

Registration is now available for the Talking Freight Seminar on An Overview of the Draft Highway Primary Freight Network. Due to the popularity of this topic, this seminar will be offered on two dates. The content of the seminar will be exactly the same on both dates, so please only register for one date.



·         November 20, 2013 1:00 – 2:30 pm EST – This date is limited to the first 300 registrants

·         December 6, 2013 2:00 – 3:30 pm EST – This date is limited to the first 500 registrants


Registration for both dates is at:


Description In the Moving Ahead for Progress in the 21st Century Act (i.e. MAP-21) transportation reauthorization bill, there are various provisions that are intended to increase the focus on and ultimately enhance freight transportation within the United States.  One of those provisions calls for the establishment of a National Freight Network to focus resources on the most important highways and roadways for freight transportation.  The National Freight Network contains three components – the Primary Freight Network, all Interstate Highways not included on the Primary Freight Network, and the Critical Rural Freight Corridors.  The Primary Freight Network will be designated by USDOT and includes up to 27,000 centerline miles of roadways that are most critical for freight movements.  Various factors were examined when identifying which routes would be designated as part of the draft highway Primary Freight Network.


This webinar will feature approximately 30 minutes of presentations discussing the draft highway Primary Freight Network.  The presentations will be followed by a 60 minute Questions & Answers session.  Questions for the presenters will be able to be submitted via the webinar chat box and also over the phone.


Presenters: Ed Strocko and Coral Torres, FHWA Office of Freight Management and Operations


Please Note:

This topic is expected to have high interest. To help ensure that the maximum amount of people can attend these webinars, please:

·         Only register for one date.

·         Only register if you will be able to attend the webinar. If you register and then find out you will not be able to attend, please notify me at [log in to unmask] so I can cancel your registration and make room for someone else.

·         Attend in a group setting in a conference room if possible. If you decide to do this, only one person from your group needs to register.


This webinar will be recorded and the recording will be made available several days after the webinar.



If you have not yet participated in Talking Freight, I encourage you to do so. These monthly seminars, sponsored by the Federal Highway Administration, are held via web conference, which means that you view the PowerPoint presentations over the Internet while listening to the presenters over your computer or the telephone. There is no cost involved and you do not have to leave your desk to participate. More information about Talking Freight is available at  Links to past presentations and recordings are available on


Talking Freight seminars are eligible for 1.5 AICP Certification Maintenance Credits (for AICP members). In order to receive credit, you must attend the full seminar and login to the seminar with your full name or type your full name into the chat area during the seminar if you are in a room with a group of people. Visit the AICP web site for more information about AICP Certification Maintenance Credits.


If you have any questions, please contact Jennifer Symoun, Leidos, 703-318-4267 or [log in to unmask]





Jennifer Symoun  | Leidos
Deputy Program Manager | Transportation Solutions and Technology Applications Division
phone: 703.318.4267
[log in to unmask] | 

We are now Leidos.  Please note my new email address. 