Thanks David! I'll contact you soon. Cheers - Tom

On Mon, Jan 6, 2014 at 12:17 PM, David Lesbarreres <[log in to unmask]> wrote:
same here,
we have extracted DNA, tissue samples and soon some sequences that we'll be happy to share with the group. Mainly leopard and wood frogs but some american toads and green frogs may be available.
Best wishes to all for 2014, wherever you are it's gotta be warmer than here...

"It takes all the running you can do to keep in the same place." 

Dr. David Lesbarrères, Associate Professor 
Director, School of Graduate Studies

Genetic & Ecology of Amphibians Research Group (GEARG)
Department of Biology - Laurentian University,
Ramsey Lake Road, Sudbury, Ontario P3E 2C6, Canada

>>> Rolando Mazzoni <[log in to unmask]> 06/01/14 12:09 >>>
Hi all and a happy new year !
As I have already mentioned to some colleagues, we are interested on sequencing our Brazilian FV3 isolates, so Thomas' proposal sounds exellent.

Actually we have ethanol preserved samples, extracted DNA and of course infected live tadpoles and frogs. We will make arrangements about which samples will be more suitable and how to ship them.

Besides Next-Gen sequencing we also discussed about some kind of collaborative research on getting a "Gold standard" for RV detection. We have seen during presentations and posters, as well as at the discussion group on “Diagnostic” that several methods are being used (qPCR-RTPCR, conventional PCR). However, it looks like nobody is using OIE protocols. So we have the possibility of performing an experiment to compare sensitivity and specificity of available methods for different RV isolates and strains to suggest OIE a new “Gold Standard” for all RVs or recommended methods to be applied on specific strains/species.

Best regards for all


On Sun, Jan 5, 2014 at 8:10 PM, Thomas Waltzek <[log in to unmask]> wrote:
Hi Matt/Amanda,
      Happy New Year! Please post the attached message to the GRC. I've also copied the message below. All the best and cheers - Tom

Hello Everyone and Happy New Year!


At the 2013 International Ranavirus Symposium several of us (Brunner, Storfer, Pessier, Jancovich, Garner, Wellehan, and Waltzek) met to discuss the genomic sequencing of ranavirus isolates. The outcome of our informal discussion was that each of the individual parties was going to sequence their own isolates for their respective projects and then we would reconvene to combine the datasets into a final global analysis. Toward that end, a UF PhD student (Sieara Claytor – many of you met her at the meeting) working under Drs. Susan Cameron Devitt, James Wellehan, and myself has made great progress toward sequencing North American FV3 isolates.


The objectives of her study are to investigate the phylogeographic structure of FV3 across its range, determine any patterns among hosts and/or geography, to determine the origin of introductions, and to evaluate climatic correlates of FV3. She has surveyed phylogenetically informative loci (31 loci including hypervariable and conserved regions) from FV3-like isolates across diverse host and temporospatial scales (2 bull frogs, 4 wood frogs, pig frog, Columbia spotted frog, tiger frog, leopard frog, common midwife toad, pallid sturgeon, white sturgeon, soft-shell turtle, 2 box turtles, Smoky Mountain salamander, 3 yellow-spotted salamanders, and Chinese giant salamander). Sieara’s next step is sequence an additional 20 North American isolates we have grown up and purified for genomic sequencing on our NextGen MiSeq machine (Russian sturgeon, fathead minnow, Northern pike, walleye, green frog, 3 more box turtles, 2 gopher tortoises, sulcata tortoise, etc).


We are asking for all those interested in collaborating to provide FV3 and FV3-like isolates to extend the geographic and taxonomic scope of the project. If anyone has material (e.g. isolates, infected tissues, or infected tissue DNA) that you would be willing to share in exchange for authorship with this project, please let me know and I can help arrange shipping of the samples. A special thanks to all those that have already provided input and isolates as collaborators on this project (Matt Gray, Debra Miller, James Jancovich, Jesse Brunner, James Wellehan, April Johnson, Matt Allender, and Ellen Ariel).


We are hoping to have all samples by February 31st in order to begin sequencing the new material.




Thomas B. Waltzek

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Thomas B. Waltzek, MS, DVM, PhD
Assistant Professor
Infectious Diseases and Pathology
College of Veterinary Medicine
Bldg #1379, Mowry Road
Gainesville, FL 32610
Work: 352-273-5202
Cell: 530-574-2976
Fax: 352-392-4707
Email: [log in to unmask]

Rolando Mazzoni
Pesquisador de Pós-doutorado
Cel: (62) 81786489

Thomas B. Waltzek, MS, DVM, PhD
Assistant Professor
Infectious Diseases and Pathology
College of Veterinary Medicine
Bldg #1379, Mowry Road
Gainesville, FL 32610
Work: 352-273-5202
Cell: 530-574-2976
Fax: 352-392-4707
Email: [log in to unmask]