
   ... While there are folks who mush in between the two, the point is to acknowledge that there are two end points, and two places from which you can start.  One is worker, the second is academic.
   This is the third point:  PTAs and adjuncts, as one group, have a different beginning point and perspective, from academics.  It is not that they have a different cultural value, they are just different.

Let's face it:  The original argument indeed *hints* that PTA's/adjuncts as a whole are increasingly damning our educational approach. And for that, PTA's/adjuncts take issue.

However, we have the opportunity here to iron out that wrinkle by supporting one another's professionalism and not continue in a bipolar fashion.

Pursuing this as "ACADEMIC vs WORKER" deflects attention from the real issue, that being,  "ACADEMIC / WORKER vs POOR TEACHER."   I think we agree that poor teaching evaluations along with the reality of an increasing number of adjuncts perpetuate the notion that PTAs/adjuncts are less academic.  We prove that we are not "less-than" teachers by producing positive results. How then, can we remedy this false notion and simply address our our attention to weeding out poor teaching?


On Mon, Jul 29, 2013 at 6:40 PM, C. C.C. <[log in to unmask]> wrote:
I wish here to respond to the comments accompanying the note circulated on JESSE LISTSERV. I am writing not only as an adjunct but as the convener of the ALISE Part-time and Adjunct Faculty SIG. 

First, I would like to remind our colleagues that PTA faculty are not the only educators "who are judged in their student evaluations by how well they are liked." All faculty are submitted to the same multiple choice student evaluations and all educators are automatically entered by students in a popularity contest. Therefore it would seem that our tenure track colleagues share our lot and would be as vulnerable as we are
in "want[ing] to be liked ] . . . [and being] more likely to assign 2 two-page essays and a multiple choice final exam for . . . [their] course, rather than a big term paper and other assignments and a comprehensive written
A prejudicial implication seems to be that adjunct and part-time faculty are not doing their job as educators properly because of the precariousness of their employment. Still, let us not debate this point; I would like instead all our colleagues to focus their energies on trying to answer the question regarding the administration's role in supporting the goals of achieving popularity status rather than educational goals deserves consideration as well as the question "what are the goals and motivations of higher education administrators for our LIS programs?" In particular, I would to invite Dr. Whitney to participate as a panelist in the Part-time and adjunct faculty SIG session Casualties and Collateral Damages: A Critical Look at Educational Entrepreneurship at the ALISE 2014 conference.

Catherine Closet-Crane, Phd, MLS
Convener ALISE PTA Faculty SIG
[log in to unmask]

De : Gretchen Whitney <[log in to unmask]>
À : [log in to unmask]
Envoyé le : Dimanche 28 juillet 2013 19h15
Objet : Adjuncts and higher education

  In addition to the note appended, please note the AAUP report on the use
of adjuncts in general in higher education at


Or at tiny url


I mix into these articles the assertion that undergraduates and graduate
students are paying more and more for their education. Granted. Given.

I assert that the other half of the equation ", but students are getting
less and less for what they pay" is being given little attention.

In other words, students are going to college and paying more and more,
but they are being asked to do (and learn) less and less.

They are being asked to do (and learn) less and less because they are
being taught by graduate students and adjuncts who are judged in their
student evaluations by how well they are liked. Not challenged to broaden
their thinking, challenged to consider new ideas, or challenged to do work
that they did not know that they could do, but discover that they can.

Of course, if you want to be liked you are more likely to assign 2
two-page essays and a multiple choice final exam for your course, rather
than a big term paper and other assignments and a comprehensive written

Just some more things to think about, and pulling diverse comments
together talking about the same thing.

Here is a really ugly question.  I don't want or expect answers.  But it
is something to think about.  As a faculty member, is your primary goal to
be liked or respected?

And does your administration support you in that goal?

The above two sets of evidence suggest the first.


Gretchen Whitney, PhD, Retired
School of Information Sciences
University of Tennessee, Knoxville TN 37996 USA          [log in to unmask]

---------- Forwarded message ----------
Date: Sun, 23 Jun 2013 15:38:29 -0400
From: Lorna Peterson <[log in to unmask]>
Reply-To: [log in to unmask]
To: [log in to unmask], aliseadjunct <[log in to unmask]>
Subject: [ALISEadjunct] Adjuncts use noted in July 2013 Harper's Index

The below message was forwarded to a list I subscribe to and I though it
might be of interest to readers on this list. The original post references
this "Portion of university teaching positions that are filled by graduate
students or adjunct faculty = 3/4"    You can see the original list here:

Below is a copy of the message:

Date: Sun, 23 Jun 2013 09:20:49 -0400
From: David H Slavin <[log in to unmask]>
To: Contingent Academics Mailing List <[log in to unmask]>
Subject: [adj-l] adjuncts in Harper's Index July 2013

The first six lines of Harper's Index for July 2013 issue

Number of US retail jobs Doritos Locos tacos created in the past year,
according to Taco Bell = 15,000
Number of retail jobs created worldwide by Apple in that same period = 400
Portion of US factory workers who have college degrees - 1/4
Portion of university teaching positions that are filled by graduate
students or adjunct faculty = 3/4
Percentage of college professors teaching online courses who do not
believe students should receive credit for them = 72
Number of US states whose highest-paid public employee is a sports coach
= 37

Perhaps the word is getting out?
Slavin, Decatur GA