

Please join us in Montreal!

The 9th Annual Social Informatics Research Symposium:  The Social Informatics of Information Boundaries

Sponsored by SIG-SI and the Rob Kling Center for Social Informatics
Saturday, November 2, 2013, 8:00-12:30 PM

Note: Early registration deadline for the conference is Friday, 9/20

Organizers: Howard Rosenbaum & Pnina Fichman
                                      (Indiana University)


8:00-8:10 Introduction  Pnina Fichman - The (Information) Boundaries of Social Informatics
                                           (Indiana University)

8:10-8:50 Panel: Ron Day, Ingrid Erikson and Howard Rosenbaum - Social Informatics of Information Boundaries 
                               (Indiana University, Rutgers University, Indiana University)

8:50-9:00 Break and Poster Session

9:00-10:20 Papers

    9:00-9:20 Eric Meyer, Ralph Schroeder and Linnet Taylor - The boundaries of Big Data
                                           (Oxford Internet Institute)

    9:20-9:40 Colin Rhinesmith - From Paper to the Cloud: The Social Informatics of Information Boundaries in Human Services
                        (University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign)

    9:40-10:00 Adam Worrall - “Back Onto The Tracks”: Convergent Community Boundaries in LibraryThing and Goodreads
                         (Florida State University)

    10:00-10:20 Mohhamad Jarrahi - Social informatics and directions for future research on implications of ICTs in organizations
                          (University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill)

10:20-10:50 Break and Poster Session

10:50-11:50 Papers

    10:50-11:10 Madelyn Sanfillipo - Government Information Access by Native Spanish Speakers: Social and Technical Barriers
                               (Indiana University)

    11:10-11:30 Matrix, Sydneyeve - Beyond Maps, News and Weather: Everyday Geomobile Media Use and the Changing Perceptions of Location
     Based Services
                                (Queen’s University)

    11:30-11:50 Natalia Grincheva - A Failure of Digital Diplomacy: Social, Cultural, and Information Boundaries in Online Cross-cultural 		 	
		             (Concordia University)

11:50-12:00 Networking break

12:00-12:30 Best paper awards and presentations with discussant

    2012 Social Informatics Paper ($1,000): “ Toward an Integrated Model of Group Development: Disruption of Routines by Technology-Induced 
    Change” by Monica Garfield and Alan Dennis
         (Bentley University, Indiana University)

    2012 Best Social Informatics Student Paper ($500): “Knock knock, Who’s there: The imagined audience” by Eden Litt
                                                                                                                                                                                    (Northwestern University)   

    Discussant: Noriko Hara, Indiana University


Shuheng Wu and Besiki Stvilia - Work Organization of a Sociotechnical System: The Case of Gene Ontology
   (Florida State University)

Ingrid Erikson - The Borders and Boundaries of Coworking
   (Rutgers University)

Members $95 - early registration ($110 after early registration ends)
Non-members $105 - early registration ($120 after early registration ends)

For more about the workshop, see

To register for the workshop (and the conference), see

For more about RKCSI, see