

Don't forget -- E&E Forum tomorrow, Thursday, September 26, at 3.30 pm in 
Dougherty Engineering Room 416 (not Toyota Auditorium in Baker Center due to 
a scheduling conflict). 
James Shortle, Professor of Agricultural and Environmental Economics, and 
Director of the Environment and Natural Resources Institute, at Penn State 
University will give a 45 minute presentation and then lead a discussion with 
participants. His talk is titled:  “Towards a Science of Water Quality Trading”

The talk by Lorna Greening has be rescheduled to Tuesday, October 8, 3:30 pm 
in the Toyota.  "US Petroleum Renaissance:  A Holistic View" 

In the 20 years following OPEC, the US oil and gas industry was significantly 
shaped by conflicting policies created in a chaotic, politically-charged 
environment. Those policies resulted in a drastic decline in activity in the 
industry, concerns about ‘energy independence’ and increases in 
imports to approximately 60% of US demand for crude by 2008. With the 
advent and wider-implementation of new exploration and production 
technologies, specifically horizontal drilling and hydraulic fracturing, this picture 
has been altered. Come learn more from Dr. Lorna  Greening, who is co-editor 
of "Energy Policy," an international peer-reviewed journal addressing the policy 
implications of energy supply and use from their economic, social, planning and 
environmental aspects. In addition to her responsibilities with the journal she is 
an economic consultant and researcher based in Chattanooga, Tennessee.