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Dr. Cooper,

We are hosting a horticultural therapy symposium at the UT Gardens in Knoxville. This is a great learning opportunity for Master Gardeners and may interest them to learn more about the developing field of study. We are also offering CEUs through UT Professional & Personal Development for anyone that needs continuing education for their professional work. The symposium will be in June.

Horticultural Therapy


June 26-27, 2014

Horticultural therapy is defined as "the engagement of a client in horticultural activities facilitated by a trained therapist to achieve specific and documented treatment goals." American Horticultural Therapy Association

The goal of this symposium is to introduce healthcare professionals to the use of horticulture as a new therapeutic tool in their practice. Gardening is one of the most popular leisure activities in the United States. Attendees may participate in one or both days of this symposium. Dr. Douglas Airhart, PhD, HTM, Derrick Stowell, MS, CTRS, Sherrye Winnett, HT,  and Ellen Wolfe, MS,  HT will show you how to bring plants and people together.

Here is the link to additional information:

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