Sorry.....the correct date for North Carolina's last CR review was 2007.

On Thu, May 16, 2013 at 7:19 PM, Leanne Fuller <[log in to unmask]> wrote:

Hope everyone is doing well – it was good to see all of you that attended the conference.


It was mentioned that the Southern Region had a list of audits that have been conducted over the years.  Can I get a copy of this list indicating the year the audit was conducted if someone has that information.


Thanks in advance, Leanne



Leanne Fuller

Human Resources Manager

Auburn University

College of Agriculture & AAES

110 Comer Hall

Auburn University, AL 36849

Email: [log in to unmask]

Phone: 334.844.3203



Sheri L. Schwab, J.D, M.Ed.
Associate Director of the NC Cooperative Extension Service
and Director of County Operations
NC State University
Offfice:  919.515.1381
Cell:  919.412.7255
[log in to unmask]

Extension provides practical education you can trust to help people, businesses, and communities solve problems, develop skills, and build a better future.

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