From: UT News
Sent: Wednesday, May 22, 2013 8:52 AM
To: UT News
Subject: UT School Named to International Organization
May 22, 2013
UT School Named to International Organization
The University of Tennessee, Knoxville's, School of Information Sciences (SIS) has been a named as a member of the iSchools organization, an international group of colleges and universities dedicated to
advancing the understanding of the relationships between information, people and technology.
Fifteen of the top-ranked U.S. schools of information sciences, including UT, are represented among the list of 46 iSchools from around the world.
"Gaining the iSchool membership is external recognition of our school's outstanding record of attracting substantial sponsored research funding, engaging students to be future researchers and
leading edge professionals, as well as a having a commitment to innovative understanding of the information environment," said SIS Director Ed Cortez.
"We hope to contribute to the mission of the iSchool movement by continuing to seek new leadership markets for our graduates in all places where information happens," said Cortez. "As an iSchool,
we will continue to look for every opportunity to interject our skills and inform all aspects of society of the pivotal role that information professionals play in research and development, scholarship, exploration, discovery, enrichment and recreation."
The iSchools organization was founded in 2005 to promote an interdisciplinary approach to understanding the opportunities and challenges associated with information through innovative research
and teaching. iSchool members strive to lead in the information field as well as work together on shared challenges.
For more information on the UT School of Information Sciences, visit For more information on iSchools, visit
C O N T A C T :
Donna Silvey (865-974-6727,
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