponsored by the Baker Center, UT Journalism & Electronic Media and the E. TN 
Society for Professional Journalists
REGISTER in advance here: 

Parking available at Vol Hall Garage - see info here: