On behalf of the SIS Alumni Society, voting begins today for the annual elections.  Please visit http://www.sis.utk.edu/2014_15ASBelection and cast your vote for the new 2014 – 2015 SIS Alumni Society officers and members-at-large. 

Cast your ballot for one (1) vice-president/ president-elect, one (1) secretary, and up to two (2) members-at-large.

Ballots will be collected until Thursday July 31 at 5 PM EDT.  Please let me know if there are any technical issues with the voting or if you need a paper ballot sent to you.


The nominees are (name, year of graduation, reason for nomination if given):



Members-at large

Thanks to those who nominated candidates and congratulations to the nominees!


Reminder - for the 2014- 2015 year:  Michael Lindsay (‘02) will be President, Aaron Dobbs (‘94) will be Past-president, Chris Durman (‘05) and Andy Madson (‘06) will serve the second year of their two-year term. 


Thanks to Jamie Osborn (2008) and Susan Earl (1985) for serving two years as Members-at-large!



We want to stay connected with you!  CCI alumni can connect at http://www.cci.utk.edu/webform/keep-touch.

Donna Silvey

Communication Specialist

The University of Tennessee

College of Communication & Information

School of Information Sciences

1345 Circle Park Dr. Suite 451

Knoxville, TN  37996-0341



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