

Subject: NA Digest, V. 14, # 17

NA Digest  Sunday, June 01, 2014  Volume 14 : Issue 17

Today's Editor:

	Daniel M. Dunlavy
	Sandia National Labs
	[log in to unmask]

Today's Topics:

	Wilkinson Prize for Numerical Software
	CIRM-FBK Call for Application for 2015 Activities
	Particles in Flows, Czech Republic, Aug 2014
	Uncertainty Quantification Summer School, USA, Aug 2014
	SIAM CSE15, USA, Mar 2015
	PhD Position, HPC, Simula Research Lab
	Phd Position, Numerical Methods for Seismics Surveys, Glasgow, UK

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Submissions for NA Digest:


From: Mike Dewar [log in to unmask]
Date: May 30, 2014
Subject: Wilkinson Prize for Numerical Software

In honour of the outstanding contributions of James Hardy Wilkinson to
the field of numerical software, Argonne National Laboratory, the
National Physical Laboratory, and the Numerical Algorithms Group award
the Wilkinson Prize for Numerical Software (US $3000).

The 2015 prize will be awarded at the International Conference in
Industrial and Applied Mathematics (ICIAM) in Beijing, China, August

Entries must be received by July 1, 2014. Additional details on the
Wilkinson Prize for Numerical Software and the official rules can be
found at the URL:

Submissions can be sent by email to [log in to unmask], contact
this address for further information.

Previous prizes have also been awarded at ICIAM:

1991 - Linda Petzold for DASSL
1995 - Chris Bischof and Alan Carle for ADIFOR 2.0
1999 - Matteo Frigo and Steven Johnson for FFTW
2003 - Jonathan Shewchuk  for Triangle
2007 - Wolfgang Bangerth, Ralf Hartmann and Guido Kanschat for deal.II
2011 - Andreas Waechter and Carl D. Laird for Ipopt


From: Micheletti Augusto [log in to unmask]
Date: May 28, 2014
Subject: CIRM-FBK Call for Application for 2015 Activities

The CIRM (Centro Internazionale per la Ricerca Matematica, see ) located in Trento-Italy, following the proposal
of its ADVISORY BOARD, wants to promote and to fund in 2015 the
following activities in the field of Mathematics Research, some in
collaboration with the Dept of Mathematics of the University of Trento.

I) Conferences. Since 1979 CIRM has organized more than 260
mathematical Meetings and Conferences well appreciated by the
International Math. Community; in 2015 a series of conferences will be
supported.  Proposals of a conference for the year 2015 should have
been submitted before September, 2014.
An application must contain:
1) a scientific proposal, with names of possible speakers,
2) a rather detailed financial budget, which CIRM will be asked to
finance partially (up to 50%),
3) specification of the other available or planned financial resources

II) Postdoc Fellowships. CIRM opens the application for two Postdoc
Positions, an annual one and a triennial one, for researches in the
field of Mathematics in the year 2014-2015.  The fellowship amounts to
Euro 23500 gross per year (taxes should be deducted), which will be
supplied in 12 monthly installments, and requires the daily presence
at the CIRM Institute (address: Via Sommarive 14, Povo, Trento).  The
applications must arrive not later than September, 2014. .

III) CIRM activities include two more programs, a program of CIRM
Visiting Professors and CIRM Visiting Scholars and another one of
Research in Pairs, the latter similar to the one of the Mathematisches
Forschungsinstitut Oberwolfach, which expects the presence of two or
three partners from Universities located in different towns, who
intend to work together at CIRM, on a definite research project for a
period of time ranging from one to six weeks. For further information
please visit the websites:
and .


From: Tomas Bodnar [log in to unmask]
Date: May 28, 2014
Subject: Particles in Flows, Czech Republic, Aug 2014

For details see the dedicated web page

Main Speakers: Martin Sommerfeld, George Karniadakis, Marius Tucsnak,
Franck Sueur, Mads Kyed, Giovanni Paolo Galdi, Jan Dušek, Václav Tesař

Main Topics: multiphase and bubbly flows; free and controlled
particles in viscous fluid; fluid-structure interaction problems;
forces acting on particles and droplets; numerical methods for
particle-laden flows; particle-based Lagrangian methods; time-periodic
fluid flows; motion of rigid bodies in incompressible flows; path
instabilities of falling and rising bodies

The aim of the summer school is to present a comprehensive series of
lectures on various aspects of problems involving particles in
flows. It is organized as a multidisciplinary event with topics
ranging from theoretical and numerical mathematics up to physics and
applications. The emphasize will be on models related to topics
originating in environmental, biomedical and industrial
applications. The summer course is prepared for graduate students,
young scientists, and other interested specialists. Besides of the
course lectures, the program will include a one day workshop (on
Wednesday, August 27) dedicated to short, more advanced lectures given
by attending scientists.

ERCOFTAC grants are available to support young scientists in order to
help them to attend this event. Moreover, special 25% discount for all
types of registration fees is available for participants from ERCOFTAC
member institutions.


From: Roger Ghanem [log in to unmask]
Date: May 29, 2014
Subject: Uncertainty Quantification Summer School, USA, Aug 2014

We are pleased to announce the 2014 Summer School on Uncertainty
Quantification to take place at the University of Southern California
on August 11-13 2014.

The Summer School is co-organized by USC and QUEST, a SciDAC UQ
Institute. The list of speakers/instructors consists of: Bert
Debusschere, David Dunson, Tony O'Hagan, H.T. Banks, and Jean-Paul

Information and registration information can be found at:

Seating is limited and preference will be given to early registrants.

Direct questions and inquiries to:
Roger Ghanem
Email: [log in to unmask]
Tel: 213 590-3617


From: Jennifer Fasy [log in to unmask]
Date: May 27, 2014
Subject: SIAM CSE15, USA, Mar 2015

SIAM Conference on Computational Science and Engineering - Call for
Participation Now Available!
Salt Lake City, Utah, USA
March 14-18, 2015
Twitter hashtag: #SIAMCSE15

- July 31, 2014: Minisymposium proposals
- August 21, 2014: Abstracts for contributed and minisymposium speakers
- August 21, 2014: Abstracts for contributed posters and
  minisymposterium posters (thematic groups)
- August 7, 2014: SIAM Student Travel Award and Post-doc/Early Career
  Travel Award Applications

We especially encourage submissions of posters to CSE15, where we
will have expanded poster sessions, including demos and thematic
groups of posters (or poster minisymposia), as well as poster
prizes.  CSE15 poster sessions will be great opportunities for
networking and interacting in depth about research topics.  More
details are below and on the CFP.

The poster session will be preceded by a poster blitz highlighting
the posters on display.  In addition, prizes will be awarded ---
e.g. “best overall poster” and “best student poster.” Laptop demos
are encouraged and poster presenters will be able to request a
small demo table alongside their poster.

A minisymposium of posters (that is, a minisymposterium) consists of a
collection of three or more posters by different presenters grouped
around a central theme. The posters will be co-located in the poster
viewing area. Minisymposterium requests should be sent by the
organizer to [log in to unmask] with the subject line "CSE15
Minisymposterium" and should include a short title for the
minisymposterium along with the titles of the posters and the names of
the poster presenters. The poster abstracts should be submitted
separately by the individual presenter of each poster using the
Conference Management System available at:


From: Xing Cai [log in to unmask]
Date: May 29, 2014
Subject: PhD Position, HPC, Simula Research Lab

Simula Research Laboratory invites excellent applicants for an open
PhD position in high performance scientific computing.

Please visit the following webpage for more info:

Xing Cai


From: Victorita Dolean Maini [log in to unmask]
Date: May 30, 2014
Subject: Phd Position, Numerical Methods for Seismics Surveys, Glasgow, UK

In the Numerical Analysis and Scientific Computing team of the
Department of Mathematics and Statistics of the University of
Strathclyde we are looking to fill a fully funded 3-year PhD
position. The candidate must be European citizen in order to be
eligible for funding.

Imaging subsurface structures, e.g. concrete tanks, pipes, cavities,
is carried out using mainly non-intrusive techniques. Such techniques
have the ability to gather information across an entire area but their
detecting ability is often restricted due to unfavourable on- site
conditions. In addition, the estimation of the location of any
structure is based on simplistic velocity models for the subsurface
and thus introducing big uncertainties in the final solution. More
complicated models would require the design of numerical algorithms
for large-scale accurate simulations, something that has not been
applied in seismic surveys or in Seismology before.

One of the objectives should be the development of new methods for the
elastodynamics equations in frequency regime. This systems is
indefinite in nature, with highly heterogeneous coefficients and
multiple spatial scales. Moreover, since the properties of the medium
are very often unknown, this implies the solution of inverse problems,
which lead to repeatedly solve large and complex linear systems, whose
size could attain millions of unknowns in the high frequency
regime. This project will contribute by large scale numerical
simulation of partial differential equations based models in an
in-depth knowledge of different aspects of mathematical models from
geophysics and geology.

Contact for application: [log in to unmask]

End of Digest