

Registration is available for the 2013 LITA National Forum, “Creation,
Collaboration, Community,” held Nov. 7-10, 2013 at the Hyatt Regency
Louisville, Ky. Visit LITAblog for miore info:

We have more public librarians than we did last year.  And a children's
librarian!  And the YALSA president-elect!

We have five tracks: makers & makerspaces; UX & web services; management,
collaboration, outreach; data & discovery; repositories & scholarly
communications.  I think this represents a good balance of the reasons
people get involved in LITA and the kinds of things they hope to get out of
it.  Between this and the public/children's/teen librarians, I hope we've
got something for everyone.

Two preconference workshops will also be offered; choose from "Managing
Projects. Or, I’m in charge, now what?" presented by Rosalyn Metz of
Stanford University or "IT Security for Librarians," presented by Blake
Carver of LISHost. You can also attend a preconference without registering
for the entire Forum – or enhance your Forum experience by adding a
preconference to your existing registration.

Louisville has amazing food.  And,
you know, bourbon country.

Lightning talks!

Preconferences on project management and security.

"Outreach through Mobile Gaming for Penniless Technophobes and
Technophiles": they proposed this as a session and we said "....could you
actually gamify the conference?", *so they did*.  There's going to be a
geolocation-based game going on straight through the conference.


Aaron Dobbs
LITA Councilor
UT SIS Alumni Society President

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