

*The deadline for submissions for the ALISE/The Eugene Garfield Doctoral
Dissertation Competition is June 30, 2013. ***

The Association for Library and Information Science Education (ALISE) is
now accepting proposals for its 2014 Doctoral Dissertation Award
Competition. Dissertations must deal with substantive issues related to
library and information science, but applicants may be from within or
outside LIS programs.

Up to two outstanding dissertations completed between December 15, 2011 and
June 30, 2013 will be selected. Each winner will receive $500, plus 2014
conference registration and personal membership in ALISE for 2014. Winners
of the Dissertation Competition will present a summary of their work at the
2014 ALISE annual meeting.

*Submission Requirements*

Your submission must include:

(1)  - A 200-word-abstract of the dissertation

(2)  - A copy of the dissertation completed between December 15, 2011 and
June 30, 2013

(3)  - Proof of university acceptance. We accept the following evidence as
proof of university acceptance: a university transcript facsimile, official
or unofficial, showing doctoral degree awarded or a letter from the advisor
indicating university acceptance within the timeframe.

Please note: You should merge multiple files to make a single PDF file for
submission. Please place “Proof of university acceptance” in the first page
of your PDF file.


The members of ALISE Eugene Garfield Doctoral Dissertation Award Committee
will judge the dissertations. In cases where the research or methodology
warrants it, additional assistance will be obtained from ALISE members
outside the committee. Dissertations will be judged according to the
following criteria:

   1. Significance of the research problem to the overall LIS field
   2. Presentation of the relevant literature
   3. Design of the study (i.e., appropriateness of methodology, selection
   of specific techniques and/or tests)
   4. Conduct of study (i.e., application of methods of data collection).
   5. Analysis and presentation of the data (i.e., quality of analysis,
   logic of findings)
   6. Appropriateness of conclusions
   7. Clarity and organization of the writing

*Submission Instructions: *

Submissions will be made through the Easy Chair system, at

Follow these steps:

1.     Log on the system (create an EasyChair account if you do not already
have one).

2.     Choose ALISE 2014 if you see other conferences in the list.

3.     If you are also a reviewer, please be sure to select "author" as
your role for your submission.

4.     Select "New Submission."

5.     Select the “Garfield Doctoral Dissertation Award” track and press

6.     Complete all the entries requested. Enter a title and provide
an abstract
for your submission.

7.     Upload your file (Proof of university acceptance and a copy of your
dissertation) and press "Submit."

8.     You will receive a confirmation email from the EasyChair system.

Soo Young Rieh, Chair of the Eugene Garfield Doctoral Dissertation Award

Associate Professor, School of Information, University of Michigan
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