

Faculty and Students of the iSchool at the University of Wisconsin - Milwaukee will be in Ft. Worth, TX this week participating in the Annual iConference. 

iConference - 2013 
F t. Worth, TX 

Alternative Event -- Values Interventions: Ethics Scholarship in Action (#CNFAE3) 
Time: Wednesday, 13/Feb/2013: 1:30pm - 3:00pm 
Session Chair: Michael Zimmer , University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee Location: Pecos I 

Session Abstract 
The Internet has permeated the economic, political, cultural and social domains of global society and transformed the way in which we present and transmit knowledge. The infrastructure underlying the Internet continues to evolve, with ramifications for not only the technical protocols that govern the way the Internet functions, but also implications for social, economic, and legal issues. Internet protocols affect debates about intellectual property, privacy, security, and information access. What values (e.g. privacy, trust, security, equity, transparency, etc.) are embedded in our current Internet architecture, and what will be considered in the design of future Internet architectures? This panel describes an ongoing project to put ethics scholarship in action: a values intervention into the design of future Internet architectures. Panelists from the NSF-funded Future Internet Architecture Values in Design Council will speak about the effort to introduce social and ethical discussion into technical design practice, and the methods and challenges of such values interventions. 

Values Interventions: Ethics Scholarship in Action 
Michael Zimmer , Katie Shilton, Finn Brunton, Deirdre Mulligan 

Digital Librarianship (#CNFPR5) 
Time: Wednesday, 13/Feb/2013: 3:30pm - 5:00pm 
Session Chair: Dietmar Wolfram , University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee Location: Elm Fork I & II 


International Comparative Study Analyzing Knowledge Organization Research Topics in Four Countries - Brazil, South Korea, Spain and United States 
Jihee Beak1, Jeanette Glover1, Daniel Martínez-Ávila2, Suellen Oliveira Milani3 
1University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee, United States of America; 2Universidad Carlos III de Madrid, Spain; 3Sao Paulo State University, Marília, Brazil 

With the growing international population of scholars in Knowledge Organization (KO), international academic journals are a source of academic communication among researchers. Even with the inclusion of these journals in international databases, there are still limitations due to language, culture, and interpretation. The purpose of this study is to develop a comprehensive list of topics that comprise KO in these respective countries. This study is a content analysis of two KO journals from each country: Brazil, South Korea, Spain, and the United States. The journals are limited to the last five years of each journal, 2008 to 2012. Through the content analysis, this study contributes to increase communication among academics in KO. 

Real Talk: A Toolkit for Community Engagement, Transparency, and Mobile Governance 
Hale M. Thompson1, Jes A. Koepfler2, Katherine Sydenham3, Anthony Hoffman4 
1University of Illinois, Chicago, United States of America; 2University of Maryland, College Park, United States of America; 3University of Michigan, United States of America; 4University of Wisconsin, Milwaukee, United States of America 

The Real Talk toolkit is a design concept for community engagement, transparency, and mobile governance. It is inspired by the design imperative to close the gap between the way communities are experienced online and in the real world. The toolkit design, which includes vibrantly colored, bio-degradable stickers that can be applied to a physical environment, allows a community that is mobilized around an issue to make its concerns, local knowledge, or community pride visible both in the real world and online. Making this information visible enhances opportunities for engagement with local government and community stakeholders. 

The Usability Study on the Multicultural Children’s Book Project of the National Library for Children and Young Adults (NLCY) in Korea 
Wooseob Jeong, Renee Kapusniak, Hyejung Han 
University of Wisconsin - Milwaukee, United States of America 

In this study, usability issues at the multicultural children’s book project web site of the National Library for Children and Young Adults (NLCY) in Korea were identified, particularly for children users. Suggestions for improvements include brighter colors, bigger fonts and graphics, more lively animation and sound, easier navigation, consistent interface, summary availability, better organization of information and labeling, and multilingual searching and browsing function. A user study is being planned for future development. 

Ebooks and Cross Generational Perceived Privacy Issues 
Michael Zimmer, Jennifer Thiele, Renee Kapusniak 
University of Wisconsin Milwaukee, United States of America 

Privacy issues, as it pertains to e-book downloads, are not well understood by the general user. People are downloading library e-books at an increasing rate, and participants of different age groups could potentially have different frameworks when conceptualizing online privacy. A common perception is that the younger computer user is less informed or concerned with privacy issues than the older user. However, recent studies have been finding that this is not necessarily the case. The researchers in this study would like to examine these privacy cross-generation perceptions when it comes to e-Book reading histories, utilization of commercial bookstore websites as well as library websites. Of particular interest are library e-books, as libraries are held at a different standard than commercial entities when it comes to user privacy. A small pilot case study will interview e-book users of different age groups to determine how they view privacy when purchasing e-books or when checking them out from the library. 

Nonparametric Estimation of Search Query Patterns 
Soohyung Joo, Dietmar Wolfram, Suyong Song 
University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee, United States of America 

In this poster, we adopted nonparametric regression as a method to identify the unique distribution of query log data collected from the Excite search service in May 2001. In Informetrics, parametric modeling has been widely used in tracing term frequency data, such as Zipf’s law, Lotka’s law, or Bradford’s law. However, these traditional parametric methods have had limited application when detecting distributions for large datasets with a nonlinear pattern and a long tail. This study tested kernel regression as an alternative tool to model nonlinearity of term frequency patterns. The results indicated that the kernel regression produced an improved model fit compared to previous parametric approaches in modeling query patterns. 

Rebecca Hall 
Web Development & Marketing Coordinator 
UW-Milwaukee, School of Information Studies 
PO Box 413, Milwaukee, WI 53201 
Ph: 414.229.2855 | F: 414.229.6699