Ed Cortez, PhD

Director & Professor

School of Information Sciences

University of Tennessee, Knoxville

1345 Circle Park Drive, Suite 451

Knoxville, TN 37906



865 974-4867 (fax)

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From: Luther, Catherine A
Sent: Tuesday, April 09, 2013 11:23 AM
To: Haas, John W; Gross, Peter; Kupritz, Virginia W; Cortez, Ed
Subject: re: Info on Grad Student Conference Travel Funds for Summer


Hi Directors:


This is FYI .. I was at the Grad Council meeting where a GSS rep shared with us that because they have a sizeable balance in available funds to support conference travel, students may submit an application for conference travel again even though they have already been funded by GSS this past academic year. The deadline for submitting for summer (dates: April 15-August30) conference travel funding is April 15th. (See:


We normally expect students to show evidence that they have had a conference presentation accepted. In order to accommodate the April 15th deadline, however, I have informed our grad students that I will sign off on funding for a summer conference with a notation that the funding is “pending acceptance” of the paper. This will allow the students to make the GSS deadline. I also informed them that I will expect to hear back from them as to whether or not their paper was indeed accepted (with a copy of the acceptance note.)





Catherine A. Luther, PhD

Professor and Associate Dean

College of Communication and Information

University of Tennessee

302 Communications-UEB

Knoxville, TN 37996-0332

Phone: (865)974-6651