



The Program Planning Committee for the 2014 National Extension and
Research Administrative Officers' Conference (NERAOC) hosted by Purdue
April 27-30 in Indianapolis, IN will be meeting the week of July 15th.
Although Wanda's message below indicates that the topic submission
deadline is this Friday, I would welcome (REALLY!) your ideas for sessions
and/or presenters next week as well. If you could forward those
suggestions directly to me any time next week, I'll carry them forward to
the committee. A completed topic solicitation form is not necessary. I'll
follow up on any topics or presenters you suggest. Thanks in advance for
helping to assure an interesting and engaging conference in 2014. 





Donna Rothberg
Director of Human Resources
University of Arkansas - Division of Agriculture

Cooperative Extension Service

2301 South University Avenue

Little Rock, AR  72204-4940

[log in to unmask]
phone (501) 671-2336     

fax (501) 671-2251


Hello everyone,


The 2014 Program Planning Committee (PPC) is soliciting topics of interest
for the upcoming 2014 National Extension and Research Administrative
Officers' Conference (NERAOC) hosted by Purdue University, College of
Agriculture in Indianapolis, IN from April 27-30, 2014.


The conference provides State participants with the opportunity to share
information with their peers in budget, finance, grants management,
diversity, civil rights and human resources management.


If you would like to suggest a topic for an individual breakout session or
agenda item, please e-mail Brenda Barnett at [log in to unmask] or
Wanda Walker at [log in to unmask] and complete the form attached.
Your suggestions will be forwarded to the committee for consideration.


All topics should be submitted prior to Friday, July 5, 2013 in order to
be considered.  Please include a brief description with your submission in
addition to your name, telephone number and/or e-mail address, so we may
contact you for additional information.


Please feel free to contact Brenda at (202) 401-6520 or Wanda at (202)
401-5582 or via e-mail should you have any questions.



Wanda D. Walker

Wanda D. Walker

Senior Staff Accountant/Analyst

Office of Grants and Financial Management

National Institute of Food and Agriculture

U. S. Department of Agriculture

e-mail:  [log in to unmask]

phone:  (202) 401-5582  fax:  (202) 205-2886


NIFA Mission Statement

Leading Food and Agricultural Sciences to Create a Better Future for the
Nation and the World


OGFM Mission Statement


We, the Office of Grants and Financial Management (OGFM), administer
grants, cooperative agreements, and other federal financial assistance
with policy, funding, and oversight to support the National Institute of
Food and Agriculture in advancing food and agricultural sciences.


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