

Hi all,
 Just a friendly reminder of our meeting coming up!  The deadline to register and book a room is June 5th.  Station reports are due June 8th.  If you were planning to visit the US National Arboretum, you may want to check out the days of the week and hours they are open to the public before booking your plane ticket.
Thank you!

Amy Fulcher

Assistant Professor for Sustainable Ornamental Plant Production and Landscape Management

2431 Joe Johnson Drive

Rm 252 Ellington Plant Science Bldg. 

Knoxville, TN 37996

email: [log in to unmask] 

office: 865-974-7152

fax: 865-974-1947

skype: a.fulcher.37996 

From: <Fulcher>, Amy Fulcher <[log in to unmask]>
Date: Thursday, April 24, 2014 11:37 PM
To: NC1186 Nursery Water working group <[log in to unmask]>
Cc: Amy Fulcher <[log in to unmask]>
Subject: 2014 mtg and station report information

(See # 1)
Please find attached information regarding our 2014 meeting.  We have an exciting group of people coming to speak to us about grants, initiatives, and updates-please be sure to thank Jim Owen for arranging the meeting room that is making that all possible!  Also we have a particularly important item, our renewal on the agenda!  John Lea-Cox has arranged an outstanding tour and lunch for our second day that ends with drop off at two airports to make your return travel simpler!  A big thanks to John for this!  

A station report template is also attached.  Our administrative advisor and staff asked for one addition to it so please do not use last year's form.  The station reports are due one week before the meeting, July 8, 2014.  Also please be aware that 5 minutes per person has been allotted for oral station reports at the meeting.  Anyone who talks longer will be nominated for secretary!  

Due dates:
Your registration form and check are due back to me by June 5, 2014.  (Note that check is not made out to me/UT).
The hotel block is held through June 5, 2014.  
Station reports are due July 8, 2014


Monday, July 14, 2014 - arrive, check in (arrange own transportation to hotel)

Tuesday, July 15th - meeting at VPI –Arlington

Wednesday, July 16th - nursery tours, drop off at BWI and National airports

I look forward to seeing you!


Amy Fulcher

Assistant Professor for Sustainable Ornamental Plant Production and Landscape Management

2431 Joe Johnson Drive

Rm 252 Ellington Plant Science Bldg. 

Knoxville, TN 37996

email: [log in to unmask] 

office: 865-974-7152

fax: 865-974-1947

skype: a.fulcher.37996 


Visit for information about IPMPro, a groundbreaking app for the Green Industry!  Available now on Android, iPad and iPhone.


Check out IPMLite - pest management and plant care app for gardeners on iPhone, iPad, and Android. 


See what the Southern Nursery IPM Working Group (SNIPM) has been publishing lately!  Our CV is at


The Nursery Crop University list serve is a new resource for university professionals working with nursery crops to share information, Extension publications, reprints, plant problems, pose questions, and network!  Sign up at (it only takes about 12 seconds) or just email me and I’ll add you.  List serve content is archived: for added utility.