Dear Global Ranavirus Consortium, 

We are beginning to put the GRC website together---I think it will be very nice and also a helpful resource for all of us---but we are in real need of pictures. Do you have any ranavirus-related pictures that you are willing to share with us? These might include photomicroscopy, images of sick animals, lab or field work pictures, or anything else that seems related? If so, please think about sharing them with us!

Here is what we need:
* High quality images… they may end up being shrunk down, but if we start with full-resolution pictures we will end up with a much nicer end product
* A short, descriptive caption… these should be one short sentence, generally stating what the picture shows (e.g., species names, location if relevant)
* Your written acknowledgement (i.e., in the email) that a) the photograph(s) is (are) yours and b) that you provide them under the Creative Commons "Attribution-ShareAlike" license. 
(This license means that anyone can use and adapt the picture so long as they attribute the work to you and make the picture available to others under the same license. You can find more, here: This license seems inline with our goal of openness and scientific sharing. Unfortunately we are not in a position to keep track of different guidelines for each picture, so if you are not comfortable with this license, please do not submit the picture. If you have questions, please email me directly. )

Please email me directly with the image or a link to it.

Thank you so much for your help! 


Jesse Brunner
School of Biological Sciences
Washington State University
PO Box 644236
Pullman, WA 99164 USA
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