

Dear PCOC Presenters, Attendees, and Friends,


They are finally here: Certificates and Proceedings. Please check the
website,, home page toward the bottom. You can click to
access both the Proceedings and the Certificate of Attendance-something to
print and hang on your office wall.


Special call-out to Julie Grady, who designed the certificate and organized
the Proceedings, and Missy LaVone for editing and posting both items to the
website. It was a great effort. Good things are worth waiting for!


Side note: Our VP, Michael Fawley, is creating a big stir this year with
excellent programming in an excellent venue (King College) with good food.
Each event is like a mini-conference. The rhythm is the third Thursday of
the month, barring the unexpected. We will be posting notices to the website
and listserv.


Best wishes,




708.738.8178 cell