

Dear Geography students:

I know this is a busy time with the start of classes, but please allow me a moment to welcome you back to UT, the Burchfiel Building, and the Department of Geography.  I hope that you had a relaxing, safe, and productive summer.   If you are a new student in Geography, I would like to thank you for choosing us as your major and/or minor.

As you will see (or perhaps have already seen), we were busy around the building this summer-repainting some walls, posting and decorating bulletin boards (including boards for students on the first and third floors), cleaning/waxing floors, and renovating room 101 (into a more interactive learning environment).  Please do what you can to help us keep Burchfiel looking good.

As I mentioned when first taking on the job of Dept. Head, I practice an open door policy and encourage you to stop in to say hello, express a concern/need, or provide an idea for improving the program.  We have long been a "student-centered" department and that means that we care about and try to respond to your needs.

Finally, we have a great team in place to assist you.  Dr. Ron Kalafsky continues to serve as our Director of Undergraduate Studies and Dr. van Riemsdijk continues her service as Associate Director.  Please approach these Directors for assistance.  I am also very happy to announce that we have new faculty member this year, Dr. Kelsey Scheitlin (PhD, Florida State University).

Dr. Scheitlin will be teaching 131 this semester and serving on some key committees.  She will also be the new faculty advisor for GTU (Gamma Theta Upsilon), the geography honor society, taking over from Dr. Inwood.  If you have not yet joined GTU, please consider doing so.  It can be a real plus on the resume.  If you are interested in learning about Dr. Scheitlin's research and teaching interests, please check out the brief video clips of her on the Geography main web page (


Derek H. Alderman, PhD
Professor & Head
Department of Geography
University of Tennessee
304C Burchfiel Geography Building
Knoxville, TN 37996-0925
Voice: (865) 974-0406
Email: [log in to unmask]<mailto:[log in to unmask]>

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