Hi Southern Region Group!
NC State is getting ready to do a compensation study for our EPA (Agents and County Directors) population. I know that we have all shared starting salaries in the past...would anyone be willing to share your ranges with us? We will use those along with local market data to determine our market rates. If you can, will you please send me your ranges by Friday, June 6th? 

We truly appreciate any assistance that you can provide. 

Thank you!

On Thu, Apr 10, 2014 at 1:05 PM, Thompson, Martha <[log in to unmask]> wrote:

Hello friends,


It is time again for us to talk about raising starting salaries.  If you have had a change in your base salary since the attached summary was put together can you please let me know? My email is below.  I will share the summary if it changes.  Thanks. 





Martha W. Thompson

Extension Personnel Director

N-106 Agricultural Science Building

University of Kentucky

Lexington, Kentucky 40546

859-257-1727    fax: 859-257-3050

[log in to unmask]





Nikki Kurdys
Personnel Coordinator
NC State University
Extension Personnel
Campus Box 7917
Raleigh, NC 27695

Phone: 919.515.1382
Fax: 919.513.2617

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