GRC: A reminder that we’re taking nominations to form an Executive Board of the GRC. Please submit your nominations to me ([log in to unmask]) by this Friday, 22 March. As mentioned below, you can nominate yourself! All the Best--- Matt From: <Gray>, Matt Gray <[log in to unmask]<mailto:[log in to unmask]>> Date: Thursday, March 7, 2013 4:55 PM To: Global Ranavirus Consortium <[log in to unmask]<mailto:[log in to unmask]>> Cc: Matt Gray <[log in to unmask]<mailto:[log in to unmask]>> Subject: Formation of GRC Executive Board Dear GRC: In discussion with other GRC scientists, we thought that it would be wise to form an Executive Board for the GRC to help organize global and continental initiatives and provide guidance for future hosts of the biennial ranavirus symposium. Initial tasks of the Board would be to: (1) Develop a charter and bylaws for the GRC, (2) Secure non-profit (501c) status in the USA so gifts can be received, (3) Establish continental discussion groups that annually report and share new research findings, and (4) Create a new website. Following the typical structure of many non-profit organizations, we are proposing the following initial positions on the Executive Board: (1) Director (2) Associate Director (3) Secretary/Treasurer (4) Five Continental Representatives (North America, South America, Europe, Asia, and Australia) As with most organizations, these positions will be filled by nomination and election. The first Board will be tasked with specifying in the bylaws position duration and function, and determining whether additional positions are needed. To jumpstart formation of the GRC Executive Board, I will take nominations for each the aforementioned positions through Friday, 22 March (please send to [log in to unmask]<mailto:[log in to unmask]>). Nominations can be self- submitted. After receiving at least one nomination per position, I will organize confidential voting via<>, with the intent of forming the Executive Board by 1 May 2013, which will provide the opportunity for the Board to meet during the symposium and begin conceiving and assigning tasks. We envision that formation of an Executive Board for the GRC will strengthen unity and collaborations among GRC scientists, permit the GRC to establish partnerships with conservation organizations, and provide a point of contact for the public, biologists and veterinarians that have questions about ranaviruses. Please consider serving the GRC as an Executive Board member. All the Best--- Matt ______________________________________________________________ Matthew J. Gray, Ph.D. Center for Wildlife Health University of Tennessee 274 Ellington Plant Sciences Building Knoxville, TN 37996-4563 865.974.2740 [ofc] [log in to unmask]<mailto:[log in to unmask]> 865.974.4714 [fax] For more information about Forestry, Wildlife and Fisheries at UTK, Please visit or call 865.974.7126 _____________________________________________________________