

Joyce L. Ogburn (MSLS '82), dean of Libraries and Carol Grotnes Belk Distinguished Professor at Appalachian State University, will receive the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill School of Information and Library Science (SILS) Distinguished Alumna Award<> for 2013 at the School's Fall commencement ceremony on December 15th. Ogburn, who will deliver the commencement address, was recommended through nominations by her fellow alumni and was then selected by the SILS Alumni Association (SILSAA) Executive Board.
"Joyce's name came up several times in discussions with faculty and professionals who have been watching her career grow over the years," said William Cross <> (MSLS '11), SILSAA president and director of the Copyright & Digital Scholarship Center in the North Carolina State University Libraries. "She is clearly a leader in the library and information science world who has demonstrated continuing excellence and devotion to her profession, and we are very excited to have her back home in the UNC system. The SILSAA Board and the School are pleased to acknowledge her many accomplishments by awarding her with this well-deserved recognition."

Established in 1981, the Distinguished Alumni Award is presented by SILS Alumni Association to recognize alumni who have demonstrated outstanding professional library or information science achievements at national, state or local levels or who have provided outstanding service to SILS or its Alumni Association.
"I was totally stunned to hear the news, but am thrilled to be receiving this honor," said Ogburn. "I must say that the investment that UNC made in me 30 years ago has paid off with a very rewarding career. The foundation I received from giants like Lester Asheim, Ed Holley and Fred Roper has served me extremely well over the years and I couldn't be more proud of my association with SILS and its continued leadership in education for librarianship. Many thanks to the School and to SILSAA for recognizing me in this special way."
Ogburn is the former J. Willard Marriott Library Dean and University Librarian at the University of Utah where she served for eight years. Prior to her appointment there, she was the associate director of the Libraries' Resources and Collection Management Services at the University of Washington; assistant university librarian for Information Resources and Systems at Old Dominion University; and chief acquisitions librarian and head of the Acquisitions Department at Yale University.
Ogburn served as president of the Association of College and Research Libraries (ACRL) <> from 2011-2012, a 12,000 member professional organization that "works on behalf of 2,500 academic libraries across the country." While serving as president, ACRL the organization began implementing a new strategic plan, revised the organization's structure, issued new Standards for Libraries in Higher Education and launched an initiative to integrate information literacy and scholarly communication. Ogburn's professional service also includes serving on numerous national boards and committees for such organizations as the Association of Research Libraries, the Center for Research Libraries, the Greater Western Library Alliance and SPARC.
Along with the many awards she has received over the years, in 2012 Ogburn was selected as one of 30 women to watch by Utah Business Magazine. "The annual 30 Women to Watch program shines the spotlight on women who are exceptional leaders, entrepreneurs, change-makers, mentors-and shining examples to the men and women who work in their industries." Additionally, in 2013, Ogburn co-founded Pecten Technologies, LLC.
Some of her published works include: "Closing the Gap between Information Literacy and Scholarly Communication," in Common Ground at the Nexus of Information Literacy and Scholarly Communication, edited by Stephanie Davis-Kahl and Merinda Hensley (ACRL, 2013); "The Movement to Change Scholarly Communication Has Come a Long Way - How Far Might It Go?" Journal of Librarianship and Scholarly Communication, 2012; "Lifelong Learning Requires Lifelong Access: Reflections on the ACRL Plan for Excellence," C&RL News, 2011; "The Imperative for Data Curation," Portal: Libraries and the Academy, 2010; and "Defining and Achieving Success in the Movement to Change Scholarly Communication," Library Resources and Technical Services, 2008.
Ogburn earned her Bachelor's degree in anthropology from the University of North Carolina at Greensboro, a Master of Science in Library Science from the University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill and a Master of Arts in Anthropology from Indiana University.
The commencement ceremony will be held on Sunday, December 15, 2013 at 10 a.m. in the Pleasants Family Assembly Room of the Wilson Library.

Wanda Monroe
Director of Communications
School of Information and Library Science
University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
04 Manning Hall, CB#3360
Chapel Hill, NC  27599-3360
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