Dear GRC:
An update on planning for the 2013 International Symposium on Ranaviruses.
The Presentations Committee will be sending invitations for oral and poster presentations before Monday, 11 March, with a 1 April deadline for full abstract submission. Submission instructions will accompany
The Presentations Committee will be soliciting the GRC for discussion topics during several symposium break-out sessions.
The Fundraising Committee has secured about $10,000 USD to assist in covering travel expenses for speakers to the symposium, with several proposals (e.g., NSF, USDA) and requests to organizations pending.
Before 1 June, a representative of this committee will inform invited speakers if a travel grant can be provided, and if so, for how much. Similar to 2011, speakers will submit receipts to a fundraising committee contact for full or partial reimbursement.
Symposium and WDA websites are updated:
Field trips (ranavirus surveillance in box turtle and amphibian populations) have been set (see above websites) for 29 and 31 July. Each field trip is $30 USD and includes transportation and lunch.
Space is limited so we recommend signing up as soon as possible, which is done via the WDA Registration website (click “Registration” tab on the WDA Conference website above). All symposium attendees will be expected to register for at least one day ($125)
of the symposium.
Space at the Holiday Inn in Knoxville has been secured for the symposium (including poster session) and WDA conference. Room reservation at the conference hotel can be made via: Use “WDA” as the booking code when making a room reservation so that you receive the discounted rate ($109/night).
Future activities include: identifying break-out session topics and discussion facilitators, securing additional funds and beverage donations for the poster session/social, program and brochure development,
make symposium t-shirts (each presenter will receive one gratis), and website updates with final schedule.
If you’re interested in assisting with the remaining planning activities or are willing to help with activities during the symposium, please let me know.
We’re looking forward to interacting in July!
All the Best---
Matthew J. Gray, Ph.D.
Center for Wildlife Health
University of Tennessee
274 Ellington Plant Sciences Building
Knoxville, TN 37996-4563
865.974.2740 [ofc] [log in to unmask]
865.974.4714 [fax]
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