Prof. Anthony Cocciolo was the recipient of the Pratt-Severn Faculty Innovation Award 2013.  He is the first Pratt SILS faculty member to win this award.

Established in 1996, the $1,000 cash award (sponsored by Association of Library and Information Science Educators and by Pratt Institute School of Information and Library Science) is designed to identify innovation by full-time faculty members, or a group of full-time faculty members, in incorporating evolving information technologies in the curricula of accredited masters degree programs in library and information studies.  The award is named after David Severn, a 1968 Pratt SILS alumnus.  Anthony is receiving this award for his innovations in digital archives education.

He accepted the award at the ALISE Awards Reception, held Thursday, January 24, 2013 at the Seattle Public Library.  For more information on the award recipients, please visit


The American Library Association awarded German Traces NYC the 2013 Cutting-Edge Technology in Library Services Award

German Traces NYC is a collaboration between Goethe-Institut New York Library (Brigitte Doellgast) and Pratt Institute School of Information and Library Science (Profs. Anthony Cocciolo and Debbie Rabina). This mobile experience uses an augmented reality app to allow learners to explore German cultural heritage in New York City. After downloading the app, users can simply hold up their mobile phones and view archival photos layered on top of the images visible through the phone’s camera, and watch stories about specific historic sites. More than 19,000 people visited the website in the year since launch. 

For more information on the award, please visit  To try out German Traces NYC, please visit

Debbie Rabina, Ph.D,
Associate Professor
Pratt Institute, School of Information and Library Science
144 West 14th Street, 6th fl.
New York, NY, 10011-7301
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Un modere par habitude, un liberal par instinct. - Henri Bergson