

The newest issue of Texas Woman's University, School of Library and Information Studies Newsletter is now available. Here are the highlights:

  *   TWU SLIS welcomed 18 students to the Literacy Matters cohort.
  *   SLIS faculty member Dr. Judith Moreillon received multiple national and state awards including the 2013 American Association of School Librarians' (AASL) Research Grant, sponsored by Capstone.
  *   SLIS Alumna Patricia Peters was named the Director of Decatur Public Library.
  *   SLIS student Yvonne Stephenson, a 2012 ALA Spectrum Scholar, was named as a 2013 ALA Emerging Leader.

The Newsletter with full stories and more is available for your perusal at

Michael López
Academic Advisor II
School of Library and Information Studies
Texas Woman's University
P.O. Box 425438
Denton, TX 76204-5438
940-898-2720 voice
940-898-2611 fax
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