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You are all cordially invited to the 5th Annual

“Through Our Garden Gates” garden tour

presented by Memphis Area Master Gardeners

Saturday, June 7, 9:00 am - 4:00 pm


This year’s tour features two gardens in Lakeland and three in East Memphis.  The promotional poster and descriptions of each garden are attached.  Printed plant lists will be provided by trained guides at each garden.  A partial listing of topics for demonstrations and expert consultation includes garden photography, leaf casting, terrariums, propagation from cuttings, hypertufa, glass flower making, trees, ponds, stonework, roses, and Ask-A-Master-Gardener.


A new feature this year is a food truck, “A Square Meal on Wheels,” available in the park between the two Lakeland gardens.  Plan to make a day of it, visiting one part of town in the morning, buying lunch from the food truck, and then visiting the next group of gardens.


We always enjoy hosting fellow Master Gardeners from across the state.


Catherine Lewis, PR Chair

Through Our Garden Gates tour

Memphis Area Master Gardeners

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