

The UTC Library invites applications from motivated and user-focused individuals for the staff position of IT Specialist I.

This position is responsible for the installation, setup, and maintenance of approximately 400+ library computers and peripherals. Responsibilities include:

*         - Selection, purchase, set-up and maintenance of library-wide hardware and software, including desktop operating systems profiles and policies in adherence with University guidelines, including computers (a mix of Macs and PCs), wireless laptops, workstations, scanners, printers, barcode readers, tablets, and other peripheral devices.
*         - Provide on-demand individualized troubleshooting, support, problem resolution, and training for patrons and members of the library staff as it relates to computers and peripherals.
*         - Serve as back-up to other members of the Library's Information Technology department to ensure that systems are functional and interoperable.
*         - Monitor emerging technologies.
*         - Serve at public services points such as Circulation, the Commons, or the Studio.

To apply online, as well as review the position's qualifications and work schedule, visit:<>. A review of applications will begin in mid-August and will continue until the position is filled.

Brian Rogers
Web Services Librarian
University of Tennessee at Chattanooga
Phone: (423) 425-5279 | Fax: (423) 425-4775
Email: [log in to unmask]<mailto:[log in to unmask]>