SLA Contact:
John Walsh
Phone: 703.647.4917
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Workshop to Help Information Professionals Support C-Suite Execs
Seminar is First of Two Stemming from SLA-Drexel Partnership 


Alexandria, Va., September 5th, 2013 - Information professionals looking for insights on how to maximize their value to busy executives will find plenty of them in a day-long educational program sponsored by SLA and Drexel University.


The program, the first of a two-part series resulting from a partnership between SLA and Drexel University, is titled Supporting the C-Suite and will feature leading Drexel faculty members. The workshop which is free for SLA members will be held Thursday, October 10, from 11:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. EST at Drexel's main campus (Rush 014, 30 North 33rd Street, Philadelphia, PA 19104). The workshop will also be broadcasted virtually (via WebEx) to benefit SLA's diverse international membership.


 "SLA consistently seeks to provide the support and learning tools our members can utilize to become more strategic, indispensable arms of their organizations," said SLA CEO Janice Lachance. "And this partnership is more than a step in the right direction. It allows us to team up with a leading educational institution in our field to have a tangible and ongoing impact on the careers of information professionals throughout the world."


The SLA-Drexel partnership includes a limited number of free SLA memberships for Drexel students as well as free registration for an early-2014 workshop in Washington, D.C.

The October 10 program will comprise two seminars and one panel as well as networking breaks for practicing information professionals. The seminars will be led by leading Drexel faculty members and a practicing librarian who have made an impact in a variety of different fields.


Lisl Zach, Ph.D., is an associate teaching professor focusing on the nature of information use in organizations. Dr. Zach has carried out numerous user needs assessments, task analyses, benchmarking studies, and program evaluations and has developed a deep understanding of data collection, analysis, and presentation. Dr. Zach will be presenting a seminar as part of the workshop and drawing upon her personal expertise in various fields.


Lori Richards is an assistant professor whose areas of expertise include information governance under emerging technologies, cloud computing, and electronic records management. Lori will be presenting a seminar that will provide actionable examples of how information professionals can have an impact that reaches the executives of their organizations.


Tim Siftar, the liaison librarian for Education and Information Sciences & Technology, enhances the use of Drexel University Libraries' resources for students and faculty by teaching group and one-on-one sessions on the identification and selection of the libraries' resources. Tim will be moderating a panel of local information professionals speaking about their roles guiding sound decision-making within their organizations.


To RSVP for the first seminar, contact SLA.


About Drexel University
Founded in 1891 in Philadelphia, Drexel is the nation's 15th largest private university and is ranked among the best national universities by U.S. News & World Report. Drexel is widely recognized for its focus on experiential learning through its co-operative education program and translational research initiatives. For more information, please visit


About SLA
The Special Libraries Association (SLA) is a nonprofit international organization for innovative information professionals and their strategic partners. SLA serves 9,000 members in 75 countries in the information profession, including corporate, academic and government information specialists. SLA promotes and strengthens its members through learning, advocacy and networking initiatives. For more information, visit