Greetings Everyone!

If you have given us your email at some point this year you should now be on the email list (I finally figured out how to do a bulk add).  If you do not wish to receive these emails read the instructions at the bottom of this email.

If you are still reading this message off of Facebook or the Go Page then send me an email ([log in to unmask]) and let me know that you are still not receiving the emails.

If you were not able to make it to the meeting earlier this evening then here is a list of the upcoming activities that we are doing.  Read through each one for any information you may have missed (especially Blue Springs) because there is some very important information for the next couple of trips.

2/8 Cataloochee - This weekend

Trip Leader - Kyle Goodrick

If you need a lift ticket and rentals the cost is $67
If you only need a lift ticket the cost will be $46

The ski session is from 8:30am to 4:30pm and the drive is ~2 Hrs so we will be getting a much earlier start than normal. We will be meeting at Lot 66 at 6 AM to leave no later than 6:30am. We should be back by around 7-7:30pm.

The forecast for the rest of the week has some potential for snow so keep your fingers crossed! 

Let Kyle know if you have any questions.

Below is the current roster for that trip.  If you want to go you must let Kyle know by 1PM tomorrow (Feb. 6). Reminder: If you drop after 1PM tomorrow (Feb. 6) you will get one point against you.

The following still need to turn in dues ($35) before you are approved to go this weekend:
Callon Charron
Kelsey Grover

Name Driving? Approved
Alex Brewer y
Andrew Kirk y y
Austin Eddy y
Brian Payne y y
Callan Charron
Gavin Wike
Hayley Moran y y
Katie Metasavage y
Kelsey Grover
Kyle Goodrick y y
Luis Casillas
Preston Hughes
Randy Bigbee y
Ryan Wagner y
Sam Tabor y
Shelby Garland
2/15 Blue Springs Cave - Our biggest annual caving trip.  Be sure to mark your calendars! 

Trip Leader - Randy Bigbee

Signups have started and there is currently a wait list.

If you can still go on this trip you must let me know by 12PM Wednesday (Feb. 12).  If you do not let me know by that time I will assume that you are not able to go and will be bumped to the wait list.

If you decide after that time that you will not be able to go you will have one point against you.

Along with your notice of going also let me know whether you plan on leaving after the cave or plan on staying for the night.

We will be meeting Saturday 15 in Lot 66 at 9AM
If returning Saturday you should be back by 8PM
If returning Sunday by 3PM

The trip document is attached to this email and located under Documents on the Go Page.

**2 headlamps w/ batteries and knee pads are required for this trip.**

There is quite a list for this trip.

Beginner List:

Name Driving? Approved
Alexis McDonald
Andreas Montano
Brian Payne y y
Brittney Jansen
Erica Johnson
Karsten Solies y
Katie Metasavage y
Lora Christy
Luis Casillas
Martha Tabor
Paige Cortner y
Randy Bigbee y y
Shannon Mullane
Sydney McDermott

Advanced List:
In order to be approved to go on the trip the following must have dues ($35) and waiver turned in by noon Tuesday (Feb. 11):
Ravin Thomasson

Name Driving? Approved
Alex Brelsford y y
Austin Eddy y
Emily Hoffman y
Greg Hopper
Hayley Moran y
Joey McKee y y
Kyle Goodrick y
Leslie Turner y y
Madeline Shelly y
Matt Brunton y y
Molly Sullivan
Ravin Thomasson
Ryan Wagner y
Sam Tabor y

2/22 - Mt. Leconte

Trip Leader - Kyle Goodrick

This trip does have a limit of 8 people.  There is currently a wait list but I can add you to it in case someone can't go.

The following must turn in dues ($35) and waiver by Feb. 18 in order to go on this trip:
Ben Cuirlio

Ben if you plan on driving you must also fill out a Personal Driver Form located on the Sport Clubs page on the GoSystem under the Forms tab.

Name Driving? Approved
Austin Eddy y
Ben Cuirlio y n
Kristen Wieber
Kyle Goodrick y y
Martha Tabor
Molly Parker
Ryan Wagner y
Sam Tabor y

For more information contact Kyle

2/22 Frozen Head Trail Maintenance - Community Service - Help maintain the quality of the parks we visit. 

We will meet at Lot 66 at 9:15am and leave for Frozen Head (Wartburg, TN) at 9:30am to arrive at 10:30am.  Depending on weather, we will start working around 10 or 11 in the morning.  We will be working on widening trail, building some rock steps in places, and digging water bars to aid in erosion control.  It is recommended that you be prepared for possible cold weather and wet conditions.  Gloves and tools will be provided, but you will need to bring your own snacks and water.  Each person will also need to fill out a volunteer form and release of liability form in order to use the park's tools.

For more information contact Greg.

March Trips
3/1 Snowshoe Skiing Trip - For more information come to next week's meeting.

If you want to take an alternative trip on one of those weekends just let us know 2 weeks in advance what you want to do and we will get it set up for you.

Have a suggestion for a trip?  Let us know!  Meetings are Wednesday's at 6:30PM outside HSS at the bull statue (HSS Ground Floor when inclement weather).

If you have any other questions just shoot me an email!

Greg Hopper
Secretary - C&H
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