Please note that the recent Insider Higher Ed article regarding a
partnership between San Jose State University (SJSU) and Udacity did not
involve the SJSU School of Library and Information Science.  The SJSU
partnership with Udacity involved general education courses offered to
undergraduate students during spring 2013 and summer 2013.

Sandra Hirsh, Professor and Director
San Jose State University
School of Library and Information Science

Date: Sun, 15 Sep 2013 20:07:46 -0400
From: [log in to unmask]
Subject: Inside Higher Ed report on distance ed....
To: [log in to unmask]

San Jose State University on Wednesday quietly released the full research report on the for-credit online courses it offered this spring through the online education company Udacity. The report, marked by delays and procedural setbacks, suggests it may be difficult for the university to deliver online education in this format to the students who need it most. . . .

Read more:
Inside Higher Ed

Samuel E. Trosow, Associate Professor
University of Western Ontario
Faculty of Information & Media Studies / Faculty of Law
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twitter: @strosow