

The Dominican GSLIS students of the spring 2013 Digital Copyright class and Follett Chair Mary Minow wrote a petition to recast copyright law for the digital era. We need 150 signatures to make the petition show up to the public. We have only 30 days to get 100,000 signatures. Please consider signing it and asking others to do so.
Pretty quickly, if you can.
Recast copyright law for the digital era. It's time to regain public respect with laws that make sense.
The public disregards copyright law because it is out of sync with the digital age. We want the right to resell digital content (ebooks, etc.) that we've paid for. We need transparency in the marketplace to understand what rights we have.
Additionally, as responsible creators we need to be able to freely remix existing music and other forms of creative expression to create new works without undue fear of prosecution. This upholds the original Constitutional purpose of copyright, which is to promote progress.
This will nurture the process of innovation and the sharing of our culture. The language of the existing copyright law must be changed to accommodate the way information is being created and consumed in our digital world.
Get your free White House account (easy to do, honest) and sign the petition here:

Diane Foote
Assistant Dean
Dominican University GSLIS
7900 W. Division St.
River Forest, IL 60305