

Speaking as a former UTSIS Alumni Society Board Member at Large and as last
year's VP/Pres-Elect (and this year's Prez) - the duties of these positions
are not onerous and can mostly be done from a distance (I'm in
Pennsylvania, for example).

Dr. Cortez and the SIS staff and faculty are great to work with as an
alumnu/a of the program. Dr. Cortez and Donna (and others) keep me (as
President) on track and informed as events and discussion topics.

There are several opportunities annually to participate (whether or not
you're on the Alumni Society Board) and share your professional experiences
with current and newly graduating students - from the Homecoming Brunch to
SIS Receptions at Conferences (TLA & ALA) to the Hooding Ceremony (where
Marcellus Turner and Jordan Nielsen were awarded the Alumni Awards this

If you have ideas about thisngs you'd like to do for the School or would
like to help the School do, please nominate yourself - or contact someone
you feel would be great and then nominate that someone - for one of the

The time commitment for these positions averages only a few hours per
month, if that's a factor.

Thanks for considering self-nominating or nominating someone else who would
be great!

Aaron W Dobbs
SIS Alumni Society President 2013-2014

On Fri, May 30, 2014 at 6:53 PM, Aaron W. Dobbs <[log in to unmask]>

> The UT School of Information Sciences Alumni Society is inviting
> nominations of interested SIS alumni for its Executive Board. The terms
> begin in September for 2014-2015, and the positions open are: Vice
> President/President-Elect (two years of service), Secretary (one year), and
> two members-at-large (two years). Feel free to nominated others or
> yourself!
> The Alumni Society Executive Board serves the mission of SIS through
> alumni engagement, support for SIS, and to encourage professional and
> social interaction between students, faculty, and alumni. The activities of
> the executive board of the Alumni Society include participating in
> meetings, planning and promoting alumni events, and assisting the Director
> of the School in administering the alumni award program. The board helps
> work SIS booths at conventions and events, and generally helps spread the
> word about the SIS program and encourage prospective students to attend.
> Fundraising efforts are also appreciated.
> The duties of the available positions include:
> * The president liaises between the SIS Director (Dr. Cortez) and the
> Board, keeps tabs on Alumni-related SIS events, and serves as an Alumni
> voice for SIS support. Also, the president delivers the Alumni Awards at
> the Hooding Ceremony and liaises with related associations in the SIS
> service area.
> * The vice-president/president-elect shall act in the absence of the
> president and shall automatically assume the duties of the president for
> the following term of office.
> * The secretary shall keep records of all the proceedings of the society.
> * Members-at-large shall represent the general alumni membership.
> Please support SIS by nominating yourself or other interested people for
> one of these positions.
> The nominations must be submitted (via the SIS web site) by June 20, and
> voting will take place July 1 through July 31. The term for the newly
> elected board will begin onSeptember 1, 2014.

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