Dear PCOC Presenters, Attendees, and Friends,


They are finally here: Certificates and Proceedings. Please check the website,, home page toward the bottom. You can click to access both the Proceedings and the Certificate of Attendance—something to print and hang on your office wall.


Special call-out to Julie Grady, who designed the certificate and organized the Proceedings, and Missy LaVone for editing and posting both items to the website. It was a great effort. Good things are worth waiting for!


Side note: Our VP, Michael Fawley, is creating a big stir this year with excellent programming in an excellent venue (King College) with good food. Each event is like a mini-conference. The rhythm is the third Thursday of the month, barring the unexpected. We will be posting notices to the website and listserv.


Best wishes,




708.738.8178 cell